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Books v. E-Reader - I need help

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  • Books v. E-Reader - I need help

    I fucking love books.

    But I also love my electronics and can appreciate the portability of a reader.

    But I fucking love books.

    Reader Pros:
    • Portable
    • Cuts down bookshelf space needed
    • Instant availability
    • Can still highlight and "dog ear" stuff

    Book pros:
    • No need to charge
    • Still usable during/after zombie apocoplypse
    • A book just feels good, dammit. It's satisfying.
    • Book technology does not change; who knows how long e-reader tech/formats will be worth a shit

    My wife asked me if I wanted one (Kindle, I think) and I said I was 50/50. Then she asked if I wanted a B&N gift card... and I couldn't answer.

    Did I mention I fucking love books? But I feel like I'm missing something here...

    see: Confessions from a Reluctant e-Reader Adopter

  • #2
    Kindle fire looks pretty slick.. but there's something to be said for turning the actual pages of a book.

    shit, i don't know that i could decide. the only benefit is not having a shelf full of shit you wont read again after a while.


    • #3
      Get a Nook and a B&N gift card and you can get both from one location.


      • #4
        I'm sticking with books. I dig tech and all, but there is nothing that can replace a book and all the idiosyncrasies they come with. Plus, if a book sucks, you can take it to Half Price... Get $4 for it, then end up spending $40..... One of my favorite past times in fact.


        • #5
          Originally posted by The King View Post
          Get a Nook and a B&N gift card and you can get both from one location.
          nook color can be hacked to a working android tablet, but i think they're a little weak on the processing side.


          • #6
            Originally posted by talisman View Post
            I'm sticking with books. I dig tech and all, but there is nothing that can replace a book and all the idiosyncrasies they come with. Plus, if a book sucks, you can take it to Half Price... Get $4 for it, then end up spending $40..... One of my favorite past times in fact.


            • #7
              I got a Kindle Touch for Christmas and now I wish I would have gotten one sooner. I travel a lot for work and the convenience far outweighs the negatives in my case.


              • #8
                I can borrow friends' books.
                "Self-government won't work without self-discipline." - Paul Harvey


                • #9
                  Unless the price of e-books come way down to compete with half price books, I'll steer clear of the e readers


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
                    I fucking love books.

                    But I also love my electronics and can appreciate the portability of a reader.

                    But I fucking love books.

                    Reader Pros:
                    • Portable
                    • Cuts down bookshelf space needed
                    • Instant availability
                    • Can still highlight and "dog ear" stuff

                    Book pros:
                    • No need to charge
                    • Still usable during/after zombie apocoplypse
                    • A book just feels good, dammit. It's satisfying.
                    • Book technology does not change; who knows how long e-reader tech/formats will be worth a shit

                    My wife asked me if I wanted one (Kindle, I think) and I said I was 50/50. Then she asked if I wanted a B&N gift card... and I couldn't answer.

                    Did I mention I fucking love books? But I feel like I'm missing something here...

                    see: Confessions from a Reluctant e-Reader Adopter
                    Add "Books smell good" to the list of Book pros.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                      Kindle fire looks pretty slick.. but there's something to be said for turning the actual pages of a book.

                      shit, i don't know that i could decide. the only benefit is not having a shelf full of shit you wont read again after a while.
                      I got the wife a Kindle fire when they came out (pre-order). She loves it. I also have the Kindle app on my iPad. We can share books between us. Even better is we can download them from the library from anywhere that has an internet connection. I think we can have 5 books out at a time. I still read some actual books, typically those by my favorite author, but you can't beat the digital simplicity.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
                        nook color can be hacked to a working android tablet, but i think they're a little weak on the processing side.
                        I did that with mine but later went back to using it primarly as an e-reader. The latest software update added some more application functions that allow it to operate more like a tablet.


                        • #13
                          eReaders are easier to clean when reading/viewing pron too, so there's that benefit over books.


                          • #14
                            I have a Nook Color, and while I like it, I honestly don't use it very often. I still prefer the look and feel of an actual book, and what Ratt was saying about the smell of a book, I love that too... especially older books, that "library" smell... just puts me in the mood to read.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Kenny_Stang View Post
                              I have a Nook Color, and while I like it, I honestly don't use it very often. I still prefer the look and feel of an actual book, and what Ratt was saying about the smell of a book, I love that too... especially older books, that "library" smell... just puts me in the mood to read.
                              It also puts me in the mood to fuck the hot librarian.

