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  • Originally posted by The King View Post
    True, and this is clearly proven by Scripture:

    Exodus 3:13-15 (KJV)
    And Moses said unto God, Behold, when I come unto the children of Israel, and shall say unto them, The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you; and they shall say to me, What is his name? what shall I say unto them?
    And God said unto Moses, I AM THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM hath sent me unto you.
    And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, the LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations.

    Revelation 1:8 (KJV)
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, saith the Lord, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty.

    Revelation 22:13(KJV)
    I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last.
    I don't mean to detract from your statement, but I don't know if I would say that this is "proved" by scripture, per-se, but it is definitely "supported" by scripture.

    I think the way it is proved is by sheer logic. If one critically thinks about how things came to be, they must come to certain conclusions if they are to be completely logical.

    1 - Things cannot make themselves out of nothing
    2 - If things exist, they must have been created at some point
    3 - If something is created, it must have a creator
    4 - If something is created, it must have purpose, even if it's a stupid purpose
    5 - If something had the mind to create, it was a person not a thing
    6 - If someone created us, then who created them? However, this is not a logical question, because it causes the question to repeat itself about who created whom, and that will still always bring you back to the question of who created the first being, and the answer is clearly no one, because then that person would not be the "first" being. And logically, that means no one created the first being, so he must have just always existed.

    Those are all logical deductions, and they are all requirements for something to exist at all. Therefore, that proves the existence of a Creator and His eternal nature.


    • I used the term "proven" by Scripture because I unconditionally accept the Bible as truth. Your use of logic is fine by me though, and I agree with your use of the Bible to support your deductions should you so choose.


      • Originally posted by BrianC View Post
        Border Collies do not have the intelligence of a four year old. My wife's a brain doc and she says that statement is absurd and completely misunderstood. Though, to be honest, I would expect no less from you.

        Go write a novel to someone who is actually going to bother reading it. How does your wife being brain doctor make her an expert in veterinary science? The only thing that explains is how you are marginally able to function with a full frontal lobotomy.


        • Originally posted by BrianC View Post
          For the record, I believe that a person's sins or ancestor's sins are what cause a lot of illnesses and sicknesses. That is what the Bible teaches. So, all of the other Christians in here either believe the same thing or they reject what the Bible says about what causes a lot of sickness and disease. Not ALL sickness and disease, but a lot. And in the Bible also teaches that demons are the ones coming in and causing the problems due to the sins, because the sins give them rights to come in and cause the problems until they repent of those sins. So I am believing nothing the Bible doesn't teach. If the other Christians in here don't know the Bible teaches that, then they should do some more reading.

          Keep in mind, Jesus went around commanding demons out of people and forgiving them for their sins and their sicknesses would go away instantly. Also, Adam and Eve were never going to die before they sinned. Sin caused degeneration of their bodies and eventual death. Absence of sin = no sickness and eternal life / presence of sin = sickness and death. And no, I do not believe a person would live forever if they got rid of all sin from their bodies. lol It's possible Jesus would've lived forever had He not been killed, though, but then again, He was God humbled to a human, so who knows what was possible with Him.

          The only difference between me and the other Christians here is that I know a few things they may not have learned yet about the Bible, and that doesn't make me any smarter or better than them.

          And by the way, when Christians in this forum have judged Atheists in this forum and called them names and whatnot, using the Bible as some legitimate reason to do that, I have defended those Atheists no matter how cruel they've been to me in the past. We are told not to judge people in the Bible, and we are told specifically not to judge non-Christians, because they don't know any better. We are to love them and be examples to them of who God is and what He's done for us.

          And admittedly, when I come on here and tick off Atheists and point out their illogical nature in a cruel way, I'm going against my own beliefs. I should not do that. I should only debate in a friendly manner. Regardless though, I don't judge the Atheists here. Sure, I like to join in in a little banter back and forth just for sport, but I don't actually judge anyone here. You guys can believe what you want. I'm just trying to stir up the pot a little in hopes that some people may read what I wrote and research it for themselves or try to reason out the logical nature of what I post. The hope is that they rethink their beliefs and consider others. They claim Christians are not open minded, but really, they are closed minded to anything that isn't what they believe. I'm open to hear and research anything and give it a fair shake. But I'm not going to believe in illogical things.
          Agreed 100%.


