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World War II (militaria)

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  • #31
    Here are the pics, that were deleted by Photobucket. I tried to upload them, but they were still prohibited. So, I simply changed the document name, and it worked. And FYI, this is the only place on the internet where I have posted these pics. So, the pictures were reported "offensive" to Photobucket by a user. Not pointing fingers....just thought it was interesting.

    I am driving back up there next weekend to get everything. (My Uncle asked to keep it there so He could read some of it too.) I will post more pics of some of the banners, and patches. Lots of old pictures as well.

    This Map is REALLY COOL. It is the road map for "foot" soldiers, and it has their route plotted as they traveled through France. Probably one of my favorite finds. Im not sure what the significance of this small "flag" was, but it was folded up inside the map completely seperate from all the others. I'm hoping to read somewhere in the diaries an explanation.

    This was an arm band, in really good shape. If you can see on the ground in the background, there was probably about 2-3 lbs. of completely shredded paper/flags, and other stuff. The Mice really tore it up. Like the flag posted below it in the third was eaten up pretty good. It was surprising, how some of it was completely destroyed...yet other stuff, was in surprisingly good shape.

    Last edited by Bringit; 12-01-2010, 07:44 PM.


    • #32
      Someone has reported your pics again.

      The small item that looks the same as your HJ flag may be part of an arm band for the HJ.


      • #33
        Great post, nice pics


        • #34
          A friend and I were splicing fios in a garland subdivision when an old man walked out of his house to us and started talking, 3 hours later he finished. We both knew he just let out what he had held in for over 60 years and he never told anyone else since he came back from Germany. Hell he was crying half the time he talked, he said he felt like he could talk to us and not offend us. He was right, my friends grandpa fought againt the japs, my grandmothers brother was in the first wave at Normandy and my grandfather was at pearl ready to ship out when the war ended. he left us after he showed us his medals and some other kinck knacks. (grammer police bite me)


          • #35
            Originally posted by sc281 View Post
            Sean had an avatar that had Obama in a Nazi uniform in front of the Nazi flag. Maston bitched like .... well... a bitch, and Sean was asked to take it down by the Mods.
            oh yea, I remember busting his balls on that.


            • #36
              do not try to clean any of that metal stuff yourself . if i learned anything from pawnstars, you don't take a wire brush or brillow pad to it!
              Last edited by Jaison; 12-01-2010, 09:34 PM.

              Cobra #340 Mystichrome #73


              • #37
                It's weird about the ww2 vets not talking and then finding that one person who they can share everything with. My wifes g father was like that. None of his kids served in the military and when I met him he asked if I served. I told him yes and then he just went off on the war. Just unloaded 60 yrs of history on the floor. He told me things that he hadn't told his wife nor anyone in the family. I felt honored and privileged that he spoke to me.

