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  • Sunglasses?

    So i'd like a pair of sunglasses but don't really know where to start...

    I use to wear Oakleys alot, but they always ended up stolen, broke, or lost.

    Then I switched to the $15 pair from Walmart, but they don't last very long.

    Kinda want something in-between. Im not a fan of the new style Oakleys, nor do I want to spend that much. What brands should I look at in the $60 - $100 range?

  • #2
    i have a couple pair for sale.

    wiley x zak...

    costa del mar pumphouse...

    i bought them for fishing, but i have a huge dome and they do not fit.

    look them up and lmk...

    i will make you a sweet deal.


    • #3
      Originally posted by TonyMCev View Post
      i have a couple pair for sale.

      wiley x zak...

      costa del mar pumphouse...

      i bought them for fishing, but i have a huge dome and they do not fit.

      look them up and lmk...

      i will make you a sweet deal.
      got a pic of the costas? How much? They look pretty nice. Not all sci-fi looking like the new style Oakleys (or the wiley's)


      • #4
        Originally posted by danielhv View Post
        got a pic of the costas? How much? They look pretty nice. Not all sci-fi looking like the new style Oakleys (or the wiley's)
        i will get you a pic. they have white frames and green lenses (the polarized 400 lenses made by costa)...

        i don't know if you would like white frames.

        still want a pic?


        • #5
          Originally posted by TonyMCev View Post
          i will get you a pic. they have white frames and green lenses (the polarized 400 lenses made by costa)...

          i don't know if you would like white frames.

          still want a pic?
          no thanks.


          • #6
            go to a mall and buy some from one of those chicks or rag heads in the middle of the walk way
            ازدهار رأسه برعشيت


            • #7
              I bought a $150 pair of Ray Ban last year. Lost them in a month. I have had a walmart pair ever since. I can't seem to lose them.
              class joke
              char Forrest, Jenny, Momma, LtDan;
              double Peas, Carrots;
              string MommaAlwaysSaid(const bool AddAnyTime = True)


              • #8
                I have (had) a pair of Spy Hielo's that I REALLY like. They fit good, and aren't uncomfortable on my face like the Oakleys I've have had in the past.

                I think I lost my last pair of Hielo's in a customer's car last week, so I bought a new pair on eBay. Hopefully they show up soon !! They were $50 shipped, and the last pair I bought was $60.



                • #9
                  Look at a pair of Bolle... they have the best optics of any sunglasses I've ever owned, and I've owned a lot. They are owned by Bushnell, the binocular and telescope company.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by CRASH View Post
                    I have (had) a pair of Spy Hielo's that I REALLY like. They fit good, and aren't uncomfortable on my face like the Oakleys I've have had in the past.

                    I think I lost my last pair of Hielo's in a customer's car last week, so I bought a new pair on eBay. Hopefully they show up soon !! They were $50 shipped, and the last pair I bought was $60.

                    I have a pair of Spy Helo's and love them,also the Spy Coopers are a a good pair..


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by danielhv View Post
                      So i'd like a pair of sunglasses but don't really know where to start...

                      I use to wear Oakleys alot, but they always ended up stolen, broke, or lost.

                      Then I switched to the $15 pair from Walmart, but they don't last very long.

                      Kinda want something in-between. Im not a fan of the new style Oakleys, nor do I want to spend that much. What brands should I look at in the $60 - $100 range?
                      go to a few stores and find a set that fits your head right..


                      • #12
                        I have a pair of Oakley flak jackets that I absolutely love. Im not a big fan of most of oakley's designs but the flak jackets fit my face perfectly and I love their polarized lenses. I've also had a pair of straight jackets but didn't fit as well.
                        Life’s journey is not to arrive at the grave safely, in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting “Holy shit, what a ride!”


                        • #13
                          I swear by Bolle. My pair has flex frames that are almost impossible to break, interchangeable lenses for different sports and occasions. I have the basic sun shades and a set that highlights a tennis ball. Had mine for 3 years now and they are still perfect.

                          Mine are Bolle Vigilante and they go for around $100.
                          Last edited by JC316; 01-22-2011, 08:54 PM.


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Buck Nasty View Post
                            I have a pair of Spy Helo's and love them,also the Spy Coopers are a a good pair..
                            I found a pair of Coopers in a car that my dad's buddy bought from a police auction or something. He was going to crush the car and I saw those sunglasses sitting on the dash. Asked if I could have them and he said, "Hell, I don't care, they aren't going to add any weight to the car when I crush it !"

                            After those got all scratched up I tried on a pair of Hielos that a buddy of mine had and I liked the feel of them a little better, so I bought a pair. They work great for riding on the motorcycle too.



                            • #15
                              Oakley M Frames fo life! Everything else is just everything else.

