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Individual Mandate Constitutional

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  • Originally posted by Vertnut View Post
    This will be the largest tax increase in the history of the world.
    Yep. Work all you want; they are just gonna take more. I need a lawn care business. Cash only.

    Below is dead and gone
    Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


    • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
      Nice, now the health care your employer does offer is taxable income too. How sweet that is.
      "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
      "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


      • Originally posted by kbscobravert View Post
        Yep. Work all you want; they are just gonna take more. I need a lawn care business. Cash only.

        Below is dead and gone
        It's only dead if you're not willing to bleed for it
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
          It's only dead if you're not willing to bleed for it
          What happens if you're willing to make others bleed for it? Same thing right?
          "When the people find that they can vote themselves money, that will herald the end of the republic." -Benjamin Franklin
          "A democracy will continue to exist up until the time that voters discover that they can vote themselves generous gifts from the public treasury." -Alexander Fraser Tytler


          • Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
            It's only dead if you're not willing to bleed for it
            Bleed or run up and jump on a sword?
            Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


            • High school friend on FB is a very active DAR member in DC over the last couple days. She was so happy she was able to hear her cab driver's heartfelt story about what the yesterday's news. I think she forgot how the DAR came to be and why.

              Oh the irony.
              Fuck you. We're going to Costco.


              • Originally posted by CJ View Post
                What happens if you're willing to make others bleed for it? Same thing right?
                “The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his.”
                ― George S. Patton Jr.
                I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                • Originally posted by Treasure Chest View Post

                  Allow me to share a recent anecdote on not having health insurance. I work for a small company, Robert is in the family business, neither one of us have insurance. We set money aside for medical bills, and we negotiate cash payments. I looked into insurance for myself, him, and the one child we have that is uninsured. For a high deductible 70/30 policy for the three of us, they wanted over $800/mo.

                  Recently, my son needed to have some testing for a genetic disorder. I negotiated cash payments for the doctor's visits and for the testing. With insurance, I was looking at $250 for the initial consultation, $500 for the comprehensive eye exams, $2000 for the echocardiogram, and $800 for the doctor to read it. When you add in $800 for my high deductible premium, that's a total of $4350 out-of-pocket to apply toward my deductible. Had my deductible been met, I would be looking at $1065 for my copay and $800 for my premium..a total of $1865.

                  Now, since I don't have insurance and negotiated a cash price paid up front, we paid $125 for the initial consultation, $250 for the comprehensive eye exams, $200 for the echocardiogram, which included the doctor's report. A total of $575.

                  I had a VERY similar thing happen to me. For my wife and 2 step sons we were paying right at $1k a MONTH for some POS health insurance policy that had a $2500 deductible PER PERSON. After I had foot surgery, I had to go to physical therapy. The physical therapy sent a bill to my insurance company, and then sent me a bill for any unpaid amount. In total, I was in debt by $4200 to the physical therapy people. HOWEVER, I was told that if I did not have insurance, I would have only had to pay $50 per visit, a total of maybe $800.

                  Right now I am working as a contractor making good money, but with no benefits. I am not getting insurance even though I can easily afford it because it makes no sense financially to do so. I will pay all of my doctor bills via cash, and no one will have to pick up the slack because I didn't pay.

                  WE MUST, I REPEAT MUST REVOLT AGAINST THIS TYRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                  Annoying people, one post at a time!


                  • Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
                    I had a VERY similar thing happen to me. For my wife and 2 step sons we were paying right at $1k a MONTH for some POS health insurance policy that had a $2500 deductible PER PERSON. After I had foot surgery, I had to go to physical therapy. The physical therapy sent a bill to my insurance company, and then sent me a bill for any unpaid amount. In total, I was in debt by $4200 to the physical therapy people. HOWEVER, I was told that if I did not have insurance, I would have only had to pay $50 per visit, a total of maybe $800.

                    Right now I am working as a contractor making good money, but with no benefits. I am not getting insurance even though I can easily afford it because it makes no sense financially to do so. I will pay all of my doctor bills via cash, and no one will have to pick up the slack because I didn't pay.

                    WE MUST, I REPEAT MUST REVOLT AGAINST THIS TYRANNY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    Not anymore you don't have that option. Either buy what they tell you or you are hit by the IRS.
                    I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                    • Doesn't anyone see what is really going to happen here?

                      Due to everyone having to either pay the tax or get heath insurance, the insurance companies are going to have no choice but to raise the premiums. A lot of people will not be able to afford said premiums, and those that can won't be enough to keep the insurance companies afloat.

                      Fast forward a bit in time and now the insurance companies will start going belly up. Now the government "won't have a choice" but to step in and offer a single payer health care system to "fix" the problem of "greedy" insurance companies.

                      This IS what is going to happen. Just watch. I just wish I was wrong, but I'm not.
                      Annoying people, one post at a time!


                      • so if you dont have insurance they fine you, if you do, you get taxed on the premium, so they get money out of you either way.........awesome.
                        satisfaction is the death of desire...

                        its still "We the people"...right?


