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Not really a FTP, but...

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  • Not really a FTP, but...

    I've seen this phenomenon in The Colony and Carrollton where the Police pull someone over and do the stop on a major thoroughfare. I really love it when they do this during rush hour traffic.

    Last night a TC cop had some pulled over literally 20ft from an entrance into a parking lot. This makes no sense. Its dangerous to the general public, the idiot that pulled over and the police officer. Don't officers have a loud speaker on their vehicle to tell the person to pull onto the next residential street or parking lot? Is this just a power play for the Office to stroke his ego, Is it department procedure, I just don't get it?

  • #2
    bro everyone is so scared to die in any encounter with the police.

    you better just stop, drop and close down shop when those lights come on. do not give these cats any idea you are a perpetrator.


    • #3

      Doesn't get stopped by police


      • #4
        I don't get stopped, they just like to stop others and block my way....

        also.....they cant catch my Camry, shiiiiiit.....


        • #5
          I've never stopped on a major roadway. I always pull into the next available parking lot, small side street, etc for both my safety and the officer's.

          Like you, I also curse the dumbfucks that stop in the right lane on a busy street. You can't blame the cop though - he doesn't control where the driver pulls over.


          • #6
            Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post
            I've never stopped on a major roadway. I always pull into the next available parking lot, small side street, etc for both my safety and the officer's.

            Like you, I also curse the dumbfucks that stop in the right lane on a busy street. You can't blame the cop though - he doesn't control where the driver pulls over.
            In Houston the other day a Cop had someone pulled over in the left turn lane, first car in line at a busy intersection. It's possible the car was broken down, but the driver was sitting in the car with his window down. The officer was sitting in his car, looked like he was writing a ticket.


            • #7
              Originally posted by TX_92_Notch View Post
              I've never stopped on a major roadway. I always pull into the next available parking lot, small side street, etc for both my safety and the officer's.

              Like you, I also curse the dumbfucks that stop in the right lane on a busy street. You can't blame the cop though - he doesn't control where the driver pulls over.
              My thought is he should direct the person to a safe spot (parking lot, residential street). It seems absurd to endanger and annoy so many people.


              • #8
                I was in the far left lane of a 4 lane interstate. A State patrol got behind me and flipped on his lights. I carefully moved my way over to the far right shoulder well off the road. It took me about 1/2 a mile to accomplish this. Officer came up to the window pissed wondering why it took me so long to stop. When you do try and do the safe and smart thing they will get upset.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by cyclonescott View Post
                  I was in the far left lane of a 4 lane interstate. A State patrol got behind me and flipped on his lights. I carefully moved my way over to the far right shoulder well off the road. It took me about 1/2 a mile to accomplish this. Officer came up to the window pissed wondering why it took me so long to stop. When you do try and do the safe and smart thing they will get upset.
                  I never stop on a hwy. I click on my hazards to let them know I acknowledge them. I'll pull over into a business ( if I can ) and try to make it to where they can block me in.


                  • #10
                    I've noticed that too.

                    The thing that kills me is the bright lights.
                    In burleson, there are a lot of Tahoe cops. There are SUPER BRIGHT lights (strobes) in the running boards, the pillars on the side between the front and back window, tail light strobes ETC. Probably 15-20 strobe lights. I get its all about "officer safety", but damn blinding approaching vehicles is creating a serious hazard.
                    DE OPPRESSO LIBER


                    • #11
                      People just fucking stop in the middle of the road sometimes. Depending on the situation I will get out and tell them to pull off to the other shoulder or parking lot. I don't generally run traffic in rush hour because honestly it annoys me too when I see a huge back up because of a squad. I try not to tell people on the PA as it freaks them the fuck out sometimes. At night I try to trim my lights down to level one after they pull over so I don't blind oncoming traffic or draw in the drunks. Apparently they are attracted to red lights.
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                        People just fucking stop in the middle of the road sometimes. Depending on the situation I will get out and tell them to pull off to the other shoulder or parking lot. I don't generally run traffic in rush hour because honestly it annoys me too when I see a huge back up because of a squad. I try not to tell people on the PA as it freaks them the fuck out sometimes. At night I try to trim my lights down to level one after they pull over so I don't blind oncoming traffic or draw in the drunks. Apparently they are attracted to red lights.
                        They purdy.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                          People just fucking stop in the middle of the road sometimes.
                          This... I have had them stop in the center median, center lane, entrance to parking lots, and my all time favorite... the drive thru window for Dairy Queen.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Goodfellas View Post
                            This... I have had them stop in the center median, center lane, entrance to parking lots, and my all time favorite... the drive thru window for Dairy Queen.
                            Did they bribe you with a Blizzard?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Goodfellas View Post
                              This... I have had them stop in the center median, center lane, entrance to parking lots, and my all time favorite... the drive thru window for Dairy Queen.
                              Had a buddy get pulled over while in the Jack-in-the-box drive thru. They arrested him, but still let me take him his lunch. Hah!

