Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in phar://.../vb/vb.phar/bbcode/url.php on line 2 Random POLITICAL picture of the day ! - DFW Mustangs


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Random POLITICAL picture of the day !

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    • Our Current US Women's Chess Champion

      We have the best Nazis, don't we folks?


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        • Originally posted by sc281 View Post
          Fake News in Dallas

          LOL. I saw ONE guy with a sign the two days I was there.
          "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


          • But the news told me there was going to be 20k+ protesters.
            1965 Ford Falcon Pro-Touring Project
            TCI F/R Suspension, 3V-4.6 & TR3560, LT III Wheels

            Work In Progress


            • =/=


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                • Originally posted by lowthreeohz View Post
                  just saw this on Google news. wtf world am I in?

                  "Seize the means of reproduction"

                  Lmao. How the fuck didn't I think of that when I was posting Marx poon puns earlier today!

                  Sargon is having fun with this

                  Last edited by sc281; 05-05-2018, 10:25 PM.


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                    • Originally posted by sc281 View Post
                      "Seize the means of reproduction"
                      That made me laugh.

                      So I guess.. grab 'em by the.. well whatever genitals they may have. You know this stuff is actually getting pretty funny.

                      But I'm still blaming decadence on all this. Maybe that isn't the right word, but it just seems like all these deluded deranged weirdos just haven't had a hard enough life. Its like they take their cushy lives for granted and just think that its the way things would be no matter what. So its like some kind of baseline, and you should feel free to change it cause of course it will always just default to baseline if anything were to happen to go wrong.


                      • Something big is brewing...The big Ugly may be upon us.
                        Mike Rogers retired (he now can testify)
                        Page and Baker quit the FBI friday evening (no deal for their cooperation is the guess, just tell us what you know and go away)

                        The Judge busts muller's balls and gives them 2 weeks to produce the memo outline his powers.

                        The funny one - the Russian Company that muller indicted hired an American lawyer for the case and has demanded discovery of all documents related to investigation of Russia dating back to 1945.. Muller asked for a reset on the case, Judge said no, give them what they want...

                        Reading the latest stuff is maddening. These people are truly evil and not just corrupt. The guilty should hang publicly.

                        Good read over at the treehouse.
                        The transcript from the U.S. Special Counsel -vs- Paul Manafort has been released (full pdf below).  The entire transcript of the arguments between the Special Counsel lawyers, Paul Manafort Lawyers and Federal Judge T.S. Ellis III are well worth reading. As noted yesterday Judge Ellis is the first legal entity to identify the origin of […]


                        • Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                          Something big is brewing...The big Ugly may be upon us.
                          Mike Rogers retired (he now can testify)
                          Page and Baker quit the FBI friday evening (no deal for their cooperation is the guess, just tell us what you know and go away)

                          The Judge busts muller's balls and gives them 2 weeks to produce the memo outline his powers.

                          The funny one - the Russian Company that muller indicted hired an American lawyer for the case and has demanded discovery of all documents related to investigation of Russia dating back to 1945.. Muller asked for a reset on the case, Judge said no, give them what they want...

                          Reading the latest stuff is maddening. These people are truly evil and not just corrupt. The guilty should hang publicly.

                          Good read over at the treehouse.
                          I keep reading conflicting shit but I think they fired those two, not allowed to quit.
                          Whos your Daddy?


                          • Originally posted by dcs13 View Post
                            demanded discovery of all documents related to investigation of Russia dating back to 1945.. Muller asked for a reset on the case, Judge said no, give them what they want..
                            Can Muller even come up with that? Seems kind of on the impossible side


                            • those resigning are doing so because they dont want to testify before the ig . if they resign they have to be subpoenaed and have better chance for the 5th . rats are doing full gainers off that ship .


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