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Shots fired at downtown Dallas protest

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  • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
    And how many steps is this from DPD using a drone with rockets because they don't want to risk officers because someone is barricaded and taking shots at officers in the future? Since when are police authorized to use explosives to kill (not make a breach to reach) a suspect?
    The Baltimore or Philadelphia PD dropped a bomb from a helicopter onto a bunker located on the roof of some project apartments in the early 80s and burned down everything for a few blocks around because they would not let the FD go in to put out the fire.
    Magnus, I am your father. You need to ask your mother about a man named Calvin Klein.


    • Originally posted by svo855 View Post
      The Baltimore or Philadelphia PD dropped a bomb from a helicopter onto a bunker located on the roof of some project apartments in the early 80s and burned down everything for a few blocks around because they would not let the FD go in to put out the fire.


      • Originally posted by jammeejamm View Post
        i have wondered bout that.

        the shooter was contained, and maybe done minus the possibility that there were explosives. he was holed up and not exactly accessible from what all has been disclosed. i get it. lives will be risked to capture him, and negotiations had broke down. so what options were left...

        it seems they decided to kill him. i mean what other outcome could there have been with a "bomb?" this is what i am curious of.

        has there ever been any other occurrence like this? when the police simply had the sole intention of killing the suspect. even when swat goes in their goal and intention is to apprehend the suspect, and we know how that typically ends.

        i am not using the word murder, for he was certainly a threat that had to be stopped, but has this ever happened? police skipping due process?

        understand i am fine with their choice and the outcome honestly. anything, even reaching to the far, faded corners of the definition of the words, that seems like a "terror attack" needs to be handled just like this. i want to see police carrying wet floor signs with mops and buckets after it is over, and a guy like korben dallas walking out smiling asking who else wants to negotiate.
        Look up the term "code 100 is authorized"

        edit: bah i posted that and then tried searching it and it pulled nothing up go figure lol... anyways code 100 is when deadly force is authorized generally to a sniper team because negotiations have either broken down or the threat needs to be ended in order to prevent further attack/lose of life.
        Last edited by jewozzy; 07-08-2016, 09:06 PM.


        • Wow I just saw Dale Hansen from channel 8, when they asked him to talk about sports he talked about the shooting. And just totally went off. He had a rant and then he talked about the Rangers for about 10 seconds and said that's about all I care to talk about sports tonight. I have never seen him lose his cool.

          Without my gun hobby. I would cut off my own dick and let the rats eat it...


          • The robot was sent in to view if any devices were present, and if negotiations break ties the robot is used to observe if the suspect is still alive or has taken his own life. In that situation the robot was probably armed with a detonation device if it encountered a suspicious object; and then the suspect advanced to a point where they deemed he could take the explosive device. It has been mentioned that this is the first time in us history a "drone" has been used to take a life of a us citizen on Us soil

            Most likely as he hovered over the robot for a few moments the decision was made to detonate rather than let him possibly take the explosive detonation device from the robot.

            I'd love to think they did it on purpose to kill him but most likely it was a tactical defensive maneuver


            • Originally posted by The King View Post
              The fake fondness of American negroes for all things Africa has always seemed somewhat comical. Being sold out by their own kings into slavery is hardly anything to be nostalgic for., and the majority of African-Americans today would likely be unable to survive even a week in their former homeland.
              One can't let reality and historical facts get in the way of social media.

              I have yet to meet a black person that admits it was other black tribesmen enslaving and selling each other to the Dutch. It's not like white men went searching for slaves other blacks dragged their neighbors to the market.


              • Originally posted by KBScobravert View Post
                Truth but the problem is the average person is now too stupid to understand. Maybe I should make Charlie Manson wins 2016 t shirts, pins and bumper stickers and see if anyone gets it. Obama finally accomplished what Charlie could not.


                • Can one of the mods clean up the racist tags?
                  Last edited by SBFORDTECH; 07-09-2016, 11:11 AM.


                  • However, the rifle used by the suspect in the Dallas murders wasn’t an AR-15 variant rifle as many people originally thought. No, in fact the gun used was a 70+ year old relic that would not meet the definition of an “assault weapon” under most state laws – the SKS.


                    • Originally posted by SBFORDTECH View Post
                      Can one of the mods clean up the tags?


                      • Was a black panther.

                        Micah X. Johnson was a member of the Houston New Black Panther Party for a short period of time. He was reported to be a member for about six months a few years ago.


                        • Annnd attended Trump protests


                          • kinda scary how these pictures from the past are brought back. People really know how to dig into social media, the media, and personal lives.


                            • I cant wait for the negro's to come on out to the country and try their bullshit. They never want to protest out in this area.


                              • any word on the other people that were taken into custody? I hear them on the news saying "the triangulation stuff we said about two shooters is bullshit and it was just one" bu they havent said anything about the other people in custody.

