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BLM at it again.....

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  • Sleeper
    As a land owner that borders a wildlife refuge. You don't fight them you work with them. We have to pay to graze on federal ground. You can't just go driving around either. Permits have to be issue on a daily basis if needed. Most use horses to get around that.

    It's a ordeal but its worth it.


    You can't build a business around it always being there. Some years they don't allow it. Hell in the 33 years of my life its changed a ton. Use to be able to hunt,camp fish year round. No camping at all now, fishing is allowed certain parts of the year in certain areas only now. Hunting is a draw system.

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    “The truth is that all men having power ought to be mistrusted.” James Madison

    It IS about spending.

    It IS about Taxpayer Funded Entitlement Programs (2012 Ranked from Highest to Lowest $):

    Supplemental Nutrition Assistance
    Earned Income Tax Credit
    Supplemental Security Income
    Federal Pell Grants
    Temporary Assistance for Needy
    Section 8 Housing Choice Vouchers
    Very Low to Moderate Income Housing Loans Title 1 Grants to Local Education Children’s Health Insurance National School Lunch Program Adjustable Rate Mortgages Maternal, Infant, and Early Childhood Home Visiting Program Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children Head Start Child Care and Development Block Low Income Home Energy Foster Care Public and Indian Housing State Administrative Matching Grants Child Care and Development School Breakfast Program Adoption Assistance Public Housing Capital Fund Social Services Block Grant Home Investment Partnership Universal Service Fund Impact Aid Supportive Housing Program Academic Competitive Grants Federal Work Study Program Rural Rental Assistance Payments Work Investment Act (WIA) Supplemental Education Opportunity Indian Housing Block Grants Community Services Block Grant Special Programs for the Aging Adult Education Grants to States Supportive Housing for the Elderly Maternal and Child Health Services Race to the Top Early Learning Shelter Plus Care Legal Services Corporation Migrant Education State Grant Promoting Safe and Stable Families Summer Food Service Program Special Programs for the Aging TRIO Upward Bound Temporary Assistance for Needy Families Gaining Early Awareness and Readiness for Undergraduate TRIO Student Support Services Stephanie Tubbs Jones Child Welfare Weatherization Assistance for Low Income Emergency Food Assistance Program Emergency Food and Shelter Federal Aid to State Administrative Expenses for Child Nutrition Lower Income Housing Assistance Rehabilitation Commodity Supplemental Food Community Development Block College Access Challenge Grant Investing in Innovation Fund TRIO Talent Search
    Demolition and Revitalization of Severely Distressed Public Housing WIC Grants to States Healthy Start Initiative Food Distribution Program on Indian Reservations U.S. Refugee Admissions Program Appalachian Area Development Education for Homeless Children and Youth Indian Social Services Welfare Projects for Assistance in the Transition from Homelessness Farm Labor Housing Loans Indian Community Development Indian and Native American Training Very Low Income Housing Repair Prevention and Intervention Programs for Children and Youths Who Are Neglected, Delinquent, or at Risk Section 4 Capacity Building for Community Development and Affordable Housing High School Graduation Initiative TRIO Educational Opportunity WIA Pilots, Demonstrations and Research Projects TRIO McNair Post-Baccalaureate Indian Health Services (Urban ) Adoption Incentive Payments Transitional Living for Homeless Youth Rural Self Help Housing Technical Assistance Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need Section 538 Rural Rental Housing Guaranteed Housing Self-Help Ownership Opportunity Assets for Independence Demonstration Program Services to Indian Children, Elderly and Families Special Programs for the Aging Health Promotion Services Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Migrant Education- High School Equivalency WIC Farmers Market Nutrition Outreach and Assistance for Socially Disadvantaged Farmers and Ranchers Rural Rental Housing Loans Migrant Education, College Assistance Child Care Access Means Parents in School Rural Development Multi-Family Housing Revitalization Development Rent Supplements: Rental Housing for Lower Income Families Indian Child Welfare Act Title II Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program Outreach Special Milk Program for Children Rural Housing Site Loans and Self-Help Housing Land Development Low Income Taxpayer Clinics Rural Housing Preservation Grants Drug Free Communities Support Cuban and Haitian Entrant Program Community Development Block Grants Emergency Capital Repair Grants for Multifamily Housing Projects for Multifamily Housing Projects Community Food Projects Community Outreach and Assistance Partnership Training TRIO Staff Training Program Migrant Education-Coordination Consolidated Health Centers Title V Delinquency Prevention Job Opportunities for Low Income Healthy Urban Food Enterprise Development Center

