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Russia pokes Obama in the eye

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  • Russia pokes Obama in the eye

    Anyone ready for a Cuban Missile Crisis part 2? Think Barry has the intelligence and strength to settle it?

    Havana (AFP) - A Russian warship was docked in Havana Wednesday, without explanation from Communist Cuba or its state media.

    The Viktor Leonov CCB-175 boat, measuring 91.5 meters (300 feet) long and 14.5 meters wide, was docked at the port of Havana's cruise ship area, near the Russian Orthodox Cathedral.

    The Vishnya, or Meridian-class intelligence ship, which has a crew of around 200, went into service in the Black Sea in 1988 before it was transferred seven years later to the northern fleet, Russian media sources said.

    Neither Cuban authorities nor state media have mentioned the ship's visit, unlike on previous tours by Russian warships.

    The former Soviet Union was Cuba's sponsor state through three decades of Cold War. After a period of some distancing under former Russian president Boris Yeltsin, the countries renewed their political, economic and military cooperation.

    The ship is reportedly armed with 30mm guns and anti-aircraft missiles.

    Its visit comes as isolated Havana's current economic and political patron, Venezuela, is facing unprecedented violent protests against President Nicolas Maduro's government.

    Cuban President Raul Castro's Communist government is the Americas' only one-party regime.
    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool

  • #2
    I'm sure if pressured they'll just say it's an advance team for the upcoming World Cup in Brazil. We had troops in Sochi, they have a right to do the same thing.


    • #3
      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


      • #4
        What a POS. We could sink that thing in probably about 5 minutes.


        • #5
          Speaking of which, are the Iranian ships off our borders yet or did they sink crossing the Atlantic or run out of fuel?


          • #6
            Obammy wouldn't have the stones to jack with Russia, Putin's three times the leader than obammy could ever hope to be.


            • #7
              Originally posted by The King View Post
              Obammy wouldn't have the stones to jack with Russia, Putin's three times the leader than obammy could ever hope to be.
              Well Obammy does have the power grab technique down...and they both have their ways of "getting" the necessary maybe 2/3's of the way

              I think the problem here is an Eye for an Eye syndrome which of course where that will lead the world. We hold military games over yonder, well the local leaders whom dont like this are now attempting to do the same back...unfortunatly they do not have the same technology, though the 'will' and 'drive' are there (Iranians with 40yr old ships...etc)

              I wouldn’t be surprised to have some sort of Iranian, Chinese, Russian, Cuban war games right off the east coast...hell N. Korea might join in and bring the labor needed to pull it off, lol
              Originally posted by Sean88gt
              You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
              Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
              You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


              • #8
                Originally posted by The King View Post
                Obammy wouldn't have the stones to jack with Russia, Putin's three times the leader than obammy could ever hope to be.
                That depends on your perspective. If you were a socialist you'd probably say that Obama is one of the most effective leaders in history. It's not a matter of being a leader, it's a matter of what you are capable of and if your adversary thinks you'll do it or not. Obama is still a wild card to the Russians. I mean they know he's a tax and spend liberal but he's also willing to sit back and watch a long time US ally get overthrown (Egypt) while helping topple the Libyan government.

                Look at what's happening in the world right now. Venezuela is in the middle of an armed revolt, Hugo Chavez is dead and his followers are losing control. They have been Russia's biggest weapons customer for the last several years and were paying with oil, keeping the Russians in control of that industry. Those deals are drying up and the Russians just spent billions on the olympics. Now they have a war in the Ukraine to worry about.

                Iran has been sending troops and weapons to help the Assad regime, most of those weapons were coming from Russia. They are going broke trying to keep Assad in power and eventually won't be able to do it anymore, which will put us in a position to persuade the UN to intervene and of course it'll kill off another huge weapons customer for the Russians. It just so happens that those weapons are being used by militant muslims against other militant muslims, which works out great for us and the Israelis.

                Don't take Obama and his cronies for fools. Just because you disagree with his politics doesn't mean he isn't getting things done. Even if by all appearances he's a weak president and it's all dumb luck. When the dust settles we'll still have communist Cuba but Venezuela will no longer be a potential threat, the Syrians will have a puppet government, Iran will be dead broke and basically harmless and still without nukes, the North Koreans will still be draining the Chinese and we might even get to sell India some airplanes.


