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Vasectomy doc recommendations?

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  • Vasectomy doc recommendations?

    I know a few guys here have had it done. Any recommendations on where to go or docs to see?
    07 f250-family truckster
    08 Denali -baby hauler
    52 f1-rust bucket
    05 Jeep tj. Buggy
    livin the double-wide dream

  • #2

    I had mine done here in October 2017. No needle for anesthesia, no scalpel for the procedure. You're left with two very small puncture wounds that disappear in no time. It's not painless but it's nothing terrible. I was in more pain a few days after (it got worse before it got better) than I was during the procedure. I was pleasantly surprised at the price, too.

    I highly recommend getting the valium they prescribe to calm your nerves. I called to schedule mine and they had an opening the very next morning so I didn't have time to get the Valium. When you're nervous as fuck, your sack shrivels and it's a bit tougher on the doc, LOL.

    I recommended a close friend to this place a few months ago and he had nothing but positive reviews as well. He got the Valium.

    Watch the video and read the "more information about vasectomies" page on their site. I looked at a bunch of different sites and read a lot of reviews before choosing this guy.

    There's also a really long thread on the topic if you care to read it.
    Last edited by TX_92_Notch; 03-01-2019, 04:06 PM.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post

      I had mine done here in October 2017. No needle for anesthesia, no scalpel for the procedure. You're left with two very small puncture wounds that disappear in no time. It's not painless but it's nothing terrible. I was in more pain a few days after (it got worse before it got better) than I was during the procedure. I was pleasantly surprised at the price, too.

      I highly recommend getting the valium they prescribe to calm your nerves. I called to schedule mine and they had an opening the very next morning so I didn't have time to get the Valium. When you're nervous as fuck, your sack shrivels and it's a bit tougher on the doc, LOL.

      I recommended a close friend to this place a few months ago and he had nothing but positive reviews as well. He got the Valium.

      Watch the video and read the "more information about vasectomies" page on their site. I looked at a bunch of different sites and read a lot of reviews before choosing this guy.

      There's also a really long thread on the topic if you care to read it.
      I still haven't got mine done, looked at the link you posted and seems like the way to go, but I don't know man for some reason when he talked about the open vas "leaking" sperm inside your sack I got a little nauseous. lol


      • #4
        Yeah, that grossed me out at first but it makes sense. I can tell you that nothing changes from a 'results' standpoint, if you read me. Production is the same, the batter just doesn't have baby juice in it now.


        • #5
          I've got a knife, a soldering iron and whiskey. I'll do it cheaper than anyone else.


          • #6
            Being made to fire blanks is the most freeing thing I've ever done. The few days of sore scrote and increased sensitivity of your boys for a lil while is well worth the long term trade off.


            • #7
              Best decision I've ever made... North Dallas Urology: Rogenes Vince J MD is who did mine. No scalpel but that first shot to numb it sure as fuck hurt. The only recommendation I have is have a couple of stiff drinks first, you'll be very nervous. I put headphones in and listened to music and told him to tap me on the shoulder when finished.

              They say not to try to get up or walk for like 10-15 minutes after he's done... they MEAN it. Whatever that shot is they give you to numb the area will make you feel like your body is drunk but your mind is clear.

              I drove myself there and home, and had fun the next day with the wife but was very careful. You will have to empty the magazine over the course of the next 30 days, cutting the cord doesn't empty the ammo, just the supply chain.
              Originally posted by stevo
              Not a good idea to go Tim 'The Toolman' Taylor on the power phallus.



              • #8
                Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
                Best decision I've ever made... North Dallas Urology: Rogenes Vince J MD is who did mine. No scalpel but that first shot to numb it sure as fuck hurt. The only recommendation I have is have a couple of stiff drinks first, you'll be very nervous. I put headphones in and listened to music and told him to tap me on the shoulder when finished.