    “When the people find that they can vote themselves money that will herald the end of the republic.” Benjamin Franklin

    From an article by Jonathan Turley, Shapiro Professor of Public Interest Law at George Washington University and has testified before Congress on the dangerous expansion of presidential powers.

    In the summer of 1787, a crowd gathered around Independence Hall to learn what type of government their representatives had formed for the new nation. When Benjamin Franklin walked out of the Constitutional Convention, Mrs. Powel could wait no longer. Franklin was one of the best known of the “Framers” working on the new US Constitution. Powel ran up to Franklin and asked, “Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?” Franklin turned to her and said what are perhaps the most chilling words uttered by any Framer.

    He said, “A republic, Madam, if you can keep it.”

    Franklin’s words were more than a boast. They were a warning. The curious thing about a democratic system is that it contains the seeds of its own demise. Freedom is not something guaranteed by any parchment or promise. It is earned by each generation which must jealously protect it from threats, not only from outside, but from within a nation.

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    Posted by Stevil1300...

    For me, the recent incident at the Bundy Ranch is not about cattle. It is not about turtles. It isn’t about grazing fees or land access.

    It IS about preserving this Constitutional Republic that so many of us love.

    It IS about too much Federal Government.

    It IS about state’s rights.

    “The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite. The former will be exercised principally on external objects, as war, peace, negotiation and foreign commerce. ... The powers reserved to the several States will extend to all the objects which in the ordinary course of affairs, concern the lives and liberties, and properties of the people, and the internal order, improvement and prosperity of the State.” James Madison

    It IS about the growing burden on taxpayers.

    It IS about no federal budget in 6 years.

    It IS about insane, out of control spending.

    It IS about $17.5 Trillion in debt

    It IS about $128 Trillion in unfunded liabilities

    It IS about the interest payment on our debt to China in 2014 will fully fund their entire military.

    “There are two ways to conquer and enslave a country. One is by the sword. The other is by debt.” John Adams

    It IS about a representative government that reflects the will of the people.

    It IS about the Oath of Office taken by those that are chosen by the people to represent them:

    I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter: So help me God.

    It IS about 1500 page laws being passed in Congress without lawmakers reading what they are voting for.

    “It will be of little avail to the people that the laws are made by men of their own choice if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is today, can guess what it will be tomorrow.” James Madison

    It IS about not providing adequate security to those deployed in harm's way and then pathologically lying about it.

    It IS about not putting the health and well being of those who fought for this nation at the top of our national priorities.

    “The willingness with which our young people are likely to serve in any war, no matter how justified, shall be directly proportional to how they perceive veterans of early wars were treated and appreciated by our nation.” George Washington

    It IS about tyranny.

    It IS about countless laws against the 2nd Amendment.

    It IS about the federal government targeting opposing political views with the IRS.

    It IS about domestic spying.

    It IS about securing our borders.

    It IS about federal agencies and high ranking federal employees habitually lying to Congress and to the American People

    It IS about the Attorney General being held in Contempt of Congress

    It IS about the Senate Majority leader changing the rules of the Senate

    It IS about First Amendment “Areas”

    It IS about lobbyist and special interest money going to those in office.

