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Need a sprinkler guy or plumber

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  • Need a sprinkler guy or plumber

    Okay lets see if there is a resident sprinkler or outside plumbing repair man.

    I had a HUGE water bill in a month we did not water. Now the wife suspects a broken sprinkler line on the backside of the property. Because there is standing water out there. She will not listen to reason that a sprinkler line will not cause a high water bill because it will only be leaking when the sprinklers are on and it can not be plumbing that far away from the house.

    SO I need some one to come out and take a look at the sprinkler system. I will possibly need someone to take a look at the rest of the plumbing to see if I am having usage when all the water using components are turned off.

    Let me know if you gotz da hook up.

    <-----sonic93 (from the other site)
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

  • #2
    Contact Junior... he is the man and will shoot ya straight. I will PM ya his cell phone number.


    • #3
      Thanks Tim. Junior came out and fixed a few heads for us last year also. I thought that I heard he was out of the business though. I will call him up. Thanks
      Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kbscobravert
        Thanks Tim. Junior came out and fixed a few heads for us last year also. I thought that I heard he was out of the business though. I will call him up. Thanks

        He can't do full on install jobs, or couldn't las I talked to him. I believe he and his partner had a falling out, and he was trying to get his own crew going, so was limited on what he could take on at the time. I do know, shortly after, he lost his full time gig. I don't know if he took the plunge to self employed full time, or what.
        Originally posted by BradM
        But, just like condoms and women's rights, I don't believe in them.
        Originally posted by Leah
        In other news: Brent's meat melts in your mouth.


        • #5
          Originally posted by kbscobravert
          Thanks Tim. Junior came out and fixed a few heads for us last year also. I thought that I heard he was out of the business though. I will call him up. Thanks
          He is doing small side jobs/repairs... Like Bcoop big installs.


          • #6
            You can turn all faucets off in the house, and then take a look at your meter to see if it is still moving. If so, ya gotta leak somewhere.


            • #7
              Well the neighbor told my wife that the water from the sprinkler main, through the pipes and up to the heads is presurized. If that is the case and given the soggy spot in the yard way away from the house, I have a broken line. lol.

              I am gonna call Junior tomorrow.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • #8
                if you do not have a master valve then yes all of your lines are always pressurized, if you have a master valve then no water pressure in system.

                shit i didnt know my son added a user name too.


                • #9
                  Lawn Jockey is here!!!!


                  • #10
                    Anyone work in Haslet
                    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                    • #11
                      Hey bro, im still doing little side jobs,
                      First - turn off all faucets anything that uses water, go to ur water meter and see if its still spining (little triangle) if it is its prolly ur irrigation.

                      Step two
                      Go to ur water meter and look for your double check valve, it should be inside a green box pretty close to your water meter. Turn one or both of the handles off and see if the little triangle quits moving, if it does leave off to dry, mark the spot u think is soggy for repair, i will be out for the next 3 weeks but if u can wait i can handle it when im back, because the double check will be off ur lawn should dry and bill go down.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by junior View Post
                        Hey bro, im still doing little side jobs,
                        First - turn off all faucets anything that uses water, go to ur water meter and see if its still spining (little triangle) if it is its prolly ur irrigation.

                        Step two
                        Go to ur water meter and look for your double check valve, it should be inside a green box pretty close to your water meter. Turn one or both of the handles off and see if the little triangle quits moving, if it does leave off to dry, mark the spot u think is soggy for repair, i will be out for the next 3 weeks but if u can wait i can handle it when im back, because the double check will be off ur lawn should dry and bill go down.
                        Thanks man. I will see if she can wait 3 weeks. I think we can it is the damn winter anyways.

                        Our neighbor came over and they went through the usage on the meters. They both strongly feel it is the sprinkler. There was a large rectangle spot of standing water in the yard so she is gonna mark it off.

                        Glad to see you made the switch over, lol. I will PM you wil what she says.
                        Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                        • #13
                          your sprinkler system should have actuators that open up and alow the water to flow to the back yard. Now if you are not using the system then the water should no flow to the back yard. Most people put 2 or more actuators. I have 2 on my system and had a bad leak in the front of my house that turned out to be on the city's side. You should be able to tell by your water meter also if you are using water while everything is turned off. Those things are very sensitive and the slightest leak with register. Check that out too.
                          03 Dark Shadow Grey Mach1

                          "SLOW STREET CAR"


                          • #14
                            Oh we have a leak alright. With the sprinkler main shut off the house is using around 50gls a day. No where near what last months usage was.

                            The yard guys finally got out here and mowed yesterday. Huge mess. Every time the dogs go out they need a bath when they get back to the house. Shitheads hate the rain but have no problem with MUD.

                            Last edited by KBScobravert; 11-20-2010, 12:43 AM.
                            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


                            • #15
                              well we had someone out yesterday and they checked everything. No leaks in our sprinkler. I am not buying it since we have the sprinkler main shut off our meter and usage are in check. I am trying to get another sprinkler company out today to look at it for a second opinion. Meanwhile my neighbor has the water company coming out to check things out.

                              Not happy but shit happens
                              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.

