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reject Chipman for ATF

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  • Fastback
    Originally posted by Gasser64 View Post
    Once they do that, they're fucked until they go full reverse. I boycott and tell others to boycott until they adopt a pro gun stance. You don't get to do damage and then come crawling back, begging. Oh no. Now you've got to help out, as well as repair the damage you did.

    So for example, for me to ever use JCPenny for anything again (take the wife there, buy xmas presents, whatever) they're going to have to run a pro-gun T-shirt line for awhile. Pro 2A. Or they can forever eat dicks. Fuck em. Yeti will need to start selling coolers with AR-15's embossed or something along those lines.

    When any of these names come up, I warn people away. People doing this hurts their business.
    Absofuckinglutely! And for the record I got a 2A cooler from Grizzly during that skirmish. Will still never own a Yeti anything until, as you said, make an effort to make opposite and noteable pro-Constitution stance.

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  • Gasser64
    Originally posted by Fastback View Post
    It matters because 2A constituancy pushback needs to be immediate and huge like it was when Yeti took away NRA member discounts. Yeti had to grovel publically for fear of losing such a pronounced market share.
    Once they do that, they're fucked until they go full reverse. I boycott and tell others to boycott until they adopt a pro gun stance. You don't get to do damage and then come crawling back, begging. Oh no. Now you've got to help out, as well as repair the damage you did.

    So for example, for me to ever use JCPenny for anything again (take the wife there, buy xmas presents, whatever) they're going to have to run a pro-gun T-shirt line for awhile. Pro 2A. Or they can forever eat dicks. Fuck em. Yeti will need to start selling coolers with AR-15's embossed or something along those lines.

    When any of these names come up, I warn people away. People doing this hurts their business.

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  • Fastback
    Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
    Signed. But I wonder if it matters.
    It matters because 2A constituancy pushback needs to be immediate and huge like it was when Yeti took away NRA member discounts. Yeti had to grovel publically for fear of losing such a pronounced market share.

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  • Sean88gt
    Signed. But I wonder if it matters.

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  • Gasser64
    At the top of the stock message I wrote "Please Senator, always reject these unamerican anti-gunners from clown world like Chipman. Thank you."

    Not that anyone will read that but hey, just in case they do..

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  • 32vfromhell

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  • bird_dog0347
    I signed that petition this morning as well, fuck him.

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  • Fastback
    started a topic reject Chipman for ATF

    reject Chipman for ATF

    Urge Your Senators to reject Chipman for ATF | GOA

    We have already told you about David Chipman, the virulent anti-gunner who Joe Biden has nominated to run the ATF. The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to have a vote on him this Thursday. And that’s why I need you to contact your Senators once again — even if they are not on that committee. It is important that Senators … Read more

    We have already told you about David Chipman, the virulent anti-gunner who Joe Biden has nominated to run the ATF.
    The Senate Judiciary Committee is scheduled to have a vote on him this Thursday.