                They say not to try to get up or walk for like 10-15 minutes after he's done... they MEAN it. Whatever that shot is they give you to numb the area will make you feel like your body is drunk but your mind is clear.

                I drove myself there and home, and had fun the next day with the wife but was very careful. You will have to empty the magazine over the course of the next 30 days, cutting the cord doesn't empty the ammo, just the supply chain.
                Screw a shot in the nuts. Find someone that does no needle!

                And beware, the first load or two after could still contain baby batter. You want to continue being cautious until you do a follow up test to be sure you're sterile. The clinic I used recommended a test from Amazon - all done by mail - you never even leave the house. Nut in a cup, mail it off and they tell you whether you're good to go or not.


                • #9
                  Dr Pinkstaff, but probably to far sounth for you. Take the meds before hand. I took mine and in less than 30min I felt waaay drunk. I remember laying on the table and putting the warm pack on my nuts, the doc showing me the part he cut out and walking out. Recovery was took longer than expected but I was on vacation. The meds I took before hand took a bit longer to wear off and caused me to pass out midpiss twice, first time I landed on the bathroom floor second time wife caught me.

                  Doc had the procedure done on himself and suggested tight undies and no physical activity, and I heard more than a few horror stories from guys banging it out the same night and ending up with black balls to bouncing in a john boat and having sore balls. I listened to the doc. They offer and recommend bringing in 2 samples after 2 months to check your boys for free. Good luck


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by cool cat View Post
                    I've got a knife, a soldering iron and whiskey. I'll do it cheaper than anyone else.
                    Bastard you beat me to it.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by 4EyedTurd View Post
                      Dr Pinkstaff,
                      I want to make a joke, but I'll refrain.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post
                        I want to make a joke, but I'll refrain.
                        I'm right there with ya man.


                        • #13
                          I used Dr. Wade Lowry in Bedford. He’s old school, used a little bit of lidocaine and made a very small incision that was sealed up with two dissolvable stitches. I didn’t take Valium or anything, and drove myself home. Worked from the house the next day, used frozen peas for a couple days as needed.

                          Don’t worry about the shot for numbing, scrotum skin isn’t that sensitive. It was pretty painless, I couldn’t feel the needle when he numbed me. He told me what he was doing as he did both sides. Recovery took longer than I figured it would, I had a deep sore feeling in my lower abdomen for about two weeks (I’ve had friends who said it lasted longer for them) as everything re-settled.

                          The thing from the procedure that always stuck with me was watching the smoke rising into the air as he cauterized the vas.The most uncomfortable part of the whole deal afterwards was really the stitches, my boxer briefs would rub the stitches/incision constantly and it irritated the ever loving shit out of me. Aside from that, if you think you might get super anxious, I’d take some Valium/Xanax/down a couple margaritas beforehand. I’ll admit that I was doing some breathing control exercises in the room waiting for the doc to come in.
                          Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                          I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                          Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                          Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                          dont downshift!!
                          Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post

                            I had mine done here in October 2017. No needle for anesthesia, no scalpel for the procedure. You're left with two very small puncture wounds that disappear in no time. It's not painless but it's nothing terrible. I was in more pain a few days after (it got worse before it got better) than I was during the procedure. I was pleasantly surprised at the price, too.

                            I highly recommend getting the valium they prescribe to calm your nerves. I called to schedule mine and they had an opening the very next morning so I didn't have time to get the Valium. When you're nervous as fuck, your sack shrivels and it's a bit tougher on the doc, LOL.

                            I recommended a close friend to this place a few months ago and he had nothing but positive reviews as well. He got the Valium.

                            Watch the video and read the "more information about vasectomies" page on their site. I looked at a bunch of different sites and read a lot of reviews before choosing this guy.

                            There's also a really long thread on the topic if you care to read it.

                            x2 on this recommendation.

                            I had mine done there last September. It was a bit of a drive from Mansfield but several people had recommended them, and they were able to schedule it exactly when I needed.


                            • #15
                              Just put it in her butt.