                • #9
                  With regard to the first paragraph, Russia is no Libya where the leadership is incapable of retaliation and can be overthrown by airstrikes alone. Look at how his meddling has screwed up Libya. I don't like respecting a foreign leader more than our own POTUS, but that's simply how I see it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by The King View Post
                    With regard to the first paragraph, Russia is no Libya where the leadership is incapable of retaliation and can be overthrown by airstrikes alone. Look at how his meddling has screwed up Libya. I don't like respecting a foreign leader more than our own POTUS, but that's simply how I see it.
                    Definitely not but Quadaffi or however you spell it was only in power because the Russians supported him. Even the rest of the middle east hated him but since the Russians backed him he stayed in power. Sound familiar to anyone from Cuba or Venezuela? He's dead, his regime is destroyed and the Russians aren't selling the new government any weapons.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by BP View Post
                      That depends on your perspective. If you were a socialist you'd probably say that Obama is one of the most effective leaders in history. It's not a matter of being a leader, it's a matter of what you are capable of and if your adversary thinks you'll do it or not. Obama is still a wild card to the Russians. I mean they know he's a tax and spend liberal but he's also willing to sit back and watch a long time US ally get overthrown (Egypt) while helping topple the Libyan government.

                      Look at what's happening in the world right now. Venezuela is in the middle of an armed revolt, Hugo Chavez is dead and his followers are losing control. They have been Russia's biggest weapons customer for the last several years and were paying with oil, keeping the Russians in control of that industry. Those deals are drying up and the Russians just spent billions on the olympics. Now they have a war in the Ukraine to worry about.

                      Iran has been sending troops and weapons to help the Assad regime, most of those weapons were coming from Russia. They are going broke trying to keep Assad in power and eventually won't be able to do it anymore, which will put us in a position to persuade the UN to intervene and of course it'll kill off another huge weapons customer for the Russians. It just so happens that those weapons are being used by militant muslims against other militant muslims, which works out great for us and the Israelis.

                      Don't take Obama and his cronies for fools. Just because you disagree with his politics doesn't mean he isn't getting things done. Even if by all appearances he's a weak president and it's all dumb luck. When the dust settles we'll still have communist Cuba but Venezuela will no longer be a potential threat, the Syrians will have a puppet government, Iran will be dead broke and basically harmless and still without nukes, the North Koreans will still be draining the Chinese and we might even get to sell India some airplanes.
                      FYI, we already sell India planes, and 28 or so other countries...
                      sigpic18 F150 Supercrew - daily
                      17 F150 Supercrew - totaled Dec 12, 2018
                      13 DIB Premium GT, M6, Track Pack, Glass Roof, Nav, Recaros - Sold
                      86 SVO - Sold
                      '03 F150 Supercrew - Sold
                      01 TJ - new toy - Sold
                      65 F100 (460 + C6) - Sold


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by BP View Post
                        That depends on your perspective. If you were a socialist you'd probably say that Obama is one of the most effective leaders in history. It's not a matter of being a leader, it's a matter of what you are capable of and if your adversary thinks you'll do it or not. Obama is still a wild card to the Russians. I mean they know he's a tax and spend liberal but he's also willing to sit back and watch a long time US ally get overthrown (Egypt) while helping topple the Libyan government.

                        Look at what's happening in the world right now. Venezuela is in the middle of an armed revolt, Hugo Chavez is dead and his followers are losing control. They have been Russia's biggest weapons customer for the last several years and were paying with oil, keeping the Russians in control of that industry. Those deals are drying up and the Russians just spent billions on the olympics. Now they have a war in the Ukraine to worry about.

                        Iran has been sending troops and weapons to help the Assad regime, most of those weapons were coming from Russia. They are going broke trying to keep Assad in power and eventually won't be able to do it anymore, which will put us in a position to persuade the UN to intervene and of course it'll kill off another huge weapons customer for the Russians. It just so happens that those weapons are being used by militant muslims against other militant muslims, which works out great for us and the Israelis.

                        Don't take Obama and his cronies for fools. Just because you disagree with his politics doesn't mean he isn't getting things done. Even if by all appearances he's a weak president and it's all dumb luck. When the dust settles we'll still have communist Cuba but Venezuela will no longer be a potential threat, the Syrians will have a puppet government, Iran will be dead broke and basically harmless and still without nukes, the North Koreans will still be draining the Chinese and we might even get to sell India some airplanes.
                        That's an interesting perspective. It's great for our adversaries, but isn't doing much for us as a country other than leveling the playing field.