          • Originally posted by BrianC View Post

            I believe that there has always existed an eternal God with the power to create and the intelligence and the purpose. So, I do not believe He appeared out of nothing. I believe He has always existed.

            And His creation was wrought by His power. So it did not come out of nothing. It came from a source.

            You, though, believe that the universe made itself out of nothing or has always existed, but you cannot explain how it exists nor where its laws come from. Your theory is very lacking and doesn't make much logical sense at all.
            I know this is an old thread.. but im literally laughing out loud at my desk at this post.


            • Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
              I know this is an old thread.. but im literally laughing out loud at my desk at this post.
              Irony post of 2010?
              "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


              • Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
                You can never win a argument with someone who thinks they're are always right. Even when sarcasm is involved.
                You just described 100% of bible thumpers.


                • Does anybodys significant others spouses, male, female... agree with all of these comments?! How many of all these members are actually single?! If so it all makes all the difference in how some of these individuals are responding. Unbelievable the responses from some of these members in all of these posts.... in a "Theology Forum"of all. I could understand some mature stand/debate in some of these responses, but damn.
                  ./ ____ _ _\.
                  (]]]_ o _[[[)

                  God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


                  • This thread was started by an attention whore, so don't expect much more than that out of it.


                    • Originally posted by The King View Post
                      This thread was started by an attention whore, so don't expect much more than that out of it.
                      To add: it's DFWmustangs...


                      • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                        Survey says: There probably isn't one. Sorry.
                        Whose survey...his ? I'd like to see the posted results, please.


                        • Originally posted by 4.6coupe View Post
                          Does anybodys significant others spouses, male, female... agree with all of these comments?! How many of all these members are actually single?! If so it all makes all the difference in how some of these individuals are responding. Unbelievable the responses from some of these members in all of these posts.... in a "Theology Forum"of all. I could understand some mature stand/debate in some of these responses, but damn.
                          No, I don't think mine agrees. But that doesn't mean I can't feel or think that way. You really think relationship status has any correlation to religious beliefs? LOL!


                          • Originally posted by 4.6coupe View Post
                            Does anybodys significant others spouses, male, female... agree with all of these comments?! How many of all these members are actually single?! If so it all makes all the difference in how some of these individuals are responding. Unbelievable the responses from some of these members in all of these posts.... in a "Theology Forum"of all. I could understand some mature stand/debate in some of these responses, but damn.
                            The original post wasn't exactly a "serious" post. Sure, we know Talisman is a blatant athiest and he wants everybody to know it, and if anybody thinks differently, they're idiots. This is the same guy that hates Paladin but sticks to him like white on rice. This isn't just a theology forum. It's a theology forum within a mustang forum that for the most part has nothing to do with mustangs...or theology. If you wanna hear "mature," christian posts, can I suggest posting in a "mature," christian forum?
                            "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


                            • I have it made in this forum then....I own a Mustang, am theologically savvy, and am immature.


                              • Originally posted by The King View Post
                                However, I have never posted a curse word in the Theology Corner. The Back Porch....who cares?

                                Following me around are we? I can't say I'm interested enough in your tirades to reciprocate. In fact, you've never really come to my attention, so feel free to go back to that status, hypocrite.
                                Originally posted by The King View Post
                                It means do not compromise yourself or your beliefs simply to be like or be liked by everyone else. The Word of God is what it is, and while it may make some people uncomfortable that doesn't mean it should be or will be diluted down to make it more palatable.

                                What I don't give a shit about is simple attention-whoring threads, which is what this one is. There are others, but I choose this one right now to give the due respect it deserves.
                                Sorry to bring up an old thread... But this made me lol! Guess no one else caught it. Damn the irony is funny.
                                Detailing is an Obsession!!

                                1996 MYSTIC Cobra #405 of 2000

                                Fox Coupe "Calypso Killer"

