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B-36 Over Fort Worth

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  • B-36 Over Fort Worth

    Quite often, the B-36 would be called upon to demonstrate how quickly it could get off the ground, especially when loaded with a minimum amount of fuel. On a Sunday afternoon in October 1954 a group of firemen were having a convention in town and were on a tour of the Base. In order for a person to draw his flight pay he was required to fly at least fours a month, and 100 hours each year. Thad Neal's crew was scheduled for a two or three week leave in October, so in order to get in the required flying time this pilot proficiency mission was set up for the crew. I believe it was on a Sunday afternoon.

    Before leaving home for the Base that morning, Thad called and told me to have Rin (my wife) standing by with the movie camera. I knew he had visitors and that he wanted them to get a good look at the plane, so I expected that it would be a low flyover but had no idea just how low he planned on making it.

    The visiting firemen were on the ramp at the time of our take off so Thad was directed to make a maximum performance takeoff and then come around with the low pass over. With a minimum fuel load the B-36 really got off the ground in a hurry. We taxied onto the runway heading south and set the brakes. Thad called for full power on the six recips and four jet engines. That old bird started to stutter and seemed to skid until the brakes were released. I don't think we used a thousand feet of runway before breaking ground. We leveled off at four thousand and headed to the north end of Eagle Mountain Lake at 4,000' before turning south and heading for the north end of the runway. When over Eagle Mountain Lake the plane turned south. With "six turning and four burning" the plane headed directly for the north end of the runway. In a shallow dive with full power the plane skimmed down the runway at almost no altitude. I don't know how fast we were going but it had to be at least 180 mph. Thad kept right on the deck for the whole length of the runway. I was sitting in the glass nose and had a good view. The operators in the GCA shack along side the runway took a dive for the ground as the plane approached with the props almost ticking the concrete.

    Thad had originally planned on flying directly over his house. Between the Base and West Ridglea the ground rises maybe a hundred feet so. Thad could not get a true bead on his house from the low altitude so he flew down the road where Ridgmar Mall sits today. Climbing over the small ridge he soon spotted his house just a wee bit off to the left. Still following the terrain he pushed the nose down a bit again but did not dare to drop the wing in a turn. After crossing he ridge, the land gradually gets lower until it reaches Mary's Creek. We stayed on the deck all the way and then part way down highway 377. Then we climbed back to altitude and my log book show we flew for six hours.

    Trinka was in her front yard filming the approach, until frightened, when she dropped the camera. Rin had heard us takeoff so she got our camera and sat on the back porch to wait for the next event. It came so fast and caught her by surprise so that all she could do was step off the porch and shoot between the two houses. She did get a short blip of film as we passed about a block away. She did run out front and got a few feet as we few down the hill to the Creek, then she went in the house and poured herself a stiff drink.

    As we flew down the highway I recall seeing cars stop and people head for the ditches. Several years later I was telling this story to some co-workers at General Dynamics and one man told me that he was one of those that had sought shelter in a ditch.

    We landed and went home to prepare for our vacation not realizing the furor that was going on in Headquarters. One man had called in demanding that his TV antenna be returned. He claimed that a jet pod had removed it from his roof. One character even claimed that the jet exhaust had set fire to a phone pole. There were claims about cracked plaster and pictures that had fallen from the walls.

    There was such a fuss raised that General Jack Ryan the 19thAD CO had to take some action. Early the following morning before we could get away, Thad called and said not to leave. General Ryan wanted to talk with all of us. We met at his office and one by one had to go in to give our version of the whole episode. When it was all over he had to fine Thad. I believe it was for $250.00 and he was taken off the promotion list for a couple of years, but as he left the General's office, General Ryan told Thad that was the best buzz job he had ever heard of. It didn't hurt his career either. He would serve as a Commander at Wichita Falls, and then in the Pentagon before going to Florida. He retired as a Lieutenant Colonel.

    Thad was killed in a crash in the early 60's while training in C-123's in Florida. The training was preparing him for duty in Viet Nam, defoliation, I think they called it. In the middle of a low altitude turn he lost an engine and went down.

