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Make Money with North Star Dragway

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  • Make Money with North Star Dragway

    Beginning today, NSD is starting our "Design Your Dream Race" contest. All you have to do is come up with a race idea (bracket race, heads-up, nostalgia, car club, grudge, etc) and submit it to the track with any pertinent information (payouts, marketing ideas, prices etc). The race must be able to run this year and on a Sunday. If we like your idea, you could m...ake up to 25% of the profits from your race. Submit your race plans to

    We are also still taking resumes for outside sales reps for NSD. This is a commission based position, and can be worked full or part time, and from your home. For more info or to apply, send questions/resume to

  • #2
    Wow, thats awesome!
    Interested in being a VIP member and donating to the site? Click here


    • #3
      Old School VS. New school:

      Sort of run like pinks, everyone runs all out, pick an average time and then:

      Modern new Mustang vs Old 60s mustang, etc

      same with vettes, camaros, trucks, mopar

      grudge racing new chevy vs new ford and old chevy vs old ford

      eliminations until 2 are left, winner of 3 races takes it all!


      • #4
        All you have to do is come up with a race idea (bracket race, heads-up, nostalgia, car club, grudge, etc) and submit it to the track with any pertinent information (payouts, marketing ideas, prices etc).

