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Is att data service non-existent in Denton/Collin county?

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  • Is att data service non-existent in Denton/Collin county?

    My wife and I couldnt use apps or gps that required data on our GS3s while Christmas shopping the other day. Is this the norm for you guys with att?

    We were in Lewisville and Frisco when this happened.

  • #2
    No but if you are in stinebriar mall there is no cell tower local. When it is busy at the mall there is no cell reception


    • #3
      You either used your data allotment if you are still unlimited data plan, or you and another million people hogging up bandwidth. If you are unlimited and go over 3gigs they slow you down big time. Trust me I know, I am a data hog according to AT&T since I use avg 10gigs a month

      As long as it doesn't say E - for Edge, you should be fine. If it did forget about it.


      • #4
        I have unlimited, but far from the 3 gigs/month and she has 5 gigs. I guess it could've been everybody using bandwith at the same time in a small area. It was a little frustrating when trying to get directions to the next store though lol.


        • #5
          Have 6 lines with 4G data.. 5 are phones.. No problems here that I can speak of.


          • #6
            I had the same problem when I was with att and I live in Denton county. I would try and use the GPS and it was always hit and miss. Mainly miss. Most of the time, I would fire up the GPS and it would sit there looking for satellites and never would hook up.
            Last edited by 91GriggsGT; 12-20-2012, 02:21 PM.


            • #7
              I'm in corinth and work in Denton and never have problems.

              Sent from my Galaxy S3
              2014 GT
              2013 FX2 ecoboost


              • #8
                I had issues with my GS3 the other day. My GPS/Google maps was the problem. I had to turn off my GPS options, uninstall Google Maps updates, re-select GPS options, and then download the Google apps updates again. Works perfect since, and finds the sats faster than before.


                • #9
                  When I had my iPhone 4 (3G), anytime I was near Stone Briar mall, data would not work at all. As soon as I switched to iPhone5 (LTE), data works perfectly when at Stone Briar. I am sure as more people make the switch to LTE that it will become sluggish there too.

                  I have unlimited as well, as soon as I hit the 5G mark, AT&T slows my rate to a crawl.


                  • #10
                    I suggest downloading GPS Test and see if it's a GPS issue


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Silverback
                      Look all you want, she can't find anyone else who treats her as bad as I do, and I keep her self esteem so low, she wouldn't think twice about going anywhere else.

