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it happened.

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  • it happened.

    i hit 300 i really need to start eating better, and does anyone near NRH want a workout partner? im on ALOT of meds and that is 95%why ive gained the weight, but if im gunna be stout guy i cant rely on my height making up the difference. im saying that my gut sticks out too much and i dont have the stamina i used to on physical tasks. anyway, im finally willing to put myself out to criticism and get on the right track. i really doubt i can lose any weight, but i now i can get alot more healthy.

  • #2
    Cut alcohol.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Damnittsteve View Post
      i hit 300 i really need to start eating better, and does anyone near NRH want a workout partner? im on ALOT of meds and that is 95%why ive gained the weight, but if im gunna be stout guy i cant rely on my height making up the difference. im saying that my gut sticks out too much and i dont have the stamina i used to on physical tasks. anyway, im finally willing to put myself out to criticism and get on the right track. i really doubt i can lose any weight, but i now i can get alot more healthy.
      If I can do it, you can too bro. It's not easy, but when it's your life at risk, rather than just doing it for your vanity it's a much more powerful motivator.

      Start easy, clean up your diet, reduce your drinking and try to be active everyday someway to start. Don't do anything completely cold turkey, it only makes it harder in my opinion. Working out being so heavy is discouraging enough as it is, but it does get better. Focus on one day at a time, just getting to your workouts and eating clean is a challenge enough without focusing on some long term goal like "getting swoll up".

      Good luck and stick to it. It will suck at first, but it does get better.


      • #4
        if only you guys knew

        a while back i went cold turkey completly. now i RARELY drink as compared to my past. prolly 2wice a week. and its rarely beer. and i am aware that cutting some of the stuff i do know will help too. i exaggrate and advertise my drinking alot more than i need to cuz i get a real kick out of people tripping out and calling me a alcoholic. its the attention whore in me.

        steve, right now besides dancing i have no cardio, and 2steppin doesnt really do that much for ya. but its better than nothing. im considering a gym if i get this new job because the job i have right now aint cutting it financially.


        • #5
          me too.


          • #6
            Really not trying to be an ass on the alcohol thing, it adds so much more than you think about. I'm young and do a lot of running and I'm a good 10 lbs.+ heavier when i'm drinking regularly, even if it's just a few times a week.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Damnittsteve View Post
              if only you guys knew

              a while back i went cold turkey completly. now i RARELY drink as compared to my past. prolly 2wice a week. and its rarely beer. and i am aware that cutting some of the stuff i do know will help too. i exaggrate and advertise my drinking alot more than i need to cuz i get a real kick out of people tripping out and calling me a alcoholic. its the attention whore in me.

              steve, right now besides dancing i have no cardio, and 2steppin doesnt really do that much for ya. but its better than nothing. im considering a gym if i get this new job because the job i have right now aint cutting it financially.
              "So you're a dancer"(spirit fingers)


              • #8
                Better than a gimp bro haha


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Damnittsteve View Post
                  Better than a gimp bro haha


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Damnittsteve View Post
                    steve, right now besides dancing i have no cardio, and 2steppin doesnt really do that much for ya. but its better than nothing. im considering a gym if i get this new job because the job i have right now aint cutting it financially.
                    You don't need a gym membership to start walking, which is all you are going to be able to do for awhile until you get used to it. Doing cardio when you are heavy isn't fun at all and you have to force yourself to stick to it. At this point, you are 50lbs heavier than I am and cardio still isn't fun and I am much more active than you are with my other hobbies. So get yourself a good pair of shoes, get up in the mornings and starting walking a few miles everyday. You'll be amazed what even walking will help you do. Try to walk on a softer surface, grass or a school stadium rubber course. At your weight, you're going to really feel the impact on your back and knees. Safe yourself some pain and suffering to do it smart.

                    Good luck.


                    • #11
                      DAMMIT Steve! You big fat dummy! Stop eating that damn gubberment CHEESE!

             that out! Diet and exercise! Just cut the damn booze period and spend your limited funds on eating better!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Steve View Post
                        You don't need a gym membership to start walking, which is all you are going to be able to do for awhile until you get used to it. Doing cardio when you are heavy isn't fun at all and you have to force yourself to stick to it. At this point, you are 50lbs heavier than I am and cardio still isn't fun and I am much more active than you are with my other hobbies. So get yourself a good pair of shoes, get up in the mornings and starting walking a few miles everyday. You'll be amazed what even walking will help you do. Try to walk on a softer surface, grass or a school stadium rubber course. At your weight, you're going to really feel the impact on your back and knees. Safe yourself some pain and suffering to do it smart.

                        Good luck.
                        I'd rather see him on a bike at that weight to help keep down the joint and back stress.

                        Hey Dammit Steve. Do you have a bike? I've got 4 laying around that we could put new tires on and you'd have something. Let me know!


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by WildBill View Post
                          I'd rather see him on a bike at that weight to help keep down the joint and back stress.

                          Hey Dammit Steve. Do you have a bike? I've got 4 laying around that we could put new tires on and you'd have something. Let me know!
                          Biking would be good, but he said money was tight so he has to work with what he has. I assumed he didn't have a bike since he's 300lbs.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Steve View Post
                            Biking would be good, but he said money was tight so he has to work with what he has. I assumed he didn't have a bike since he's 300lbs.
                            I've got a couple of bikes for him. He does need cardio at this point. going to the gym for weight lifting will do him no good if he doesn't have the cardio to cycle properly.

                            It's in your court Steve. I'll help you, if you're gonna help yourself.


                            • #15
                              Like I've posted numerous times in this forum it's all about diet my friend. If you cut out soda's and fast food you'll probably drop 15-20 pounds in a month. You do not have to go cold turkey but start enjoying the taste of water and cook your own foods so you know exactly what you're putting in your body and DO NOT starve yourself, your body will go into starvation mode and anything and everything you eat will be stored into fat and your overall muscle mass will drop tremendously. Starvation leads to skinny-fat and that's not a good look for anyone. PM me if you'd like a diet plan, I trained a lot in the Marines so I can get your diet on point without dipping into your wallet much, healthy food is more expensive.

