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  • Fringe

    Next week is the final episode. I've been watching it since the beginning. Anybody else been watching?

  • #2
    I have, but not lately. I need to catch up on it.


    • #3
      I love the show, but I don't get the chance to watch it like I want. I'll probably stream all the shows when Jenn goes to Nola for a week.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Snatch Napkin View Post
        I love the show, but I don't get the chance to watch it like I want. I'll probably stream all the shows when Jenn goes to Nola for a week.
        That's always the best way, especially with shows that have episodes referencing events in previous episodes or seasons. You could almost get away with skipping Season 4, except that it looks like the final episode is going to involve elements from it.

        I just enjoy the "out there" nature of the shows. As an X-Files fan, I enjoyed the references and easter eggs they would leave in early episodes. Nods as simple as the X-Files playing on a TV in a room that somebody passes through. Or having a "Dr. Spock" book on the shelf in William Bell's (Leanord Nimoy) office. Trying to find the Observer in the episodes was like a Where's Waldo type thing. Little stuff that made it fun.

        I think the shows have generally all been well written and the acting has always impressed me. I'm going to hate to see it go.


        • #5
          While im Glad they are ending it with an Actual ending.. it SUCKS that they are ending it
          2016 250 Mini dozer

          No matter how fast light travels it finds the darkness has always got there first, and is waiting for it.


          • #6
            I thought they said 3 more episodes before last nights aired so there are 2 more episodes right?

            The show has been greatness! I will miss it.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Lason View Post
              I thought they said 3 more episodes before last nights aired so there are 2 more episodes right?

              The show has been greatness! I will miss it.
              Next week is the last episode, but it's going to be a 2 hour juggernaut.


              • #8
                Series finale? I kept up until the whole multidimensional plot and the alternate Peter storyline. I haven't watched it since then.
                Originally posted by talisman
                I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                Originally posted by AdamLX
                If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                Because fuck you, that's why
                Originally posted by 80coupe
                nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                Originally posted by Rick Modena
                ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                Originally posted by Jester
                Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                • #9
                  Long post which likely includes spoilers but gives a full series summary.

                  Season 1*introduces the Fringe Division as they investigate cases that form "the Pattern", many of which orchestrated by an international network of rogue scientists known as ZFT (Zerstörung durch Fortschritte der Technologie, or in English, Destruction through Advancement of Technology), led by*David Robert Jones, who are preparing for a*doomsday event. The ZFT threat appears to end when Peter kills Jones as he attempts travel to a parallel universe.

                  Olivia comes to learn she was a child test subject for Walter years ago for a*nootropic*drug, Cortexiphan, giving her weak*psionic*abilities. Walter also struggles with adjusting to normal life in Peter's care after living seventeen years in a mental institution while hiding the fact that Peter is from the parallel universe, "his" Peter having died as a child.

                  In*Season 2, the occurrences are found to be in conjunction with activities of a parallel universe, which is plagued by*singularities*occurring at weakened points of the fabric between worlds; over there, scientists have developed an*amber-like substance that isolates these singularities as well as any innocent people caught in the area on its release. The Fringe team deals with more cases that are leading to a "great storm" as the parallel universe appears to be at war with the prime one, engineered by human-machine hybridshapeshifters*from the parallel universe. Walter is forced to tell Peter that he is from the parallel universe, a replacement for his own Peter that died from a genetic disease. Walter had crossed over on the frozen ice of Reiden Lake in 1985 to administer the cure for the alternate version of Peter, but, after destroying a dose of the cure upon transport, he instead brought the boy across; on return, they fell through the ice but were saved by the Observer September, who reminded Walter of the importance of Peter. Walter's crossing is what caused the singularities in the parallel universe, with Reiden Lake at their epicenter.

                  Season 3*presents episodes that alternate between the two universes. "Walternate", Walter'sdoppelgänger*in the parallel universe, is the*U.S. Secretary of Defense*and has set events in motion to assemble a*doomsday device*that reacts only to Peter's biology. *He also sent his Olivia, "Fauxlivia", to the prime universe, in Olivia's place, to engage the Fringe Division and assemble the prime universe's version of the device, while he studies Olivia's Cortexiphan-induced powers. By happenstance, Fauxlivia becomes pregnant with Peter's child, Henry, before being outed and extracted to the parallel universe. Walternate orchestrated acceleration of the pregnancy to gain a sample of the baby's blood, which he uses to activate the machine. Peter, with Olivia's help, enters the prime version of the machine, and experiences a vision of the future where the parallel universe has been destroyed and the same fate threatens the prime one. Recovering in the present, Peter alters his plan and uses the machine to merge the two rooms, creating abridge*where inhabitants of both universes can solve their dilemma, before disappearing and being forgotten by both Walters and Olivias.

