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  • Wtf

    Ok if this ever gets approved here I am out. All these jack holes can fend for themselves.

    Indiana House Approves Bill That Allows Homeowners To Kill Police Officers

    March 2, 2012
    By Stephen D. Foster Jr.

    Republicans in Indiana are taking self-defense too far. In a move supported by the National Rifle Association, the Indiana House passed Senate Bill 1, which allows homeowners to shoot and kill police officers they believe are unlawfully on their property or in their homes. The bill could also extend to federal law enforcement officials.

    According to the Evansville Courier Press, the bill is a response to a decision made by the Indiana Supreme Court in 2011. “The court ruled that homeowners do not have the right to use force against law enforcement officials who they believe are illegally entering their homes. That decision came in the case of Richard Barnes, who filed a lawsuit against police who followed him into his house while they were responding to a domestic dispute Barnes had with his wife.”

    The key word there, is ‘believe.’ People have different beliefs when it comes to the police. Most people respect the boys in blue and understand that they are just trying to do a dangerous job that doesn’t exactly pay well. Some, on the other hand, have no respect at all for police and believe them to be the enemy at all time, whether they have a warrant or not. But it’s a particularly risky situation that Republicans are putting police officers in, because in some situations police officers enter homes when they have sufficient reason to believe that a crime is taking place. For example, if a police officer is walking by a home and a woman screams because her husband is beating her mercilessly, there isn’t time to wait for a court approved warrant to enter the home. Under Senate Bill 1, which passed by a 74-24 vote, the husband could shoot and kill the officer for entering his home and get away with it. And there are many other situations where police may deem it necessary to enter a home, such as the situation in which the Indiana Court ruled.

    Rep. Craig Fry, a Democrat, says the bill “is going to cause people to die and it’s too late after somebody dies for a jury to sort it out. Somebody’s going to die, whether it’s a police officer or an individual who thinks a police officer is entering their home unlawfully. People are going to die.”

    Fry’s colleague, Democratic Rep. Linda Lawson, a former police captain, says the bill would create an “open season on law enforcement,” and is opposed by “1,250 state police officers and 14,000 men and women in blue, brown and green.”

    Republicans claim the bill actually protects police officers, but what it really does is give paranoid gun toting anti-government nut jobs the legal ability to shoot any officer that steps in their home or on their property. It allows those who commit a crime to have a safe haven from police officers who pursue them. All a criminal needs to do is run home to legally resist arrest. Like many laws, people will more than likely misinterpret it to mean they can kill any police officer in their home as long as they think they are there illegally. And many people aren’t going to see a difference between an officer with a warrant and an officer without one. Many people believe that police have no right to exercise authority in their homes whatsoever, even if a crime may have been or is being committed, even if there is a warrant. This bill takes home defense to an entirely new level. We aren’t talking about thieves or murderers, or rapists entering homes. This bill is about police, who risk their lives on a daily basis to keep people safe. Nobody has the right to shoot and kill a police officer for doing their job. Instead of letting judges and juries sort things out, Republicans in Indiana believe more gun play is the answer to keep police in check, and such beliefs are going to result in more dead civilians and dead police.
    Whos your Daddy?

  • #2
    While I understand and agree that this is bad, to a degree, here is an interesting article on police kicking in a door, the guy shooting them, and then possibly catching a case. Kinda scary that 30 officers went in, fired 28 shots into this mans home (with family inside) and didn't hit anyone.


    Interestingly enough, if you read down in that thread an officer tells of his agency, which serves 8000-10,000 warrants a year (with ZERO no knocks), and have never lost an officer and only killed one person.

    Seems like eliminating no knocks would be an easy way to eliminate most of the situations in which you guys could get shot at when a residence is involved. Not all, but most.

    There is also a valid point made on anyone being able to buy uniforms off ebay and shout police as they come through the door. Sadly, this debate can go both ways with ease...


    • #3
      And I don't support shooting at cops.

      Nor do I support cops shooting at people when they kick in the wrong door.

      In familial abuse situations, I really kind of think the risks of their getting shot don't change a lot, regardless of the law, as the bad guy is already distraught/wound up/whatever...


      • #4
        If the cops aren't doing anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about, right?

        Originally posted by SSMAN
        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


        • #5


          • #6
            People who shoot at cops are already and will continue to shoot at the police, law or no law.

            I see this as a way for U.S Citizens and homeowners to protect themselves from the LEO's who do abuse their badge...

            As stated above, if no one is doing any wrong then nothing to worrry about....except that one family with all of the police kicking down the wrong door as mentioned above...they have something to worry about
            Originally posted by Sean88gt
            You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
            Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
            You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


            • #7
              Originally posted by stevo View Post
              If the cops aren't doing anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about, right?


