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  • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
    I wish I could say that you weren't typical. There's lots of people that say that they can or will release the Kraken but they never do; not a single time in the past 2000 years has anyone ever been able to back up their claims about having hard evidence despite the absolute Foundation of Christianity being Faith with no proof. When the religion requires belief without proof why does everyone run around flapping their gums saying that they have some?

    This sort of thing is why I have distain for religion and absolute contempt Evangelical Christianity.
    There are lots of theoretical things people assume exist and I doubt you have complete disdain for Stephen Hawking, for example. There's total proof in all of creation, but you discount it. Every fingerprint, every tree, every distant pulsar is a miracle. Many people experience miracles and yet those as yourself discount and scoff. If we floated around God all day in His theoretical throneroom what choice would we have in whether or not to believe? Where is the freewill in that? We differ from other beings in that we have the freedom to love him or reject him, as you have.
    Anyway, I was just curious how one goes from 0 to 60, or a better analogy might be from 60 to 0. Whatever it is---

    "If you got hate in your heart, let it out." -- Clayton Bigsby


    • ^^^ You see God and I see leaf, you see a bird and see God whereas I just see a bird. Stephen Hawking's is dead and so is your god. At least the things that Hawking's postulated were backed up by a little bit of evidence obtained through experimentation. Physicist are also not such egotistical assholes that they claim their theories can't be disproven. They also very distinctly call their beliefs theories and not gospel. If we'd stuck to the beliefs that Christians allowed we would still be living in the Dark Ages.

      Edit: I would also like to point out something that people like you never consider. Your faith is so weak that you simply can't say I believe despite having no evidence of God's existence. If there were actual evidence then Faith would not be required.
      Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 11-04-2021, 08:43 AM.
      Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


      • My favorite theory brought forth by mankind’s greatest scientific minds is the Big Bang Theory, the centerpiece of which is attributed to an undefined and mysterious “singularity”. I’ll take the account of creation from the Bible thank you very much.


        • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
          ^^^ You see God and I see leaf, you see a bird and see God whereas I just see a bird. Stephen Hawking's is dead and so is your god. At least the things that Hawking's postulated were backed up by a little bit of evidence obtained through experimentation. Physicist are also not such egotistical assholes that they claim their theories can't be disproven. They also very distinctly call their beliefs theories and not gospel. If we'd stuck to the beliefs that Christians allowed we would still be living in the Dark Ages.

          Edit: I would also like to point out something that people like you never consider. Your faith is so weak that you simply can't say I believe despite having no evidence of God's existence. If there were actual evidence then Faith would not be required.
          I do have proof. As you said, I see a bird and see God. Hawking saw space and theorizes about blackholes. There is just as eternal a way to see things for people like you. It just goes something like there is a universe, big bang. And like probably multiple universes...let's follow the hologram pattern of particles to atoms to solar systems and so on to universes....Finally you get to the point of asking, so if there are all these universes, where did they come from. And so you need a generator of these universes. I call that God. God said he wrote eternity on our hearts. You call your eternity a universe generator. How do you have that kind of faith?


          • ^^^ What you're saying is not proof Buckaroo, it's simply your theory. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you have to assign a supernatural value to it to be able to understand it.

            If you want to see what Christianity really is just go look at the Joel Olsteen's of the world.

            Just keep in mind that the 9/11 hijackers saw God in what they were doing, the Aztecs that did 24/7 human sacrifice for nearly four hundred years also saw God in what they were doing.

            Some people even see Elvis in everything the way you see God in everything; there's even a song made about it

            Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 11-04-2021, 09:43 AM.
            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


            • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
              ^^^ What you're saying is not proof Buckaroo, it's simply your theory. Just because you don't understand something doesn't mean you have to assign a supernatural the value to it to be able to understand it.

              If you want to see what Christianity really is just go look at the Joel Olsteen's of the world.

              Just keep in mind that the 9/11 hijackers saw God and in what they were doing, the Aztecs that did 24/7 human sacrifice for nearly four hundred years also saw God in what they were doing.
              You believe in something. And no matter how you describe that something---what that something is or isn't, faith is required. Faith being the substance of things not seen. Well that is a sort of supernatural sounding aspect of our existence, that we would possess faith.
              So you see a snowman and think to yourself according to your undecided faith in nonsupernatural, right? Like,
              Wow! That snowman just appeared there from the snowfall! Or, you think somebody made it. I see a human and see someone clearly created that person. I also see the creators of the snowman as made in the Creator's image, creative themselves. So that is more evidence, we people exist in an incomprehensible system of time and space that would take an eternity to explore. And that in itself is a message to us of what eternity looks like and so is your mom or dad...or whoever was the God to your baby mind. All of creation shows us this message. Otherwise why don't fully made cell phones just appear on the beaches of the world instead of sand? How can there not be a designer? How do these universes come to be?


              • There are theories about how existence came into being and those theories are based on observation and experimentation. That experimentation can be duplicated and repeated which is why it becomes a generally accepted Theory until a new Theory comes along. If you want to behave like a stone-age Savage and believe that something more powerful than yourself it's controlling every aspect of your life then go ahead and do so. Physics itself does not disprove the existence of a god. They may simply be exposing God's methods. Chances are pretty good that eventually we will know with a near certainty how things began but unless God shows up and talks to us we'll never be able to prove the existence of a god. I'd also like to point out that in Christianity God himself says that he is not the only God which makes me question what exactly the Ancients were worshipping.

