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Motivation /Tracking Thread

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  • The wife did her first 13.1 a few months back. Its a huge deal and she loves running and cant fathom a whole 26.2.


    • So cant wait till the begining of the year. Hopeing my chest does not give me problems on the bench. Will be putting in more cardio then ever. Old lady want to do runs so gotta get in good running shape.


      • I'm down 9.6lbs over the last 4 weeks, and on track to break 210lbs by the end of December, so long as Christmas treats don't get too much in the way. I haven't been that light in years, hell I haven't been under 220lbs in probably 5 years.

        To hell with new year's resolutions, right now I am all about this years conclusion.


        • Long run yesterday and said fuck it, I will shoot for that 13.1.
          Pleased with the results. I have a couple of 5ks, a 10k, and a 15K I am already registered for in the next couple of months then onto focusing on my half in March. Will start hitting two long runs a week with alternating two a day runs and focus more on core strengthening and nutrition. Would like to be mid to low 8:00 pace by March.


          • What app is that chopped?


            • Originally posted by mustang_revival View Post
              What app is that chopped?
              It is the app for my watch, TomTom Runner


              • 270 today. Down 15lbs.
                ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                • Originally posted by YALE View Post
                  270 today. Down 15lbs.
                  3-4lbs a week is pretty damn good! Keep it up, but be careful when it's time to reintroduce those carbs, your body will soak 'em up like a sponge.


                  • Originally posted by Big A View Post
                    3-4lbs a week is pretty damn good! Keep it up, but be careful when it's time to reintroduce those carbs, your body will soak 'em up like a sponge.
                    Thanks man!
                    ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                    • I just finished this amazing 21-day fat-burning cleanse, this is the one that the stars are raving about, click the link below for details!




                      • Hit 205 on the scale this morning, which puts me at 27 lbs lost since I started the Shaun T workouts a few months ago. Pounds are coming off very slowly the last few weeks, but I feel very good about my progress. I'm at 14-15% body fat and want to lose another 5 lbs or so but I'm happy just maintaining. Still working out 6 days a week and eating healthy.
                        Originally posted by davbrucas
                        I want to like Slow99 since people I know say he's a good guy, but just about everything he posts is condescending and passive aggressive.

                        Most people I talk to have nothing but good things to say about you, but you sure come across as a condescending prick. Do you have an inferiority complex you've attempted to overcome through overachievement? Or were you fondled as a child?

                        You and slow99 should date. You both have passive aggressiveness down pat.


                        • Nice!
                          ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                          • Sitting back at 230 according to scale tonight. Still small, but attempting to cut down a bit more without losing too much size. Been doing HIIT on the stair master and slow and steadily losing. Shoulders are still a work in progress, but Lats are staring to wing out a bit. Legs are decent, need to build my right calf to mirror my left, since it is well built from years of heavy clutches. Still need to add more mass in my chest to finish losing the bitch Overall I feel great, but still not where I want to be. February brings on the 3 year mark and I am still kicking ass without any short cuts and being natural.

                            Any advice on areas that I need to work on, feel free to fire away.
                            2019 ram toys currently


                            • Originally posted by slow99 View Post
                              Hit 205 on the scale this morning, which puts me at 27 lbs lost since I started the Shaun T workouts a few months ago. Pounds are coming off very slowly the last few weeks, but I feel very good about my progress. I'm at 14-15% body fat and want to lose another 5 lbs or so but I'm happy just maintaining. Still working out 6 days a week and eating healthy.
                              Originally posted by R1psycho View Post

                              Sitting back at 230 according to scale tonight. Still small, but attempting to cut down a bit more without losing too much size. Been doing HIIT on the stair master and slow and steadily losing. Shoulders are still a work in progress, but Lats are staring to wing out a bit. Legs are decent, need to build my right calf to mirror my left, since it is well built from years of heavy clutches. Still need to add more mass in my chest to finish losing the bitch Overall I feel great, but still not where I want to be. February brings on the 3 year mark and I am still kicking ass without any short cuts and being natural.

                              Any advice on areas that I need to work on, feel free to fire away.
                              Good stuff, My total is around 35lbs since the beginning of the year (first pics), 15 of it in the last 5 weeks. The first 20 came off over time simply by cutting the junk food, processed sugar being the #1 offender, and continuing strength training as usual. I was stuck at around 230lbs myself for several months, until I got serious, added cardio, and tweaked the diet even more.

                              I did start taking clen and T3 as I had alluded to before, and my experience thus far is that it works about the same as a strong ECA stack, without the cracked out feeling. It's no miracle combo or anything, and progress is still completely dependent upon diet and exercise. In the beginning I took a week off when my friend and family were here from Texas, and I didn't lose a pound because we didn't workout, and I ate like on vacation. The biggest benefit for me is the appetite suppression, and extra motivation of knowing that I'm on a very specific time-table

                              My advice to you R1, is to fully commit to the fact that replacing fat with muscle is a loooooong process, and understand that progress is measured in months and years, especially if you're doing it naturally. If you want faster results in one direction (fat loss) or the other (muscle hypertrophy), it will be at the cost of progress with the other goal. There have been countless times where I have been thrown off a diet because I was getting "too weak" in my mind, or stopped a bulk because I wanted to get lean again. Commit to your goals, have patience, and know that slow progress is the best kind. You'll come out the other end with a much healthier outlook on life, and 100x less likely to slip back into the old habits that got you unhealthy.


                              • Half marathon is this weekend, if I can do it in under two hours I will be happy.
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                What's your beef with NPR, because their listeners are typically more informed than others?
                                Originally posted by racrguy
                                Voting is a constitutional right, overthrowing the government isn't.

