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Kim orders rockets on standby to attack

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  • Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
    It will still cost a lot of American blood one way or another. You really think that the fist strike NK makes wont be on the US military stationed there?

    That attack would be more deadly than Pearl Harbor and 9/11 combined. We would have to respond, and swiftly.
    I don't disagree, but the end result is different. One involves us hanging around in North Korea for the next 20 years, the other at least gives us the option of having the South Koreans take care of it.


    • This article is from some hack backwoods blogger-

      China continued moving tanks and armored vehicles and flying flights near North Korea this week as part of a military buildup in the northeastern part of the country that U.S. officials say is related to the crisis with North Korea.

      The Obama administration, meanwhile, sought to play down the Chinese military buildup along the border with Beijing’s fraternal communist ally despite the growing danger of conflict following unprecedented threats by Pyongyang to attack the United States and South Korea with nuclear weapons.

      According to U.S. officials with access to intelligence reports, both intelligence and Internet reports from the region over the past week revealed the modest military movements in the border region that began in mid-March and are continuing.

      The buildup appears linked to North Korea’s March 30 announcement that it is in a “state of war” with South Korea after the United Nations imposed a new round of sanctions following the North’s Feb. 12 nuclear test and because of ongoing large-scale joint U.S.-South Korea military exercises.

      The People’s Liberation Army (PLA) troop and tank movements were reported in Daqing, located in northeastern Heilongjiang Province, and in the border city of Shenyang, in Liaoning Province.

      Officials said one key military unit involved in the mobilization is the 190th Mechanized Infantry Brigade based in Benxi, Liaoning Province. The brigade is believed to be the PLA’s frontline combat unit that would respond to any regional conflict or refugee flows. Troops and tank movements also were reported in Dandong, in Liaoning Province.

      Fighter jets were reported flying in larger numbers in Fucheng, Hebei Province, and in Zhangwu and Changchun, Liaoning Provinces.

      One of China’s Russian-made Su-27 jets crashed on Sunday in Rongcheng, a city directly across the Yellow Sea from the Korean peninsula. The accident may have been part of the increased warplane activity related to the military mobilization, officials said.

      The PLA movements were first reported Monday by the Free Beacon.

      The buildup likely serves two goals, the officials said. One is to bolster border security in case a conflict sends large numbers of refugees from the impoverished state into China.

      Additionally, the troop buildup is a signal to Pyongyang that China will abide by its defense commitment to North Korea in the event of renewed conflict.

      China’s military maintains a mutual defense treaty with North Korea. The last time Chinese troops defended North Korea was during the Korean War.

      U.S. officials also said there were signs of increased movement inside North Korea, specifically movement of road-mobile missile systems. One official said activity was seen at the long-range missile launch complex at Tongchang-ri on the west coast.

      Pentagon press secretary George Little was asked about possible North Korean missile launches and said test flights were possible.

      “We can’t rule out the possibility, obviously, that they may conduct some kind of tests or engage in some kind of provocative behavior that would cause problems,” he said. “We hope that doesn’t happen, but if history’s any guide, it could. So we really need to be ready to respond, and that’s our goal.”
      Originally posted by SSMAN
      ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


      • Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post
        I disagree. China has a standing agreement just like we do with the South to aid North Korea in a time of conflict.

        Russia would want nothing to do with it. It is too busy right now rebuilding the USSR.
        20 years ago? Perhaps. But the tone the Chinese have already taken with this event reeks of "Whichever one of you dipshits pulls the first trigger is the one that gets the hammer dropped on you."

        The Chinese are endlessly devoted to their economy. Trade with the rest of the world will become very difficult for them if they're devoting their resources to fighting half the rest of the world. Going to war with your biggest customer isn't exactly ideal, especially when an unprovoked attack will generate a lot of sympathy from the rest of the Western world (sympathy we won't have in the event of a preemptive strike of our own).


        • See? Isn't it an easier argument to make when it's not one, unverified source commenting on it? It's still just two sources, using unspecified sources of their own to try and explain it, but I'm absolutely not going to fight you on that because I don't know any better than you or they do. It's absolutely a possibility that they're ready to get involved in an armed conflict with us and that the buildup along the border is for that reason; all I'm suggesting is that the possibility exists that that's not the case.


