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Next leader of UN - these people just don't get it

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  • Next leader of UN - these people just don't get it

    They pick a guy who headed up the refugee agency for the last 10 years, to head the UN at a time with a flood of refugees and terrorism on the continent?!

    Europe's capacity for Darwinian self-selection is strong.

    Portugal's Antonio Guterres poised to become next UN secretary-general

    Former Portuguese Prime Minister Antonio Guterres is set to become the next United Nations secretary-general, after the 15 Security Council members agreed to put his name forward to a formal vote.

    Guterres, who was head of the UN's refugee agency for ten years until 2015, emerged as the Security Council's runaway favorite after the latest in a series of straw polls on Wednesday.

  • #2
    Have you not figured out that this is all a game yet? The rich and powerful get richer and powerfuler(I know that's not the correct word) and they aren't as dumb as they play on TV.

    It's all a rouse to keep the masses placated and ignorant.
    G'Day Mate


    • #3
      Maybe you should wake the fuck up and realize it's all part of the same plan. Aloha snackbar, motherfucker.

      The only way to save our country is to toss the UN on its ass right along with NATO and every other organization eroding our Constitution.

