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Obama to Boehner: ‘You Get Nothing — I Get That for Free’

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  • Obama to Boehner: ‘You Get Nothing — I Get That for Free’

    A Wall Street Journal report detailing the broken-down status of talks between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner on the year-end “fiscal cliff” reveals that Obama threatened to use both his inaugural and State of the Union speeches to blame Republicans if there’s no deal.

    Negotiations reportedly came to a standstill after Boehner proposed increasing the tax rate on top earners:

    Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.

    At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?”

    “You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.”

    According to Politico, Obama was referring to Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and Senate Republicans who had already said they would be open to tax rate increases and therefore he didn’t need to concede anything.

    Obama has been buoyed by his election victory, using it as an opportunity to remind Boehner he has the upper hand:

    Mr. Obama insisted on raising tax rates for those with household income above $250,000. The House GOP wanted significant spending cuts and fundamental changes to Medicare and other entitlement programs in exchange for new tax revenue.

    The president repeatedly reminded Mr. Boehner of the election results: “You’re asking me to accept Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Why would I do that?”

    Before Obama flew to Hawaii for Christmas with his family on Friday, he said he was still confident the two sides could reach a “comprehensive deal” after using the holidays as a cooling-off period. Boehner used the weekly Republican address to say the House had done all it could to avert the cliff and that it was down to Obama to come up with a “balanced” approach.

    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    Obammy can blame whoever he wants, but since it's happening during his term it's his fault.


    • #3
      That stupid fuck just won't abandon the $250,000 talking point, will he? It's like it's more important for him to save face protecting an arbitrary idea than fixing the problem.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Yale View Post
        That stupid fuck just won't abandon the $250,000 talking point, will he? It's like it's more important for him to save face protecting an arbitrary idea than fixing the problem.
        For him, it's not a problem. If you read his books, he sees America as too large, too wealthy, too powerful. For him to be happy, we have to be Greece.
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #5
          The fact is Obama and the democratic party do have the upper hand. If Boehner was so serious about protecting the tax payers he would be more open to trimming their sacred cow instead. He is obviously just concerned about saving his own ass and trying to make the other side look bad. It isn't so complicated in reality and he is just a poor leader.


          • #6
            Fuck it... go over the cliff.

            One thing is for sure, government spending will be curtailed, and conservatives are blamed for everything anyway.... so bring it the hell on!

            Hey, Dems.... Enjoy that Obamacare that was so vitally important that it was slammed down our throats as a tax, then not a tax... then a tax again....

            Have fun trying to pay for all this crap....

            This whole 250k thing is just a class warfare talking point that they've been using since the last election cycle... Even if it were implemented the extra tax money would cover next to nothing compared to the extra funding or cuts needed to stabilize the budget.

            It's all bullshit and I'm tuned out to it at this point....
            Last edited by Gargamel; 12-23-2012, 06:15 PM.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
              For him, it's not a problem. If you read his books, he sees America as too large, too wealthy, too powerful. For him to be happy, we have to be Greece.
              Boy howdy... That is gonna be a problem.
              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


              • #8
                Yeah, I believe in knowing your enemy. Long read
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Gargamel View Post
                  Fuck it... go over the cliff.

                  Even if it were implemented the extra tax money would cover next to nothing compared to the extra funding or cuts needed to stabilize the budget.

                  It's all bullshit and I'm tuned out to it at this point....
                  Yup. I can't believe they're arguing over taxes when it's the spending that's always been the problem. It's total bullshit. Tax away, what's stopping them? With this kind of spending, our taxes are far too low!!

                  Any hope of a balanced budget was lost in November. Now we just sit back and watch it burn.

                  Just plan to have 10-15% less disposable income next year, and move on. Not sure why the government can't figure that out. They're just overcomplicating the issue IMO.


                  • #10
                    I really hope Boehner is ousted. He is a spineless pussy that allowed the republicans to be pushed into a corner.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                      Any hope of a balanced budget was lost in November. Now we just sit back and watch it burn.
                      Barry figured out if you don't have a budget you don't have to worry about it.


                      • #12
                        Let there be no increase in the debt limit, that should make obammy grovel.


                        • #13
                          Obama's plan was to go over the fiscal cliff from day one. He would say the republicans wanted to give the millionaires more money and not do anything for the middle class. The a few months later he will propose a middle class tax cut and say he is doing this for the middle class. Read between the lines


                          • #14
                            And in 2014 he can offer tax cuts for those not paying taxes and gain seats by idiots.
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                              A Wall Street Journal report detailing the broken-down status of talks between President Barack Obama and House Speaker John Boehner on the year-end “fiscal cliff” reveals that Obama threatened to use both his inaugural and State of the Union speeches to blame Republicans if there’s no deal.

                              Negotiations reportedly came to a standstill after Boehner proposed increasing the tax rate on top earners:

                              Mr. Obama repeatedly lost patience with the speaker as negotiations faltered. In an Oval Office meeting last week, he told Mr. Boehner that if the sides didn’t reach agreement, he would use his inaugural address and his State of the Union speech to tell the country the Republicans were at fault.

                              At one point, according to notes taken by a participant, Mr. Boehner told the president, “I put $800 billion [in tax revenue] on the table. What do I get for that?”

                              “You get nothing,” the president said. “I get that for free.”

                              According to Politico, Obama was referring to Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) and Senate Republicans who had already said they would be open to tax rate increases and therefore he didn’t need to concede anything.

                              Obama has been buoyed by his election victory, using it as an opportunity to remind Boehner he has the upper hand:

                              Mr. Obama insisted on raising tax rates for those with household income above $250,000. The House GOP wanted significant spending cuts and fundamental changes to Medicare and other entitlement programs in exchange for new tax revenue.

                              The president repeatedly reminded Mr. Boehner of the election results: “You’re asking me to accept Mitt Romney’s tax plan. Why would I do that?”

                              Before Obama flew to Hawaii for Christmas with his family on Friday, he said he was still confident the two sides could reach a “comprehensive deal” after using the holidays as a cooling-off period. Boehner used the weekly Republican address to say the House had done all it could to avert the cliff and that it was down to Obama to come up with a “balanced” approach.


                              Did you quote that wrong? The two highlighted statements seem to conflict?

                              I read the article, you quoted it fine. I am still confused about the Blaze reporting a seemingly conflicting statement like that?

                              Please don't tell me that I have better editing skills than they do!