  • #2
    Damn he was mowing grass with that thing


    • #3
      Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
        Tower, this is Ghost Rider requesting a flyby.
        Negative Ghost Rider, the pattern is full.

        I bet that puckered some cornholes!


        • #5
          Surprised that huge turd didn't catch on fire and crash into the city lol.

          Those birds weren't exactly known for their reliability.
          2004 Suzuki DL650
          1996 Hy-Tek Hurricane 103


          • #6
            did some reading on one of the links in that vid, apparently one had an engine fire and the engine fall off out near justin/ponder.


            • #7
              That was fucking awesome!!


              • #8
                Wow. That was pretty low!
                Some cars and a bike...

                Some say... they have been raced, some a lot


                • #9
                  That was awesome!


                  • #10

                    lol oooo snap.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Tannerm View Post
                      lol oooo snap.
                      How is that funny?


                      • #12
                        B-36s went down all over the world, from the north end of the runway at Carswell AFB (which is Lake Worth) to England. They were actually excellent aircraft, but were in a constant state of revision, and were naturally victims of the cutting-edge technology that they ushered in. It was the first large-scale use of magnesium in aircraft. It was the first time that epoxy adhesives were used in structural components instead of traditional rivets and welding. They used wind tunnels to figure out how to cool a three-row radial in a pusher configuration. All of this stuff was way ahead of its time, and it worked well. And it was called the "Jesus" airplane because that's what everyone said when seeing it for the first time.

                        It was an ambitious and optimistic time; they actually flew the NB-36 (N for nuclear) which was a B-36 with an active nuclear reactor and crew shielding on board. The idea was to eventually have the reactor powering the engines and keep the aircraft aloft indefinitely. The B-36 was routinely able to cover 10,000 mile missions without refueling. That takes a hell of a long time with a ~250mph cruise speed.

                        You cannot imagine what a fan of the B-36 I am. The huge formations of B-36 bombers are still the most intimidating show of force the USAF has ever assembled. My grandfather worked at Convair in the very early '50s performing maintenance on these behemoths.

                        I actually have my copy of [ame=]Magnesium Overcast[/ame] on my desk here at work today.

                        Sorry for the long post. I absolutely loved that video, thank you for posting it.
                        When the government pays, the government controls.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                          How is that funny?
                          Really? geeeeez.... No sir you are mistaken. I am simply laughing at the fact that when I google b36 the first line of pics is this old news article. Was curious as to what this looked like. Never heard of a b36. Everyone said they were crashin left n right and that it was funny that it was on google images within 10 images. Simmer down.


                          • #14
                            Merely a question. Thanks for explaining it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                              B-36s went down all over the world, from the north end of the runway at Carswell AFB (which is Lake Worth) to England. They were actually excellent aircraft, but were in a constant state of revision, and were naturally victims of the cutting-edge technology that they ushered in. It was the first large-scale use of magnesium in aircraft. It was the first time that epoxy adhesives were used in structural components instead of traditional rivets and welding. They used wind tunnels to figure out how to cool a three-row radial in a pusher configuration. All of this stuff was way ahead of its time, and it worked well. And it was called the "Jesus" airplane because that's what everyone said when seeing it for the first time.

                              It was an ambitious and optimistic time; they actually flew the NB-36 (N for nuclear) which was a B-36 with an active nuclear reactor and crew shielding on board. The idea was to eventually have the reactor powering the engines and keep the aircraft aloft indefinitely. The B-36 was routinely able to cover 10,000 mile missions without refueling. That takes a hell of a long time with a ~250mph cruise speed.

                              You cannot imagine what a fan of the B-36 I am. The huge formations of B-36 bombers are still the most intimidating show of force the USAF has ever assembled. My grandfather worked at Convair in the very early '50s performing maintenance on these behemoths.

                              I actually have my copy of Magnesium Overcast on my desk here at work today.

                              Sorry for the long post. I absolutely loved that video, thank you for posting it.
                              Thats one funky looking inverted purpolsion (sp) plane. Never heard of a B36 and I love old 30-50 aircraft. Had to google for reference.

