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Bill Burr vs Yoko Ono (nsfw)

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  • Bill Burr vs Yoko Ono (nsfw)

  • #2
    Actual Performance. Holy fuck that sound is annoying


    • #3
      She should have been fucking shot for doing that, talk about ruining the song & musical history.


      • #4
        This is your first time hearing Yoko? You have missed out on life, my friend.

        I can't believe Chuck Berry actually let that bitch open her mouth. Lennon's excuse was drugs, however. Below, I have posted one of her more 'famous' songs. Listen to the whole thing, please.

        How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


        • #5
          that was pretty bad Geor! no wonder the Beatles broke up! i would get away from that annoying bitch, too and you know she tagged along everywhere John Lennon went


          • #6
            John Lennon's cover of Hound Dog with Yoko "contributing"


            • #7

              Zappa met Lennon and Yoko Ono in 1971 and performed with them on stage. After a while Ono started screaming throughout Lennon's performance, so two of Zappa's band members put a bag over her head while she kept singing. This track eventually ended up on Playground Psychotics (1992), where it was named A Small Eternity With Yoko Ono.

              "Frank once described an encounter he'd had with John Lennon and Yoko Ono. I don't remember the occasion, but for some reason, they were about to go on stage together in New York. According to Frank, Yoko was talking incessantly in a high-pitched voice and John was getting more and more exasperated with her. Finally, John shouted at her: 'Shut up you little Jap!' And Yoko socked him in the face. Ah, those golden days of peace and love. Frank's reaction? 'From then on, John was okay in my book.


              • #8
                Yoko totally shit over this amazing performance with Lennon backed up by Zappa and the Mothers.


                • #9
                  bill burr is the shit. Has a great podcast every monday.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by scootro View Post
                    that was pretty bad Geor! no wonder the Beatles broke up! i would get away from that annoying bitch, too and you know she tagged along everywhere John Lennon went
                    Don't worry


                    • #11
                      I totally erased that Yoko dog shit from my memory when I was a young adult. Now you fuckers resurrect that god forsaken sound of nails on chalkboard sound.

                      Thanks a lot.


                      • #12
                        Never had the pleasure, not I know why.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Geor! View Post
                          Below, I have posted one of her more 'famous' songs. Listen to the whole thing, please.

                          Thanks a lot. I guess the sound of that was too much to handle, my dog just "offed herself"


                          • #14
                            I hate that filthy whore so much

