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Warrior dash 2011!!!

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  • #16
    i'm signed up for teh saturday, 3pm wave. i'm excited. this is my first.


    • #17
      Almost time! Five more days...good luck to the few running this.


      • #18
        I'm doing Sunday 11am! I hope I'm not in too bad of shape in the morning since I'm going to a friend's bday saturday night and party!!

        I'm bringing it!!!


        • #19
          29:39, and shoulda been at least a minute faster but wasn't pacing myself correcty. I had way too much in me at the end.


          • #20
            My goal is 25 minutes. Let's see what happens.... I'm doing the 11am wave today.... I am kind of hungover though...


            • #21
              Damn 25 is pretty quick! I don't know how people were getting 19s and 20s


              • #22
                I came in 71st out of 500 and my time was horrible. I did 30 mins and 40 seconds. It sucked because I started way in the back and had to wait for the people when we had to funnel ourselves through the tight places. That and the fact that I kept a way too slow pace. By the time it was over I wasn't even huffing and puffing.

                Oh well, now I know for next time. I'm thinking of doing the mud run in June. They have a 5k and a 10k. Maybe I'll go for the 10k. :-)


                • #23
                  Yeah I had to sprint at the beginning to get past all the slow assholes that felt the need to go at the front. I agree on pacing myself too slow. I'm used to having my distance and pace on my phone in my hand.

                  It was a blast though an I will be doing the jailbreak in September. Same place.

