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The American Troubles

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  • #16
    You know the problem is that there is a very real war being waged on the United States by Globalist thinkers functioning as the politically and financially elite. They want to see the United States neutralized and dissolved into a continent ruled by a global overseeing all-powerful body. Islam is a tool for global domination. It is part of the plan to pit us against each other because a kingdom turned on itself cannot stand! I hope Americans stay in each other's faces and don't buy into the haterdome.


    • #17
      Haterdom kool aide already consumed by too many. Sadly the OP story is probably spot on. This is only going to worsen. If the USA survives this new Civil War, it will regress to the original Constitution as designed or disappear completely. The current ideas are completely incompatible.


      • #18
        the american people have only one weapon that is useful . the pocketbook. just as congress is suppose to function the people could shut down the progressive left. the test run in socialism failed and now is the time to right the ship. trump is headed the right direction in his supreme court picks. once the left can no longer rule by the court their agenda will fade .
        as an old fart i have witnessed the beginning of this test. starting with lbj .


        • #19
          Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
          Let's get it on
          Kind of where I am. We all recognize what cunts the left has become, how thin their skin is, and how they need something to harden then up, so a well placed brick ala Reginald Denny may be what is needed. Point is, there are a shit ton of really soft individuals that feel like they are entitled to protection from the government getting ready to square up with a larger number of people that are tired of hearing them whine and cry.


          • #20
            snowflakes vs rednecks ????? not gonna end well for them .


            • #21
              Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
              If someone is doing that in front of your house, marching through your yard, throwing stuff at your house, damaging your cars...Let's just say it won't be a safe zone.

              Well they won't be carrying guns, they're against it. So just shoot a few of them dead. It will really help. Which in tx, you can do for that. They'll just haul them off to the morgue. Theft of, or destruction of tangible property is a killable offense in TX. If I'm stealing your car, I can legally be shot to death over it at no legal penalty for you. Not simply for being on your land, but if I'm throwing bricks through your window, you can shoot.

              So shoot. Kill each one. When there are none left, who will be there to set stuff on fire, and throw stuff at your house? You will definitely not be the only one, that's for sure. And word will get around real darn fast that if they do that, they're likely to get shot. That will be the end of it. A bullet will take the wind out of anyone's sails, real damn fast. That scales upwards to entire groups. When comrades A and B catch a bullet, comrades C, D and E will go back to mom's basement.


              • #22
                Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
                Well they won't be carrying guns, they're against it. So just shoot a few of them dead. It will really help. Which in tx, you can do for that. They'll just haul them off to the morgue. Theft of, or destruction of tangible property is a killable offense in TX. If I'm stealing your car, I can legally be shot to death over it at no legal penalty for you. Not simply for being on your land, but if I'm throwing bricks through your window, you can shoot.

                So shoot. Kill each one. When there are none left, who will be there to set stuff on fire, and throw stuff at your house? You will definitely not be the only one, that's for sure. And word will get around real darn fast that if they do that, they're likely to get shot. That will be the end of it. A bullet will take the wind out of anyone's sails, real damn fast. That scales upwards to entire groups. When comrades A and B catch a bullet, comrades C, D and E will go back to mom's basement.
                I like the logic...but reality is that when someone does start shooting them, then a few of them will start arming up...and then all hell will break loose...probably to the point the national guard will be called up...martial know...all that good stuff. Part of me thinks this is what they want. A civil war.


                • #23
                  A civil war is a good excuse to kill most if not all of them. Well, all that we can find anyway. All that we know of. Its also a good excuse for an amendment to the constitution for the permanent ban of anything even slightly resembling marxism, in the united states. Which would signal the death of the american left. Throw another ban in there against helping marxist nations when they go to collapse under their own evil. Let 'em burn. Roast hot dogs.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
                    Let's get it on
                    This. It be more fun than my day job.

                    Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                    I have been beating my meat 3 times a day for 35 years dreaming of the day that this will happen. Please, bring on the apocalypse.
                    Nevermind. SVO's got it. We can all just kick back in our lawn chairs, drink a beer and spectate.


                    • #25
                      Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
                      Kind of where I am. We all recognize what cunts the left has become, how thin their skin is, and how they need something to harden then up, so a well placed brick ala Reginald Denny may be what is needed. Point is, there are a shit ton of really soft individuals that feel like they are entitled to protection from the government getting ready to square up with a larger number of people that are tired of hearing them whine and cry.
                      And they fucking hate cops or any one in authority, but we will be the first people they call. I know zero cops that are liberal!
                      Whos your Daddy?


                      • #26
                        Originally posted by kingjason View Post
                        I know zero cops that are liberal!
                        Nice. Nice.


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                          SVO's got it. We can all just kick back in our lawn chairs, drink a beer and spectate.

                          Originally posted by ram57ta View Post
                          I like the logic...but reality is that when someone does start shooting them, then a few of them will start arming up...and then all hell will break loose...probably to the point the national guard will be called up...martial know...all that good stuff. Part of me thinks this is what they want. A civil war.
                          Just remember, when the SHTF, I'll be at Costco in Frisco for 24 hours until the place is secure. Then, I'll leave it in capable hands and head to the compound north a bit and return as needed. You'll be able to tell it's me because the ass end of my jeep will be low riding from the amount of brass I'm carrying.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Baba Ganoush View Post
                            Nevermind. SVO's got it. We can all just kick back in our lawn chairs, drink a beer and spectate.
                            My tactics are those of a thief in the night. What I will do will never be seen nor would I seek credit for it.
                            Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


                            • #29
                              Originally posted by svauto-erotic855 View Post
                              My tactics are those of a thief in the night. What I will do will never be seen nor would I seek credit for it.
                              Maybe not, but you'd post about it on this forum I'm sure.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by juiceweezl View Post
                                Maybe not, but you'd post about it on this forum I'm sure.
                                I rarely post anything about what I do today. Most of what I post about that is interesting was half of my life time ago and well past the statue of limitations.
                                Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.