          • Jeez... people are going to bitch about anything posted no matter what.


            • Can I get another recap-my head hurts again


              • Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
                They actually had a pilot defect a couple of years ago, and the South had no idea he was in their airspace until he was putting his landing gear down.

                The people who have something to fear here are the South Koreans, not us. Yes, we'll be tangentially involved (which we'll turn into massive involvement), but the South Koreans have far more at stake.
                We have roughly 28,000 American sons and daughters on that border.

                I would wager we have quite a bit at stake.


                • The United States says it stands “poised to respond” at the border of North and South Korea, where U.S. troops are on high alert.
                  “They have ratcheted up their bellicose, dangerous rhetoric and some of the actions they’ve taken over the last few weeks present a real and clear danger,” Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said.
                  The U.S. is sending a missile battery to Guam and two guided missile destroyers are on the border of South Korea, joining Navy warships already poised to shoot down an incoming missile.
                  U.S. warplanes, including fighter jets, U-2 spy planes and an A-10 attack jet, are in the South Korean skies today as part of a massive military exercise overseen by the U.S. lieutenant general who brought in F-22 stealth fighters as well. They’d be first into the North if war broke out.

                  (Ahn Young-joon/AP Photo)

                  “Their super cruise capability, their stealth capability gives them the opportunity to go places no other aircraft can go,” Lt. Gen. Jan-Marc Jouas, deputy commander of the U.S. forces in South Korea, said.
                  In the secretive North stands the largest special operations force in the world. It is the head of the spear of the world’s fourth largest military with 1,700 planes, 800 ships and 4,000 tanks.
                  But all the military and the nuclear weapons program, allowing them to threaten the world, has come at a very high price.
                  PHOTOS: Inside North Korea
                  At a border checkpoint, it is easy to tell where the North begins because there are no trees.
                  The people chop them down for firewood to keep warm and eat the softer roots. The lack of food and nutrition is so bad in North Korea that UNICEF estimates 28 percent of the children have stunted growth. One study found that on average North Koreans are a full two inches shorter than South Koreans.
                  Rare footage on Japanese television shows what are believed to be political prison camps where prisoners, men and women are kept on the verge of starvation, forced to do back-breaking labor.
                  With electricity scarce, North Korea is dark at night. It is a third world nation now commanding the attention of a superpower.
                  Despite North Korea’s formidable military power, the U.S. is certain it would eventually be crushed in any type of war by the U.S. and South Korea but North Korea could no doubt inflict substantial damage if there was a surprise attack.
                  ABC News’ Martha Raddatz and Brian Hartman contributed to this report.


                  • Originally posted by Slowhand View Post
                    See? Isn't it an easier argument to make when it's not one, unverified source commenting on it? It's still just two sources, using unspecified sources of their own to try and explain it, but I'm absolutely not going to fight you on that because I don't know any better than you or they do. It's absolutely a possibility that they're ready to get involved in an armed conflict with us and that the buildup along the border is for that reason; all I'm suggesting is that the possibility exists that that's not the case.

                    Still a unnamed source, but major media has picked it up.


                    • Originally posted by Denny View Post
                      Jeez... people are going to bitch about anything posted no matter what.
                      They'll argue in circles with each other all day if you let them.
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • Originally posted by mikec View Post
                        We have roughly 28,000 American sons and daughters on that border.

                        I would wager we have quite a bit at stake.
                        Other than the stake in US lives, S. Korea is the 6th largest trade partner with the US, has the 16th largest economy in the world, one of the top industrial production hotspots and is the top country in communications and information technology on the planet. Most people think it is some back-water third world country.

                        Originally posted by SSMAN
                        ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                        • This dumbass is about half a decision away from being liquified.


                          • Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz View Post

                            Still a unnamed source, but major media has picked it up.
                            We won't know if they are considering an attack for sure until a few hundred missiles are captured on video flying overhead.

                            Originally posted by SSMAN
                            ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


                            • FYI: the Washington Times is a hack paper.
                              ZOMBIE REAGAN FOR PRESIDENT 2016!!! heh


                              • The puny United States Military will get crushed by the glorious forces of North Korea. I mean the odds are only slightly in America's favor:
                                Originally posted by lincolnboy
                                After watching Games of Thrones, makes me glad i was not born in those years.

