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Person above me

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  • Person above me

    I have asked the lady above me to be mindful of the below apartment but she doesnt seem to care. What can i do to make her life shit without getting into trouble? I have already talked to management.

  • #2
    Find some nice stinky you like to cook and let it waft up....


    • #3
      Mount a stereo system on the ceiling facing up.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Skidmark View Post
        Mount a stereo system on the ceiling facing up.
        Ok that is a great idea! Keep em coming


        • #5
          lease your apt to some feathers that cook everything w/ curry. When we lived in a apt, some above us got evicted for the smell making it intolerable for the 3 adjacent units.


          • #6
            Lol! I could see that.


            • #7
              I used to punch the ceiling and bounce a "bouncy ball" on the ceiling for long periods of time
              Ring and pinion specialist


              • #8
                I bought a fucking house.


                • #9
                  Buy a good powered sub. Run a low frequency 100 Hz - 10 Hz sweep.

                  Sounds like a helicopter is landing on your life.
                  ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


                  • #10
                    I feel your pain, the guy above me trains for MMA or something. Making it even worse is the fact that I work at home, so I deal with it almost daily.

                    Not long after I first moved in we were chatting, and he mentioned the bass early in the morning (I fall asleep with the tv/surround sound on a lot). Trying to be a good neighbor at the time, I kept it down and tried to remember to turn the tv off before dozing off. Now I crank it at will, fuck 'em.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Big A View Post
                      I feel your pain, the guy above me trains for MMA or something. Making it even worse is the fact that I work at home, so I deal with it almost daily.

                      Not long after I first moved in we were chatting, and he mentioned the bass early in the morning (I fall asleep with the tv/surround sound on a lot). Trying to be a good neighbor at the time, I kept it down and tried to remember to turn the tv off before dozing off. Now I crank it at will, fuck 'em.


                      • #12
                        Put speakers on your ceiling running a very high pitched sound on loop.
                        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                          Put speakers on your ceiling running a very high pitched sound on loop.
                          Bass travels through walls much better.


                          • #14
                            i'm pretty lucky, out of all the apts i have lived in i only had one shitty neighbor. i was on the second floor and they(couple in their 20's) lived directly below me. i had hardwood floors and it was an older complex so the sound traveled a lot. they would argue all the fucking time...then fuck like rabbits immediately afterwards. the first couple times it was funny but after a couple weeks shit got really old. one night they were arguing so bad i called the cops cause it was 3am and i had to work the next day. when the cops showed up i walked out onto the balcony to see this dumbfuck in the courtyard holding a knife, saying he was gonna hurt himself. i got to see the cops draw down on him but instead of charging them and getting shot the fuck up he put the knife down like a little pussy


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Tx Redneck View Post
                              lease your apt to some feathers that cook everything w/ curry. When we lived in a apt, some above us got evicted for the smell making it intolerable for the 3 adjacent units.
                              Don't you mean dots?
                              Originally posted by grove rat
                              shiiiiiit.. i love em thick

