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If you find a good deal.

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  • If you find a good deal.

    Ok guys i got a little boy now and need a 4 door car. So I'm looking for something used. I have 2000 to 2500 to spend don't have to be perfect.. Needs to be an auto and 4 doors.. For that kind of money what should i look for, and guys if you find something that looks like a good deal please post up for me... Remeber guys i work at the home depot if i can help you out with something shoot me an pm for any questions.. So guys please post up if you find anything and what would you recommend..

  • #2
    Late 90s early 2000s Honda accord 4cyl.

    320rwhp. 7.67 @ 90mph 1.7 60'

    DD: 2004 GMC Sierra VHO 6.0 LQ9 324whp 350wtrq


    • #3
      anyone else


      • #4
        Mazda miata.


        • #5
          Lol needs to be 4 door


          • #6
            Originally posted by 1bad? View Post
            Ok guys i got a little boy now and need a 4 door car. So I'm looking for something used. I have 2000 to 2500 to spend don't have to be perfect.. Needs to be an auto and 4 doors.. For that kind of money what should i look for, and guys if you find something that looks like a good deal please post up for me... Remeber guys i work at the home depot if i can help you out with something shoot me an pm for any questions.. So guys please post up if you find anything and what would you recommend..
   Thank me later.


            • #7
              I can sell you a 2001 dodge neon for less than you're budget. Or if you'd like a 98 explorer I know of one less than you're budget as well.


              • #8
                if he isn't interested in the 98 pm the info, we are looking for something like that.
                QuestionableContent-Awesome Webcomic


                • #9
                  ok i have looked on craigslist. but i am wanting to know from you guys what type of car would be best for my budget!!!!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by 1bad? View Post
                    ok i have looked on craigslist. but i am wanting to know from you guys what type of car would be best for my budget!!!!

                    Goodluck my friend.


                    • #11
                      My buddy is selling a 96 Aurura (speeling?) For 2200 I think.pretty nice car, black with bklack leather.
                      "If I asked people what they wanted, they would have said faster horses." - Henry Ford


                      • #12
                        honda civic 4 door 96-98. Im currently DD one and getting 34-36mpg.


                        • #13
                          You can't go wrong with a Honda or Acura.
                          Token Split Tail

                          Originally posted by slow99
                 favorite female poster strikes again.
                          Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                          You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                          • #14
                            I am coming up on a year anniversary with my daily driver. 93 Corolla 5-speed with 200k. Its been a great car.

                            6-25-10 RIP Chloe Rene Daddy loves you always

                            78 Suburban (slammed with LS in future)
                            54 Olds 88 2dr HT
                            12 Camaro SS convertible


                            • #15
                              ok im going to start looking for a good 96 to 98 honda...

