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MCAS Cherry Point (NC) 1949-1953

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  • MCAS Cherry Point (NC) 1949-1953

    My dad died in November. Today we went to Mom's and were sitting around talking. Mom asked if I'd like to have some 'old airplane pictures'. I said sure. Turns out it was a little book of photos my dad took when he was stationed at MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) Cherry Point, North Carolina. Dad always said he loved being stationed at Cherry Point. Dad's handwriting is on the front cover and says these were taken between 1952 and 1953. Mom wrote 1949 as the date on the back cover. I believe 1952-'53 is correct.

    Semper Fi.

    F4U Corsair:

    ??? I can't place this one:

    F1 Phantom (and you thought the F4 was the only Phantom)

    Corsair in foreground, C117 Flying Boxcar left background, unk right background:

    T6 Texans

    R4D (DC3)? The thing throwing me off is the rounded stabilizer:

    More Corsairs:

    F2 Banshee

    Are you getting the idea he was in love with the Corsair?
    Last edited by JP135; 02-05-2011, 11:50 PM.

  • #2

    Last edited by JP135; 02-05-2011, 11:53 PM.


    • #3
      Those are awesome!!

      I could probably identify most of them, but you ought to register and share those pictures on the WIX site:

      Thanks for posting those! That straight-wing F9F Panther was pretty hot shit in the early '50s. Cool!

      Sorry about your dad btw. RIP
      When the government pays, the government controls.


      • #4
        Originally posted by JP135 View Post
        My dad died in November. Today we went to Mom's and were sitting around talking. Mom asked if I'd like to have some 'old airplane pictures'. I said sure. Turns out it was a little book of photos my dad took when he was stationed at MCAS (Marine Corps Air Station) Cherry Point, North Carolina. Dad always said he loved being stationed at Cherry Point. Dad's handwriting is on the front cover and says these were taken between 1952 and 1953. Mom wrote 1949 as the date on the back cover. I believe 1952-'53 is correct.

        Semper Fi.

        ??? I can't place this one:

        R4D (DC3)? The thing throwing me off is the rounded stabilizer:

        I'm pretty sure that is a F7F Tigercat

        That is some kind of variant of the C-46.

        Great Pics and thanks for sharing.
        RIP to your Father.
        "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


        • #5
          Who doesn't love the Corsair?

          The Corsair, P51 Mustang, and SR-71 Blackbird are my favorite planes.

          I would watch every Baa Baa Black Sheep rerun to this day if it was back on.


          • #6
            Oh, and by the way, my Dad was at Cherry Point in 54 training to be an Airborne Radio Operator on the F3D

            Unfortunately, he had a motorcycle accident and was dropped from training but went on to retire as a Gunny in 1968.
            "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


            • #7
              Cool pics


              • #8
                Originally posted by 46Tbird View Post
                Those are awesome!!

                I could probably identify most of them, but you ought to register and share those pictures on the WIX site:

                Thanks for posting those! That straight-wing F9F Panther was pretty hot shit in the early '50s. Cool!

                Sorry about your dad btw. RIP
                Thanks man, I may do that. Dad always called the Panther a "screaming mimi" and said it was really something. I miss him so much but he's at peace now.

                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                I'm pretty sure that is a F7F Tigercat

                That is some kind of variant of the C-46.

                RIP to your Father.
                Thanks bro.

                Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                Who doesn't love the Corsair?

                The Corsair, P51 Mustang, and SR-71 Blackbird are my favorite planes.
                Agreed on all 3. There's a retired AF Major who teaches school in Arlington who flew the SR71. My wife worked with him. One of the nicest guys you'd ever meet and he can tell story after story about the Blackbird (up to a point).

                Originally posted by helosailor View Post
                Oh, and by the way, my Dad was at Cherry Point in 54 training to be an Airborne Radio Operator on the F3D

                Unfortunately, he had a motorcycle accident and was dropped from training but went on to retire as a Gunny in 1968.
                Sorry about the accident, but glad he got to stay in and retire as a Gunny. Mine would have loved to made a career out of The Corps, but my older sister got sick worrying about him all the time. Doc told him he needed to choose between a live daughter or the Marine Corps. He did the right thing for his family.


                • #9
                  Effing amazing find! Dad had great taste! B17, p51, corsair, and bf109 were my favs! Frame those bad boys, put em in your game room or livig room. Thag would be an awesome decor idea.


                  • #10
                    cool pics


                    • #11
                      F4U is my favorite warbird! Thanks for sharing the pics.


                      • #12
                        Cool pics. Here’s a bad scan of a photo I took of the Tigercat at the Lonestar Flight Museum. Beautiful airplane.


                        • #13
                          thank you sir, those are very cool. I have a love for older planes though I don't know much about them. My love for things mechanical makes like the old piston and radial engines for there look and the sound they have.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by 03trubluGT View Post
                            Who doesn't love the Corsair?

                            The Corsair, P51 Mustang, and SR-71 Blackbird are my favorite planes.

                            I would watch every Baa Baa Black Sheep rerun to this day if it was back on.

                            If you use rabbit ears there is a channel I think 31-3 or 31-4 that runs black sheep.


                            • #15

                              That is some kind of variant of the C-46.

                              Yep... Curtis C-46 (AAF). The Navy/Marine version was the R5C..

                              Great photo's.

                              Natural law. Sons are put on this earth to trouble their fathers.

