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Radiant Gas Heater ???

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  • Radiant Gas Heater ???

    We have a radiant gas heater in the back of our shop that won't stay lit.

    When you turn it on: You can hear it spark and it lights, but the igniter doesn't shut off. After 20 seconds, it shuts off(gas and igniter).

    My assumption is that it is not getting the signal that it is lit and the control module is shutting off, so it doesn't fill the building with gas. We have tried moving the temperature probe to see if it's position makes a difference - nothing seems to matter.

    The guy that owns the building sent some HVAC guys out who just said "it's old, you should replace it with a few electric heaters". And most recently sent someone else over that thought it was the electrode(looks like a long spark plug. They pulled the electrode and tried to find a replacement. Then when they couldn't , they siliconed the original which actually made it work... for 2 days. Now it is back to the 20 seconds then shut off.

    The spark ignition module is a Honeywell S825C. I think this module controls the gas valve too. I can't find a model# on any of the other components.

    Does anybody have any ideas on what to try next? Or does anybody have a good source for replacement parts?

    Thanks in advance.

  • #2
    yep sounds like a thermal couple bad. not sending voltage back to the board and kicking the gas valve off. Of course without physically seeing it in person I could be totally wrong, but usually on gas heaters its either a bad ignitor, flame sensor, T couple, or rollout switch causing them not to work properly.
    81 LX
    82 GT

