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Well, there goes ammo prices again..

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    Yeah I way missed that window. I remember though even in those days it took a few cases worth of factory ammo to even break even on the cost of all the machinery and supplies. Can?t imagine the break-even point now. Lol
    I didn't originally get into reloading to save on the cost but rather when shooting USPSA I could tune the ammo to my gun as well as the power factor and have a softer/flatter shooting gun that still made power factor for maximum points. Then when I switched to open division and started shooting .38 Super Comp you have to reload as no one makes that round in bulk. I also upgraded from the Dillon XL650 to a Dillon Super 1050 with bullet feeder and all... way overkill and not cost effective but it certainly makes the process faster.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by bird_dog0347 View Post
    For sure it is!!! Hell, in 2019 I could go to any gun show and buy 5k primers for about $130, now they are like $8-$9 per hundred if you can find them last I checked. I've got tons of components to make my .223, .300blk (I convert my own .223 brass as well), .40, .38 SC so I'm set to make thousands more rounds on top of the bunch I already have loaded. The only things I buy but don't reload is .22, 9mm (don't shoot much of it) and shotgun shells.
    Yeah I way missed that window. I remember though even in those days it took a few cases worth of factory ammo to even break even on the cost of all the machinery and supplies. Can?t imagine the break-even point now. Lol

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  • bird_dog0347
    Originally posted by Trip McNeely View Post
    It?s probably more expensive than it was before though too.
    For sure it is!!! Hell, in 2019 I could go to any gun show and buy 5k primers for about $130, now they are like $8-$9 per hundred if you can find them last I checked. I've got tons of components to make my .223, .300blk (I convert my own .223 brass as well), .40, .38 SC so I'm set to make thousands more rounds on top of the bunch I already have loaded. The only things I buy but don't reload is .22, 9mm (don't shoot much of it) and shotgun shells.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Originally posted by bubbaearl View Post
    reloading is way more popular now. supplies can be harder to find than ammo.
    It?s probably more expensive than it was before though too.

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  • bubbaearl
    reloading is way more popular now. supplies can be harder to find than ammo.

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  • dcs13
    Guess I cried wolf. I really expected the prices to jump with Bidens move. Maybe folks have kinda stocked up enough at this point. Not like you can carry 3k rounds onto the battlefield these days.

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  • 68RR
    I've been getting almost daily emails from SGA about bulk ammo sales. Prices have dropped a bit, but still more than before.

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  • ceyko
    Feel like those rounds have been too expensive for 5+ years.

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  • ram57ta
    I have enough .223/556 and 7.62x39 that I'm not too concerned.

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  • Trip McNeely
    Maybe the non-NATO rounds won’t be affected…maybe…

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  • dcs13
    started a topic Well, there goes ammo prices again..

    Well, there goes ammo prices again..

    Probably gonna be a lot more expensive to get 556 for a while...
    The Defense Production Act (DPA 1950 amended, pdf) essentially is a legislative hurdle that stops the executive from stepping into the private sector and restricting trade, commerce or manufacturing, unless the President says a critical shortage of “xxxx” is present and national security is at stake. It protects citizens from the threat of govt nationalization […]