                There's as much evidence of Elvis Presley being the creator of the universe then there is of your God being the creator of the universe.

                Edit: please forgive me, I'm in bright sunlight and can barely see the screen and talk texting is butchering stuff that I write and I have to go back and edit it once I am in the shade
                Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 11-04-2021, 10:07 AM.
                Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                • I prefer to visualize the mysterious singularity at the heart of the Big Bang Theory not as Elvis Presley but rather as Mickey Mouse dressed in wizard garb. The fairy dust spewing forth from his magic wand becomes the stars, and this visualization manages to completely address what the Big Bang Theory conveniently sidesteps.


                  • Originally posted by The King View Post
                    I prefer to visualize the mysterious singularity at the heart of the Big Bang Theory not as Elvis Presley but rather as Mickey Mouse dressed in wizard garb. The fairy dust spewing forth from his magic wand becomes the stars, and this visualization manages to completely address what the Big Bang Theory conveniently sidesteps.
                    In all likelihood the Big Bang keeps happening over and over again. That would be caused by a civilization advancing far enough that a scientist decides to run an experiment where they create the conditions of the Big Bang and accidentally destroys their universe while creating a new one. That scenario is just as likely to have occurred as the theory of a God causing the big bang when they said let there be light. There is your god right there; a brilliant genius that makes a mistake that destroys all of creation while making a new one.

                    Edit: I have an advanced degree that required a heavy emphasis on mathematics and because of my love of mathematics I took more advanced math courses that were not a requirement. I am very comfortable with the thought of infinity and I'm very comfortable with the thought of nothingness which from a mathematical standpoint is simply 0. Most of the world's population is not comfortable with either of those concepts and religion is used to explain them. That may be why it took several thousand years of mathematical theory before anyone even postulated the concept of zero or a negative.
                    Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 11-04-2021, 01:22 PM.
                    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                    • Perhaps Mister Mxyzptlk or Howard the Duck will transfer over to one of these new universes and pay us a visit.


                      • Originally posted by The King View Post
                        Perhaps Mister Mxyzptlk or Howard the Duck will transfer over to one of these new universes and pay us a visit.
                        Pretty unlikely. In all likelihood the process of creating a new universe destroys the old one.
                        Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                        • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855
                          In all likelihood the Big Bang keeps happening over and over again.
                          Other way around. See: Hubble's Law
                          The universe is expanding at an increasing rate, so the idea of things collapsing back into a singularity doesn't really make sense. Expanding forever into nothing and "heat death" (thermo equilibrium) is a more likely scenario.

                          Originally posted by svauto-erotic855
                          Edit: I have an advanced degree that required a heavy emphasis on mathematics and because of my love of mathematics I took more advanced math courses that were not a requirement. I am very comfortable with the thought of infinity and I'm very comfortable with the thought of nothingness which from a mathematical standpoint is simply 0. Most of the world's population is not comfortable with either of those concepts and religion is used to explain them. That may be why it took several thousand years of mathematical theory before anyone even postulated the concept of zero or a negative.
                          On this note, there's a really awesome book that anyone with a nerdy bent should read: Zero: The Biography of a Dangerous Idea

                          "The Babylonians invented it, the Greeks banned it, the Hindus worshiped it, and the Church used it to fend off heretics. Now it threatens the foundations of modern physics. For centuries the power of zero savored of the demonic; once harnessed, it became the most important tool in mathematics. For zero, infinity's twin, is not like other numbers. It is both nothing and everything.

                          In Zero, Science Journalist Charles Seife follows this innocent-looking number from its birth as an Eastern philosophical concept to its struggle for acceptance in Europe, its rise and transcendence in the West, and its ever-present threat to modern physics. Here are the legendary thinkers—from Pythagoras to Newton to Heisenberg, from the Kabalists to today's astrophysicists—who have tried to understand it and whose clashes shook the foundations of philosophy, science, mathematics, and religion. Zero has pitted East against West and faith against reason, and its intransigence persists in the dark core of a black hole and the brilliant flash of the Big Bang. Today, zero lies at the heart of one of the biggest scientific controversies of all time: the quest for a theory of everything."
                          Last edited by Strychnine; 11-04-2021, 05:41 PM.


                          • ^^^^ I know what Hubble's Law is; it is an assumption that there is no outside interference. I'm talking about somebody accidentally recreating the Big Bang that collapses/consumes the universe and then begins the expansion again. That happening would be no more unusual than the universe blinking into existence in the first place. We also do not know how longer matter last and that maybe how the universe ends, it just fizzles out because all of the matter has decayed.

                            Edit: Thank you for the link to the book, I just ordered a copy
                            Last edited by svauto-erotic855; 11-04-2021, 05:10 PM.
                            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                            • Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                              Edit: Thank you for the link to the book, I just ordered a copy

                              Enjoy. I have an exceptionally long list of atypical reads if anyone wants them.
                              Last edited by Strychnine; 11-04-2021, 11:19 PM.


                              • Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                                Enjoy. I have an exceptionally lost list of atypical reads if anyone wants them.
                                I am a voracious reader. Please PM me your list. I'm always looking for new ideas.
                                Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.

