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Borderlands 2

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  • This game is boring the fuck out of me now, even with the new DLC. Back to League of Legends I go.


    • I haven't bought it yet because I just finished with the first one. I'll wait several months when the hype dies down and I have a better vid card. Mine's on the teetering edge of being too dated.


      • Originally posted by Ratt View Post
        This game is boring the fuck out of me now, even with the new DLC. Back to League of Legends I go.
        Blasphemy! There are 5 different characters to play as each with unique skills and playstyles, how can you have covered them all so far? Maybe you just aren't a fan I suppose. I can see myself playin gthis game for a long time.
        Originally posted by Nash B.
        Damn, man. Sorry to hear that. If it'll cheer you up, Geor swallows. And even if it doesn't cheer you up, it cheers him up.


        • Originally posted by Wicked98Snake View Post
          Blasphemy! There are 5 different characters to play as each with unique skills and playstyles, how can you have covered them all so far? Maybe you just aren't a fan I suppose. I can see myself playin gthis game for a long time.
          I played the first one more than you would care to know. I enjoyed it. This one is the same thing, with different characters. It's a good game, I'm just bored with it.


          • Originally posted by Ratt View Post
            I played the first one more than you would care to know. I enjoyed it. This one is the same thing, with different characters. It's a good game, I'm just bored with it.
            I just reinstalled it.. hit me up mang.

