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Sounds a little Fishy...

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  • Sounds a little Fishy...

    The whole first day reports of latest school killings said that the semi-automatic rifle was found in trunk of the car he drove to the school...A few days later I start hearing, no all the killings in the school were done with that rifle.Last nite I see 60 mins. report about one lady who was hiding in closet led out after shootings and told to cover her eyes when she walked by the area....To me that smells of maybe someone wanting that rifle to be a springboard to start a ban on such guns.....just thinkin out loud...

  • #2
    She was asked to cover her eyes so she didn't have to see a bunch of murdered kids laying around.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Venom View Post
      She was asked to cover her eyes so she didn't have to see a bunch of murdered kids laying around.
      kinda what i was thnking.
      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
      Semper Fi


      • #4
        Originally posted by Venom View Post
        She was asked to cover her eyes so she didn't have to see a bunch of murdered kids laying around.
        Understandable...or they did not want her to see something else...that part not that critical in what I'm sayin anyway...


        • #5
          Originally posted by Racinreid View Post
          Understandable...or they did not want her to see something else...that part not that critical in what I'm sayin anyway...
          I Think thats a bit of a reach, it doesn't matter if its a mass shooting or not. This just expedites his agenda with weapons. Its a terrible thing but that's just how the media will twist it whether its true or not... Let us protect ourselves the scotus already told us the police are not here to protect us..


          • #6
            Unless the rifle was hanging on the wall with a neon arrow pointing at it, she wouldn't have known what was used if all she had to base that deduction on was spent brass lying around. Those of us who like firearms would have had a good idea as to the caliber, or at least whether it was a pistol or rifle, but there's no way a chick could have know.


            • #7
              Woman: Scared shitless: Hiding in a closet.... I'd bet a million bucks if she looked at the carnage, saw 5 handguns scattered on the floor, and a weapon looking "somewhat" like an assault rifle....she'd go on record saying they were all shot with the could be a useless toy, and she'd say the same thing....

              Sent from an outhouse
              "We, the people, are the rightful masters of both congress and the courts - not to overthrow the constitution, but to overthrow men who pervert the constitution." Abraham Lincoln


              • #8
                Ok,damn I'm sorry I ever mentioed that damn woman ...she was 1% of what thread was about.Does anyone have any info or thought about rifle was in trunk of car,then they changed that later to being the gun he used in the school....


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Racinreid View Post
                  Ok,damn I'm sorry I ever mentioed that damn woman ...she was 1% of what thread was about.Does anyone have any info or thought about rifle was in trunk of car,then they changed that later to being the gun he used in the school....
                  now, you are sounding reasonable. i wondered that as well. first report was it was in the trunk and then it was the main weapon used. That sounds like a clear cut case of media tampering by the liberal agenda.

                  why would they report it in the trunk first? makes zero sense.
                  May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                  Semper Fi


                  • #10
                    You would think with 100+ rounds of spent brass, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out the caliber used.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
                      You would think with 100+ rounds of spent brass, it wouldn't take a genius to figure out the caliber used.
                      good point
                      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                      Semper Fi


                      • #12
                        I am confused as to why you are picking out this one change in the story when the media had the entire story wrong from the beginning. Some examples: mother worked at school, mother was killed in her classroom, wrong son's name was reported as the shooter, girlfriend was missing, children shot were between 5-10 yrs, suspect tried to buy a gun a Dicks a few days before shooting, suspect had a confrontation with school officials day before shooting, and the list goes on. You have blinders on if you think that one change in the story means conspiracy. Anyone in that situation would be told not to look at the carnage which had to be one of the worst scenes you could ever imagine. It's just poor media reporting trying to be the first out with the story before the details can be verified.


                        • #13
                          I heard that pile of shit took his own life with one of two handguns found inside the school, all other victims with the exception of his mother were killed by the ar. They found a shotgun in the car. His mother was shot 4 times in the head with a .22.


                          • #14
                            Here's my question in regards to the lady that hid in the closet. EVERY school that I have been into and saw are all laid out in about the same manner in that the offices are all at the front of the school. The kids were shot in the classroom. So the only people that this lady could have possibly seen is the office staff.

                            What about all the reports about multiple shooters, the video footage of the police having someone at gun point on the ground, a report last night said it took 10 minutes for police to respond, and why shoot each victim multiple times unless someone wanted to make sure there were no witnesses left. LOTS of stuff that I haven't heard anything about, yet was reported on.
                            Annoying people, one post at a time!


                            • #15
                              Psycho kills mom, takes pistols/shotgun/ar15. Shoots his way into school, smokes principal and counselor as they approach. Goes into first room with minimal kids, point blanks them. goes into next room, shuts door, herds them all together and executes everyone. He hears sirens approaching, kills himself. In reality it doesn't matter what weapon he used. A 10 round mag can be dropped and the weapon reloaded in less than 3 seconds. AR, pistol, hell even the shotgun would suffice with the time he had.

                              The set up and continuation of violence and finality are carbon copy of a LOT of school shootings (columbine, VA Tech). Storm in, shoot first responders, kill everyone within a few rooms distance and then off yourself as the cavalry arrives.

                              The thing they all have in common that is most disturbing (and is also glossed over and ignored) is that the first responders were all UNARMED. An armed first responder would make a huge difference as long as that person was willing to take out the shooter. I say that with a lot of emphasis: a person with a gun is useless if they freeze up and do nothing. They become nothing more than a casualty.

                              Allow all schools from pre-K to college allow teachers and personnel to carry. The kicker is that these people need to remain unknown to even the teachers and student body. If you know Mr. Smith is strapped Mr. Smith will be the first one plugged by an even semi-calculated psychopath.
                              Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                              I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                              Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                              dont downshift!!
                              Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.