                  Season 4*begins in an*alternate timeline, one in which September had failed to save the alternate version of Peter in 1985, according to the Observers. *This creates a*butterfly effectinfluencing the main characters' pasts but otherwise stabilizing both universes due to the creation of the bridge. Peter is pulled into this new timeline due to the actions of the alternate timeline's Fringe team, which includes*Lincoln Lee. Peter initially works to return to his own timeline, fueled by fears that his memories are altering Cortexiphan-dosed Olivia's of this timeline, but after encountering a wounded September, Peter comes to learn that this timeline is truly his home, and both he and Olivia come to accept the change, rekindling their affair. September also reveals to Peter that the Observers needed to erase Peter's son, Henry, to assure their future will be created, though noting that Peter's future child with Olivia will be important. Meanwhile, in the present, William Bell has instructed David Robert Jones, alive in this timeline, to work with the parallel universe's version of Nina Sharp to synchronize the two universes together, aiming to collapse them both and pave the way for a third universe under Bell's control, using Olivia's Cortexiphan powers to enable the collapse. The Fringe division is forced to close the dimensional bridge, but this fails to stop Bell's plan. Walter is left with one choice, to shoot and kill Olivia, her death disrupting the process and saving the world. September appears to Walter and warns that "they are coming", alluding to a dystopian future of*2036*depicted in the episode "Letters of Transit", where Observers from the far future, having ruined Earth for themselves, time-traveled to 2015 and instituted "The Purge", wiped out much of humanity, subjected the survivors to their control, and began modifying the planet's environment to be more suitable for themselves.

                  The*fifth and final season*continues from the2036*of "Letters of Transit"; the Fringe team was able to seal themselves in amber to avoid capture shortly after the Purge, but are re-united in the future due to actions of Peter and Olivia's now-adult daughter, Henrietta (Etta). Walter, after the restoration of pieces of brain he had purposely removed years before, reveals that he and September had developed a plan to defeat the Observers before he was trapped in amber, but after briefly being taken and tortured by the lead Observer, Captain Windmark, that plan has been lost in his mind. The Fringe team recounts that Walter documented everything, and they find a series of tapes, ambered within Walter's old lab, that instructs the viewer to collect components to complete the plan, including a young Observer child, "Michael". Etta is killed by the Observers during an ambush, creating a martyr figure for the resistance while leading Peter to lethally remove a device implanted in an Observer's spine and insert it in himself as to become like the Observers himself. Peter uses the precognitive abilities of the implant to plot against Captain Windmark, while Olivia fears that she may be losing Peter again, and convinces him to remove it. Walter realizes that with his brain restored he is becoming the more sinister version of himself, and seeks a way to prevent this persona from emerging. Michael is able to communicate with Walter, and reveals that Donald is the Observer September. They locate September, stripped of his Observer powers, who tells him that by sending Michael to 2167 using the elements of the plan, they will be able to stop an experiment in human development that would ultimately give rise to the Observers in the first place.


                  • #10
                    Possible WW:

                    Last edited by diablo rojo; 12-07-2015, 01:40 PM.


                    • #11
                      ^^^ Winner!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by talisman
                        I wonder if there will be a new character that specializes in bjj and passive agressive comebacks?
                        Originally posted by AdamLX
                        If there was, I wouldn't pick it because it would probably just keep leaving the game and then coming back like nothing happened.
                        Originally posted by Broncojohnny
                        Because fuck you, that's why
                        Originally posted by 80coupe
                        nice dick, Idrivea4banger
                        Originally posted by Rick Modena
                        ......and idrivea4banger is a real person.
                        Originally posted by Jester
                        Man ive always wanted to smoke a bowl with you. Just seem like a cool cat.


                        • #13
                          It was good at first, got weird for a bit, then got good again. I am interested to see where they go with this last episode since there is a lot to cover!


                          • #14
                            I have been watching it since the beginning. Though at first it was pretty weird. Hope the ending is good.


                            • #15
                              Watched it for a good while and they sorta lost me