    “The accumulation of all powers, legislative, executive, and judiciary, in the same hands, whether of one, a few, or many, and whether hereditary, self appointed, or elective, may justly be pronounced the very definition of tyranny.” James Madison

    It IS about 73 Armed Federal Agencies:

    U.S. Customs and Border Protection
    • Federal Bureau of Prisons
    • Federal Bureau of Investigation
    • U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement • U.S. Secret Service • Administrative Office of the U.S. Courts • Drug Enforcement Administration • U.S. Marshals Service • Veterans Health Administration • Internal Revenue Service, Criminal Investigation • Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives • U.S. Postal Inspection Service • U.S. Capitol Police • National Park Service - Rangers • Bureau of Diplomatic Security • Pentagon Force Protection Agency • U.S. Forest Service • U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service • National Park Service - U.S. Park Police • National Nuclear Security Administration • U.S. Mint Police • Amtrak Police • Bureau of Indian Affairs • Bureau of Land Management • Bureau of Engraving and Printing • Environmental Protection Agency • Food and Drug Administration • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration •Tennessee Valley Authority • Federal Reserve Board • U.S. Supreme Court • Bureau of Industry and Security • National Institutes of Health • Library of Congress • Federal Emergency Management Agency • National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Government Printing Office • National Institute of Standards & Technology • Smithsonian National Zoological Park • Bureau of Reclamation • Department of Health and Human Services • Department of Defense • Department of the Treasury, Tax Administration • Social Security Administration • Department of Housing and Urban Development • Department of Labor • Department of Homeland Security • Department of Veterans Affairs • Department of Justice • Department of Transportation • Department of Education • General Services Administration • Department of the Interior • National Aeronautics and Space Administration • Department of Energy • Environmental Protection Agency • Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation • Small Business Administration • Department of State • Office of Personnel Management • Department of the Treasury • Tennessee Valley Authority • Department of Commerce • U.S. Railroad Retirement Board • Agency for International Development • Nuclear Regulatory Commission • Corporation for National and Community Service • National Science Foundation • National Archives and Records Administration • Government Printing Office • Library of Congress

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  • Tremor14
    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
    It took me way to long to realize this wasn't about black Lives matter.
    same, sorry for trolling earlier.

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    Originally posted by Magnus View Post
    It took me way to long to realize this wasn't about black Lives matter.
    Both BLMs report to the same "authority".

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  • CexMashean
    It took me way to long to realize this wasn't about black Lives matter.

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  • ftp
    The feds up to their usual bullshit tricks and tactics. Hopefully the people stand their ground and send a clear message to the feds.

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    Report from a local today..

    Alrighty, since there is so much BS floating around i'll give my take. I have lived in Burns/Harney County my entire life. I have worked for the BLM and other federal agencies as a seasonal when i was in High School and College and have been working for ranches for all of my adult life. I am currently employed as a buckaroo at a ranch outside of Burns. I know the Hammonds personally, my wife grew up as their neighbor, and they attend the same church as us. I have been to the community meetings leading up to this and was at the rally held the day that this little shindig went down. I'm not claiming to have all the facts but I do believe I know a lot more than the MSM and most of the jokers on here.

    1.) The Hammonds are a wonderful christian family who have been absolutely abused by the feds. The BLM and Refuge have been trying to shut these guys down and steal their land for years and that is why this all came about. Now, the Hammonds have not taken the Fed abuse lying down and have been fairly open about defying some of the crap that the BLM was trying to pull. The poaching and other defamatory crap was bogus and just BLM propaganda to discredit them. What they did was light some fires without dotting I's and crossing T's. They did so without malice and the result was improving the land Many others around the county have done this and not been charged or suffered minor fines and weeks of county jail, NOT charged as terrorists and given 5 yrs. This only happens when you defy the feds and have something they want. The video on the long draw and miller homestead fires is not entirely accurate but they did kill over 100 cows and destroyed thousands of acres of private range, fence, buildings, etc. I was out of town but several of my friends almost lost their lives to BLM backburns while they were out moving cows. I was on the canyon crk complex helping a friend this year and the govt turned a 5 acre lightning strike, 100% contained, into a massive wildfire that destroyed 40+ homes and thousands of acres of private timber. No charges and no reparations ever result of government negligence in any of these cases. Bottom line, the case against the Hammonds IS government tyranny, period!