                        • I thought this was quite relevant to this thread, written by a black author:

                          As millions of my fellow Americans, I am outraged, devastated and extremely angry by the democrat's unbelievable arrogance and disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming "no" from the rooftops, they forced Obamacare down our throats. Please forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very appropriate to describe what has happened. "Don't urinate on me and tell me it's raining." Democrats say their mission is to give all Americans health care. The democrats are lying. Signing Obamacare into law against our will and the Constitution is tyranny and step one of their hideous goal of having as many Americans as possible dependent on government, thus controlling our lives and fulfilling Obama's promise to fundamentally transform America.

                          I keep asking myself. How did our government move so far from the normal procedures of getting things done? Could a white president have so successfully pulled off shredding the Constitution to further his agenda? I think not.

                          Ironically, proving America is completely the opposite of the evil racist country they relentlessly accuse her of being, progressives used America 's goodness, guilt and sense of fair play against her. In their quest to destroy America as we know it, progressives borrowed a brilliant scheme from Greek mythology. They offered America a modern day Trojan Horse, a beautifully crafted golden shiny new black man as a presidential candidate. Democrat Joe Biden lauded Obama as the first clean and articulate African American candidate. Democrat Harry Reid said Obama only uses a black dialect when he wants.

                          White America relished the opportunity to vote for a black man naively believing they would never suffer the pain of being called racist again. Black Americans viewed casting their vote for Obama as the ultimate Affirmative Action for America 's sins of the past.

                          Then there were the entitlement loser voters who said, "I'm votin' for the black dude who promises to take from those rich SOBs and give to me."

                          Just as the deceived Trojans dragged the beautifully crafted Trojan Horse into Troy as a symbol of their victory, deceived Americans embraced the progressive's young, handsome, articulate and so called moderate black presidential candidate as a symbol of their liberation from accusation of being a racist nation. Also like the Trojan Horse, Obama was filled with the enemy hiding inside.

                          Sunday, March 21, 2010, a secret door opened in Obama, the shiny golden black man. A raging army of democrats charged out. Without mercy, they began their vicious bloody slaughter of every value, freedom and institution we Americans hold dear; launching the end of America as we know it.

                          Wielding swords of votes reeking with the putrid odor of back door deals, the democrats landed a severe death blow to America and individual rights by passing Obamacare.

                          The mainstream liberal media has been relentlessly badgering the Tea Party movement with accusations of racism. Because I am a black tea party patriot, I am bombarded with interviewers asking me the same veiled question. "Why are you siding with these white racists against America 's first African American president?" I defend my fellow patriots who are white stating, "These patriots do not give a hoot about Obama's skin color. They simply love their country and oppose his radical agenda. Obama's race is not an issue."

                          Recently, I have come to believe that perhaps I am wrong about Obama's race not being an issue. In reality, Obama's presidency has everything to do with racism, but not from the Tea Party movement. Progressives and Obama have exploited his race from the rookie senator's virtually unchallenged presidential campaign to his unprecedented bullying of America into Obamacare. Obama's race trumped all normal media scrutiny of him as a presidential candidate and most recently even the Constitution of the United States. Obamacare forces all Americans to purchase health care which is clearly unconstitutional.

                          No white president could get away with boldly and arrogantly thwarting the will of the American people and ignoring laws. President Clinton tried universal health care. Bush tried social security reform. The American people said "no" to both presidents' proposals and it was the end of it. So how can Obama get away with giving the American people the finger? The answer: He is black.

                          The mainstream liberal media continues to portray all who oppose Obama in any way as racist. Despite a list of failed policies, overreaches into the private sector, violations of the Constitution and planned destructive legislation too numerous to mention in this article, many Americans are still fearful of criticizing our first black president. Incredible.

                          My fellow Americans, you must not continue to allow yourselves to be "played" and intimidated by Obama's race or the historical context of his presidency. If we are to save America , the greatest nation on the planet, Obama must be defeated.


                          • Originally posted by 91cavgt View Post
                            Doesn't anyone see what is really going to happen here?

                            Due to everyone having to either pay the tax or get heath insurance, the insurance companies are going to have no choice but to raise the premiums. A lot of people will not be able to afford said premiums, and those that can won't be enough to keep the insurance companies afloat.

                            Fast forward a bit in time and now the insurance companies will start going belly up. Now the government "won't have a choice" but to step in and offer a single payer health care system to "fix" the problem of "greedy" insurance companies.

                            This IS what is going to happen. Just watch. I just wish I was wrong, but I'm not.
                            You are wrong in a sense. Under this "law," premiums can't continue their forward growth year after year. But as it stands right now, it's probably possible to pay the penalty each year and save money and/or get on the government dole as an alternative. Both will force the insurance companies to flatline and we're just left with a single-payer system. It purposely stifles companies to make the choice of continuing their employer-based plans ($$$$$) or pay the per-person penalty ($$$). If you were in business, which would you choose?

                            Sure, the businesses that want to hire and retain good employees will elect to keep the coverage, at first, but it will start a domino effect anyway -- just a slightly slower one.
                            How do we forget ourselves? How do we forget our minds?


                            • Aaron, where did you read that? I'd like to give that gentleman a kudos.


                              • Originally posted by talisman View Post
                                Aaron, where did you read that? I'd like to give that gentleman a kudos.
                                My Mom sent it to me in an e-mail (she's in healthcare insurance), and it had the author's photo. I haven't had the time to check snopes, but I hope to god it's true.

                                Educated black men make the NAACP's mind full of fuck. I wonder if he buys lottery tickets.

                                Regardless, the sentiments are 100% correct.

