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  • Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
    New school with white hoods as part of the uniform?
    I want her to have a chance to grow up and make intelligent decisions and not get brainwashed into thinking that black is better (or anything else) just because her friends or other nutjobs tell her it is so. In our PC world, it's okay for black people to denigrate the white population as they are doing with her, yet because I don't want my kid to fall in line with what they are trying to teach her, I'm the racist. Fuck that. I'm waaaaaay past the point of giving a shit what anybody thinks anymore and I welcome anyone that doesn't like it to go fuck themselves.

    If the new school that she goes to happens to promote white hoods, that would be miles ahead of what her friends are teaching her now. At least she hopefully won't end up a pregnant, single mom with VD from some player that just wants hit it and quit it.

    I've met many of the kids from the school and there is a wide variety of kids and attitudes. Regardless of the skin color or race, some seem like well mannered kids that have respect and speak with intelligence, while other act like they would be better suited as hood ornaments. Kids will be kids, but when I see how mine are being influenced in such a negative manner, I am going to try to make a change BEFORE it's too late.
    Last edited by line-em-up; 05-12-2016, 09:40 AM.


    • Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
      I am pretty sure most kids go through that, I sure as hell listened to a ton of OG gangsta rap back in the day (Still do actually) . Good luck man! Teenage girls are a pain in the ass.
      My wife knows several parents that have had their daughters go through the same exact phase. Some recovered from it, but at least one of them didn't. As a parent, it's my responsibility to guide/coach them along so that they can get through the teenage years without doing stupid shit that will destroy their future or end up limiting their future possibilities.
      Last edited by line-em-up; 05-12-2016, 09:41 AM.


      • sober Matt is gonna see this and wonder why drunk Matt posted it


        • Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
          I want her to have a chance to grow up and make intelligent decisions and not get brainwashed into thinking that black is better (or anything else) just because her friends or other nutjobs tell her it is so. In our PC world, it's okay for black people to denigrate the white population as they are doing with her, yet because I don't want my kid to fall in line with what they are trying to teach her, I'm the racist. Fuck that. I'm waaaaaay past the point of giving a shit what anybody thinks anymore and I welcome anyone that doesn't like it to go fuck themselves.

          If the new school that she goes to happens to promote white hoods, that would be miles ahead of what her friends are teaching her now. At least she hopefully won't end up a pregnant, single mom with VD from some player that just wants hit it and quit it.

          I've met many of the kids from the school and there is a wide variety of kids and attitudes. Regardless of the skin color or race, some seem like well mannered kids that have respect and speak with intelligence, while other act like they would be better suited as hood ornaments. Kids will be kids, but when I see how mine are being influenced in such a negative manner, I am going to try to make a change BEFORE it's too late.
          Is it black boyfriends that concern you, or just hoodlums and thugs?
          I don't like Republicans, but I really FUCKING hate Democrats.

          Sex with an Asian woman is great, but 30 minutes later you're horny again.


          • Originally posted by line-em-up View Post
            My wife knows several parents that have had their daughters go through the same exact phase. Some recovered from it, but at least one of them didn't. As a parent, it's my responsibility to guide/coach them along so that they can get through the teenage years without doing stupid shit that will destroy their future or end up limiting their future possibilities.
            So you are just being a good dad and worrying. Want to get her to snap out of it? Go drop her off in Como or stop 6 without a phone at about 7p.m. Then tell her to walk home, shit will be worked out for you with the quickness.


            • Originally posted by LANTIRN View Post
              Is it black boyfriends that concern you, or just hoodlums and thugs?
              Not so much that as the fact that they are teaching her how gloriously perfect, yet mistreated the blacks are and how sorry and racist the whites are and then she is comes home and repeats it.

              I have met the boy that she likes and he seems like a nice guy.
              Last edited by line-em-up; 05-12-2016, 12:43 PM.


              • Originally posted by Scott Mc View Post
                So you are just being a good dad and worrying. Want to get her to snap out of it? Go drop her off in Como or stop 6 without a phone at about 7p.m. Then tell her to walk home, shit will be worked out for you with the quickness.
                The thought has crossed my mind.


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                    • David


                      • "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                        • "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


                          • "It is in truth not for glory, nor riches, nor honours that we are fighting, but for freedom - for that alone, which no honest man gives up but with life itself."


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                              • When was that?