    2.) Ammon Bundy showed up in town with a bad attitude and pissed a lot of people off. Even though there are a lot of sheeple and government workers in this community, there would have been a lot of sympathy for these guys had they been smarter about the whole thing. I agree with pretty much all of their reasoning and share their frustration. I believe that what they are doing can be justified in many cases, but i think they picked a poor battle in this case and poor timing. Their refuge stunt is not about the Hammonds at all. Ammon has claimed support from the community and the Committee of Safety, which he does not have. That pisses a lot of people off! If they just showed up and did what they did there would be less local animosity than by claiming to represent Harney County when you don't. There are a lot of 3%ers here that would take a stand if Dwight and Steve asked for help. They didn't and just want to get this thing over with to get back to their lives.

    Now i completely support the right of these guys to take a stand for what they believe in, I believe in the same goals! I'm praying for them and hope they are successful. However, the fact is that they did a piss poor job of reaching out to our community and they pissed off a lot of people that would have stood by them otherwise. That is not helpful to their/our cause and it isn't good for their credibility nationally. I do worry that they have hurt our cause by choosing this as their stand and a lot of us are going to be working overtime to use the publicity to shed a little more positive light on the issues faces rural folks out here. Frankly I supported these guys when they showed up and now that i've spent time around them i have a lot more reservations. There are a lot of good patriots out there but some of their leaders are tools. Just my opinion.

    3.) Our sheriff is a good guy and has handled all of this to the best of his ability. I believe if the Hammonds asked for protection he would stand by them. None of the locals at the rally threw pennies at the sheriffs office. We don't feel sold out by the local government (for the most part). We do feel sold out by the feds, and the state. We were there to support the Hammonds and protest the BLM and Feds. If the Bundy crew hadn't been such pricks to the Sheriff they would have had a lot more support. You don't convince people to stand with you by cussing the only good authorities in the community and telling all of the residents to take your side

    If anyone has any questions about this area or local events i'll try to answer them as best i can. As far as the weather, its been cold off and on lately but this isn't a particularly cold winter for us. These guys are well equipped, lots of support vehicles and trailers, I believe they can hold out if not attacked. I hope they are not attacked because i believe they can make a pretty good stand, lots of lives at stake.

    Prayers for all involved, if you do come to Burns be polite to those who don't like Bundy, explain your motivations for being here and you'll get a lot farther. Don't act like Jon R or a tacticool retard. Most teenagers around here have AR's, nobody is impressed if you pack yours into safeway with you. I'm not saying you shouldn't do it, just that you will be seen as a militia wannabe and not someone to be taken seriously. By all means pack your guns, just be classy if you want to be taken seriously. God Bless America and patriots everywhere.


    I have quite a bit more that I have collected that I will try to get posted tomorrow...

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  • Jimbo
    A deer poaching coverup? Lol, yup, sounds like terrorists.

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    Originally posted by svo855 View Post
    How would a grass fire cover that up?
    The story didn't say they thought through the coverup, merely that there supposedly was an attempt at one.

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  • GhostTX
    Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
    I also read on cnn that authorities said the fire was to cover up deer poaching so again we have two very different sides like that Bundy case.
    Originally posted by svo855 View Post
    How would a grass fire cover that up?
    No kidding. With that much land, you could bury any carcasses far easier and the gub'ment would never find it, let alone know about it.

    The armed protesters who stormed a wildlife refuge in Oregon listed their demands at a news conference Monday, while giving their group a name: Citizens for Constitutional Freedom.

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  • matts5.0
    It wouldn't lol

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  • svauto-erotic855
    Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
    I also read on cnn that authorities said the fire was to cover up deer poaching so again we have two very different sides like that Bundy case.
    How would a grass fire cover that up?

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    I also read on cnn that authorities said the fire was to cover up deer poaching so again we have two very different sides like that Bundy case.

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    Originally posted by Denny
    So, if they try this shit along the Brazos River and I start shooting, then I'm in the wrong?

    I feel like a Comanche fucking Indian.
    The thing on the brazos does sound like bullshit on the feds part to me. What I have read and heard regarding that one is that those people actually own that land (or are paying off the bank loans but still "own" it). There is a big difference to me between the government taking private land vs telling people they can't graze on land that is already federally owned. Yes I realize they do some shady shit to get owners to voluntarily sell, and I am not supporting that, but alot of what I see is people whining because the feds own land and don't want it used for whatever.

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