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The Better Off Dead 1967 Camaro

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  • The Better Off Dead 1967 Camaro

    The greatest movie of the 80's. This guy tracked down the car with a ton of legwork, then had it full on restored. Pretty cool site to bounce around on.

  • #2
    fuck fuck fuck, mute mute mute. Well that just woke up some folks in the tent. Fucking auto play music.

    Cool site though.
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • #3
      That's pretty cool. Better off Dead is one of my all time favorite movies. I still shoot quotes of it today. LOL
      Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


      • #4
        Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
        fuck fuck fuck, mute mute mute. Well that just woke up some folks in the tent. Fucking auto play music.

        Cool site though.

        I had my laptop on mute, otherwise I would have warned you guys. Hate that crap, too.


        • #5
          Love that movie


          • #6
            condorman is the greatest movie of the 80s


            • #7
              Cool find.


              • #8
                Never seen it
                "Yeeeeehhhhhaaaaawwwww that's my jam"


                • #9
                  Two dollars, i want my two dollars.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Country cracker View Post
                    Never seen it

                    Get out of my sight.


                    • #11
                      That's always been one of my favorite "movie cars".


                      • #12
                        Gee, I'm really sorry your mom blew up, Ricky, guess she won't be able to eat any spicy foods for awhile.
                        Good judgment comes from bad decisions and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.


                        • #13
                          It's no Weird Science, but it's a good movie


                          • #14
                            ... or Goonies


                            • #15
                              I've been going to this high school for seven and a half years. I'm no dummy.

                              Lane Myer: Johnny...
                              Johnny: Four weeks, twenty papers, that's two dollars. Plus tip.
                              Lane Myer: Gee Johnny, I don't have a dime.
                              Johnny: Didn't ask for a dime. Two dollars.
                              Lane Myer: Well... it's funny see... my mom, had to leave early to take my brother to school and my dad to work cuz...
                              Johnny: ...two dollars... cash.
                              Lane Myer: See... the problem here is that... my little brother, this morning, got his arm caught in the microwave, and uh... my grandmother dropped acid and she freaked out, and hijacked a school bus full of... penguins, so it's kind of a family crisis... so come back later? Great.

                              Charles De Mar: Ah, come on! It's Christmas Eve! I could be home right now, drinking this *monster* eggnog my brother makes with lighter fluid.

