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Evidently, you CAN push someone too far

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  • #46


    • #47
      Police have said that he was cowardly for killing a cop without warning: "It is extremely worrisome and scary, especially to the police officers involved," Beck said. "The Riverside officers were cowardly ambushed. They had no opportunity to fight back. No prewarning. Imagine going about your workday having to worry about that threat."

      Then this: At 5:15 a.m., LAPD officers had a vehicle matching the description of Dorner's in Torrance, near one of the primary protection targets.

      The pickup truck, which looked like Dorner's late-model gray Nissan Titan, was driving down the street with its lights off. Officers fired on the vehicle hitting the people inside.

      Both were transported to hospital. One has a minor gunshot wound and is being released. The second had two gun shot wounds and is in stable condition.

      "Tragically we believe this was a case of mistaken identity by the officers," Beck said.

      No, I'm sure those mail ladies were given a lot of warning about the fact they were going to be shot up.
      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


      • #48
        They drew first blood!


        • #49
          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          SA-7 Manpads will be waiting. As you know I also own Barrett .50′s so your APC are defunct and futile.

          I would expect noise about these in the very near future in the anti-gun crowd.


          • #50
            Sometimes I think the people in power in this country don't understand what human beings will do when cornered.
            ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


            • #51
              HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Go Christopher. The people in charge could have done the right thing, but they chose to destroy your life. Now, go destroy theirs.


              • #52

                According to Piers Morgan’s own logic, he’s responsible for this.

                LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police launched a massive manhunt Thursday for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said.

                The search for Christopher Dorner, who was fired from the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008 for making false statements, began after he was linked to the weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him during those disciplinary proceedings.

                Early Thursday, police came under fire in two separate shootings in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles.

                Hours later, Los Angeles officers guarding a “target” named in an online posting by Dorner shot and wounded multiple people in Torrance who were in a pickup but were not involved, authorities said. The extent of their injuries was not released. It’s not clear if the target is a person or a location.

                From Christopher Dorner’s manifesto:


                Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook.

                Loves Piers Morgan:

                …give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws.

                The killer is also a huge Obama supporter and fan of gun-control.

                Loves Obama:

                You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama.

                Pro Gun Control:

                Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

                Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • #53
                  Ok. Now, I'm having second thoughts about him.


                  • #54
                    Fuck em. My grandfather retired after 20 years and couldn't stand 99% of the new ones on the dept he retired from for the same reasons.


                    • #55
                      The LA cop-killer murder spree has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with deranged criminality. I hope they catch him asap,” Mr. Morgan tweeted a little over an hour ago.

                      I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                      • #56
                        No, I'm sure those mail ladies were given a lot of warning about the fact they were going to be shot up.
                        Pic of the truck the two asian ladies were in:

                        two small asian ladies and 1 nearly 300lb black guy - yeah - i get them mixed up ALLLLLLL the time.


                        • #57
                          Two asian ladies delivering the paper. Then cops responding to THAT shoot out hit a truck and ripped the back axle off of it and dumped rounds into it's windshield thinking it was this guy as well.

                          Then they thought he was on the 405 and shut it down.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #58
                            Wonder if this the start of it all.
                            Originally posted by MR EDD
                            U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post

                              According to Piers Morgan’s own logic, he’s responsible for this.

                              LOS ANGELES (AP) — Police launched a massive manhunt Thursday for a former Los Angeles officer suspected of killing a couple over the weekend and opening fire on four officers early Thursday, killing one and critically wounding another, authorities said.

                              The search for Christopher Dorner, who was fired from the Los Angeles Police Department in 2008 for making false statements, began after he was linked to the weekend killing in which one of the victims was the daughter of a former police captain who had represented him during those disciplinary proceedings.

                              Early Thursday, police came under fire in two separate shootings in Riverside County, east of Los Angeles.

                              Hours later, Los Angeles officers guarding a “target” named in an online posting by Dorner shot and wounded multiple people in Torrance who were in a pickup but were not involved, authorities said. The extent of their injuries was not released. It’s not clear if the target is a person or a location.

                              From Christopher Dorner’s manifesto:


                              Wayne LaPierre, President of the NRA, you’re a vile and inhumane piece of shit. You never even showed 30 seconds of empathy for the children, teachers, and families of Sandy Hook.

                              Loves Piers Morgan:

                              …give Piers Morgan an indefinite resident alien and Visa card. Mr. Morgan, the problem that many American gun owners have with you and your continuous discussion of gun control is that you are not an American citizen and have an accent that is distinct and clarifies that you are a foreigner. I want you to know that I agree with you 100% on enacting stricter firearm laws.

                              The killer is also a huge Obama supporter and fan of gun-control.

                              Loves Obama:

                              You disrespect the office of the POTUS/Presidency and Commander in Chief. You call him Kenyan, mongroid, halfrican, muslim, and FBHO when in essence you are to address him as simply, President. The same as you did to President George W. Bush and all those in the highest ranking position of our land before him. Just as I always have. You question his birth certificate, his educational and professional accomplishments, and his judeo-christian beliefs. You make disparaging remarks about his dead parents. You never questioned the fact that his former opponent, the honorable Senator John McCain, was not born in the CONUS or that Bush had a C average in his undergrad. Electoral Candidates children (Romney) state they want to punch the president in the face during debates with no formal repercussions. No one even questioned the fact that the son just made a criminal threat toward the President. You call his wife a Wookie. Off the record, I love your new bangs, Mrs. Obama.

                              Pro Gun Control:

                              Who in there right mind needs a fucking silencer!!! who needs a freaking SBR AR15? No one. No more Virginia Tech, Columbine HS, Wisconsin temple, Aurora theatre, Portland malls, Tucson rally, Newtown Sandy Hook. Whether by executive order or thru a bi-partisan congress an assault weapons ban needs to be re-instituted. Period!!!

                              Mia Farrow said it best. “Gun control is no longer debatable, it’s not a conversation, its a moral mandate.”
                              Does anyone else here think he is mocking the gun control thing? And that in fact he thinks the complete OPPOSITE of these thoughts? Does he really seem like the person to believe in such bullshit? I think he did that on purpose to make a point and turn it around.


                              • #60
                                I'm generally against killin' folk. But I like this guy's style.

                                He knows how they operate and is one step ahead of them. The only problem with this scenario is there's no out for him, if. He's caught there will be no trial, murder by cop it is.