              LMFAO!! Well played!


              • #8
                Originally posted by Gtracer View Post
                ....except that one family with all of the police kicking down the wrong door as mentioned above...they have something to worry about

                A couple weeks ago it was a chainsaw, before that...

                Happens all the time, unfortunately.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by mikec View Post
                  A couple weeks ago it was a chainsaw, before that...

                  Happens all the time, unfortunately.
                  LOL I remember the chainsaw by the FBI....

                  Agent: "man I bought this new chainsaw the other day but I havent had a chance to use it"

                  Agents Buddy: "Dont worry, I know where we can use it...hehehe"
                  Originally posted by Sean88gt
                  You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                  Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                  You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by stevo View Post
                    If the cops aren't doing anything wrong, they have nothing to worry about, right?


                    100% Spot on...


                    • #11
                      According to the Evansville Courier Press, the bill is a response to a decision made by the Indiana Supreme Court in 2011. “The court ruled that homeowners do not have the right to use force against law enforcement officials who they believe are illegally entering their homes. That decision came in the case of Richard Barnes, who filed a lawsuit against police who followed him into his house while they were responding to a domestic dispute Barnes had with his wife.”

                      So you guys are ok with this. I have not read up on the story but if get get called for a domestic we should just walk away when someone goes in the house?

                      Let this shit go nation wide and watch all LEO walk away from the job. Then we can return to the wild wild west.
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #12
                        I don't agree with killing cops, but if they bust in your home without cause or have the wrong address, you should be 100% able to repel the unlawful entry into your home.

                        Jason, no. If someone goes in the house you follow the same procedures you normally would. You just make sure if you do a no knock or serve a warrant you have the address 100% correct before you destroy someone's property, shoot their animals and prone them with a gun to the their head in the blood of their pet you just shot.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                          I don't agree with killing cops, but if they bust in your home without cause or have the wrong address, you should be 100% able to repel the unlawful entry into your home.

                          Jason, no. If someone goes in the house you follow the same procedures you normally would. You just make sure if you do a no knock or serve a warrant you have the address 100% correct before you destroy someone's property, shoot their animals and prone them with a gun to the their head in the blood of their pet you just shot.
                          I was going to say this in my first post but then I read the part I bolded again. You see what the law was in response to which makes no sense. If I am dumb enough to kick in the wrong door with out identifyng myself, without having marked units outside, and I get shot by the homeowner, then so be it. I would be the first to say I was in the wrong and nothing should happen to the homeowner. However just because someone wrote the warrant out wrong and a guy is at the wrong house doesnt mean he should get shot over it. We do our best to hit the right houses. We check LP's, our cad system, etc when executing warrants.
                          Whos your Daddy?


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                            I was going to say this in my first post but then I read the part I bolded again. You see what the law was in response to which makes no sense. If I am dumb enough to kick in the wrong door with out identifyng myself, without having marked units outside, and I get shot by the homeowner, then so be it. I would be the first to say I was in the wrong and nothing should happen to the homeowner. However just because someone wrote the warrant out wrong and a guy is at the wrong house doesnt mean he should get shot over it. We do our best to hit the right houses. We check LP's, our cad system, etc when executing warrants.
                            Thing is, the average person I would think isn't going to know what proper procedure is all about.

                            Not that it matters. I doubt I'll ever receive a warrant or a no-knock warrant. However, as a law abiding pissed off sheep - I'd rather this law be in place because I can dismiss the hesitation on whatever it is I may do if it were to happen to me.

                            Likely if that were to happen to me, it's due to...

                            A. Imposter
                            B. Wrong house

                            ...I would hope it does not happen that often, but why should I be forced to deal with stupid and incompetence when B happens and how do I know it's not A?

                            Everything else in our lives there is 1, 2, 3 or more steps of authentication and verification. However, with Police and/or government crap we're supposed to just take it at face value.

                            With this law in place, I don't see any changes happening. If you're busting down the right doors - those people either are or are not going to try and hurt with or without that law in place. Otherwise, GET OFF MY LAWN!

                            In all seriousness, you'll either be called if needed - otherwise you have no reason to be on my property.

                            Either way, the true bad guys are going to try and hurt ya anyway - so why not allow this law anyway if you're rightfully there by law? It's not like this law supersedes the other laws in regards to warrants as far as I can tell.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #15
                              You are missing what they are arguing in this law the most.

                              For example, if a police officer is walking by a home and a woman screams because her husband is beating her mercilessly, there isn’t time to wait for a court approved warrant to enter the home. Under Senate Bill 1, which passed by a 74-24 vote, the husband could shoot and kill the officer for entering his home and get away with it. And there are many other situations where police may deem it necessary to enter a home, such as the situation in which the Indiana Court ruled.
                              Whos your Daddy?

