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wherez the boat story thread?

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  • wherez the boat story thread?

    Searched on 93lxhorse's id and "boat story" but can't find it. Did it not make it over here?

  • #2
    Okay, many years ago I was involved with this married woman.... OK, I know that is not cool but back then it was sweet. After all I was 22 and she was 33. Anyway, she was the admin to the president of the company I worked for. She was this hot, half Japanese, half American woman, man was she beautiful... She had hair all the way down to her perfect pear-shaped butt, and she could kiss and use her mouth in ways that I will never forget. We would get together about once a month, and have the hottest sex I had encountered up to that point in my life. She taught me allot in the area of taking instructions, performing cunnilingus, and introduced me to porno style sex. I thank that woman continuously for what she taught me..

    Well anyway, one weekend, a friend of mine was going out of town, and in exchange for feeding his dogs, I got to use his bass boat, and my plan was to head out to Joe Pool lake. I had 3 hits of acid, and a bottle of Quervo, and my plan was to head out with a friend, sit on the lake all nite and fry, trip out on the stars.......

    So I'm walking through the office that Friday, and she explains to me that the hubby is out of town, and she is free for the weekend. I ask her if she wants to hang on the lake with me, and she says yes. We get out there about 7 on Fri. evening, and I take a hit of this acid, and we start hittin the bottle. Pretty soon I am explaining the relevance of the clouds and how their individual shapes dictate certain ideas and provide guidance for us, and how we can learn from the fish if we really pay attention. Well she kinda wondered what was up with that whole line of talk, so I caved in and told her about the acid. She wanted to "tune in" so I obliged....

    ........ soon we were peaking together and the stars were streaking across the sky, as I drove the bass boat to the limits. We found our way back to the coves at the south end of the lake, and soon we had our clothes off, and our sexual organs laid out for each other. Mine was as hard as it had ever been, due to the acid, the imagery, and the impending waterborne conquest...

    I placed her on the bow of the boat, with her legs parted. I busily and hungrily partook of her deliciousness, and we took turns touching and playing with each other's goodies. At one point, she demonstrated her ability to straddle the Quervo bottle, and pick it up with no hands....

    ........well, I eventually had her bent over the steering wheel, with me entering her from behind. I became obsessed with entering her lovely ass, and slowly worked my finger, then fingers into her, to prepare her for what was next. As I knelt under her and saw my glistening finger(s) disappearing into her, I marveled at the true versatility of the human body and its openings. Finally I was in her sweet girl-darkness, from behind. Her guttural noises interrupted only by the occasional passing back and forth of the now mostly empty bottle.

    ... by now we had developed a rhythm that was pleasing to both of us, and she was definitely enjoying her first (and mine) anal experience. Everything was in perfect harmony, our bodies pulsating, gyrating, and alive with chemical induced ecstasy.

    SUDDENLY, a boat was coming up the cove at a fairly good clip. It did not bother me at all that one of the passengers had a spotlight beamed directly on us, and that the whole boatload of them, chose to check us out and laugh, but what happened next will forever be etched in the annals of my mind.

    The wake from the passing boat made its way over to us, and the waves proceed to rock us gently at first, then a little more aggressively. It was fun trying to synchronize our motion with that of the boats, and for a while we seemed quite skilled. I was KING KOCK, SUPER FUCKER, and ASS PENETRATOR EL SUPREMO.... I could do no wrong.

    How wrong I was. An especially abrupt bump upset our rhythm, and suddenly I was no longer inside of her. I had apparently enemized the contents of her bowels, and she proceeded to spray my throbbing, acid enhanced hard-on with a rather violent fountain of diarrhea style shit. The foulness of that, coupled with the whiskey and acid buzz, caused me to immediately gag, then vomit onto her ass and back, as well as myself. Her reaction was exactly the same, and soon she too was vomiting. She couldn't help herself, and shit some more. The look on her face was one of fear, embarrassment, and wishing she could disappear. She wanted to cry, but couldn't. I thought it was funny and said, "let's just jump in the water", which we did. She lightened up, and we were soon laughing.

    I had still not lost my hammer-like appendage, which by this time was throbbing. It felt like it would be that way forever, and I convinced her that we HAD to finish, but this time I would use a less volatile opening. So we moved back to the front of the boat, and managed to both have tremendous climaxes, in spite of the occasional stench. I felt like a true animal that nite, a beast that had no business ever wearing clothes or dealing with other humans, with the exception of my newly found mate.

    We sped naked across the lake as the sun came up, and took the boat to a car wash to clean it up. She insisted she be the one to spray it down, what a trooper. I said nothing to my buddy about the incident, until about 6 months later at the bar, with a bunch of other people, strangers and friends. You should have seen their faces, especially my buddy's as I recounted with even more graphic detail the aforementioned events.

    I never used his boat again, and she thought it was best we not continue the affair, but I did receive an occasional "way-homer" after work in an empty office................


    • #3
      Gracias senor


      • #4
        It's funny, but I prefer the truck story. It involved mooning asains


        • #5
          Now that was a great story to start my lame ass day here at work


          • #6
            Originally posted by HarrisonTX View Post
            It's funny, but I prefer the truck story. It involved mooning asains
            WTF you got something against Asians?


            • #7
              I luv Asian women so very sexy!


              • #8
                Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
                I luv Asian women so very sexy!
                I got the yellow a BAD way.


                • #9
                  My wife did NOT think it was funny LOL. For some reason the story popped in my head and I showed it to the wife. Not even a giggle.

                  She was too serious after watching a documentary on HBO about a driver killing 8 people.


                  • #10
                    You should have seen their faces, especially my buddy's as I recounted with even more graphic detail the aforementioned events.
                    WHAT other details? I have read this several times and missed this part.


                    • #11
                      another good story would was the one about finding a turd after sex i lol every time i think about it, i believe his name was lincoln something could be wrong....


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by joes01bullitt View Post
                        another good story would was the one about finding a turd after sex i lol every time i think about it, i believe his name was lincoln something could be wrong....
                        It was lincoln boy, that one was funny.
                        But this one had me lmfao


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Ratt View Post
                          I got the yellow a BAD way.

                          Right!!! In the pics NWFS section everytime a new Asian chick is posted I'm like he'll yes.

                          Actually a girl friend of mine tried to set me up with one that lives in China, got a couple of pics of her... Didn't fall through didnt want to go to China spend all that money just to marry her. Shit I'll find one here.


                          • #14
                            What is Chris up to these days? I don't ever see him post or read about him. Of course, i'm not on here as munch anymore so maybe that's why.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by 01vnms4v View Post
                              Right!!! In the pics NWFS section everytime a new Asian chick is posted I'm like he'll yes.

                              Actually a girl friend of mine tried to set me up with one that lives in China, got a couple of pics of her... Didn't fall through didnt want to go to China spend all that money just to marry her. Shit I'll find one here.
                              I married one from China in Chicago

