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Marine jailed in Mexico

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  • Marine jailed in Mexico

    Anyone else see this? I had not idea and I think it is total BS that the US gov’t has not done anything other than have the Consulate in Mexico reach out to the parents...where is out country backing this soldier who just finished putting his life on the line for us?

    The father of a U.S. Marine jailed in Mexico after being caught with his grandfather's antique shotgun heard the fear in his son's voice and felt helpless.

    The phone call came at midnight from Mexico's notorious CEDES prison, where Jon Hammar Jr. has been held since August. The caller demanded $1,800, then put Hammar on to drive the point home.

    "They're serious, Dad," Jon Hammar Sr. heard his son say. "I'll pay you back; they are going to kill me."

    "They're serious, Dad. I'll pay you back; they are going to kill me."
    - Jon Hammar, Jr., speaking by phone from a Mexican jail

    Hammar, who faced down Iraqi insurgents in the final push on Fallujah in 2004, has been in dangerous situations before. But his treatment in the infamous prison, where Mexico's murderous Los Zetas and Gulf drug cartels hold sway, has his family fearing for the 27-year-old's life -- and begging the Obama administration for help. Hammar was arrested in the Mexican border city of Matamoros on Aug. 13, after declaring to a Mexican customs agent that he possessed an antique shotgun he was carrying through the country on his way to Costa Rica, where he and a pal planned to surf and forget the horrors of war that plagued Hammar long after his honorable discharge in 2007.

    Even though a U.S. border agent in Brownsville, Texas, had assured Hammar the gun was legal as long as he declared it to Mexican authorities, he was nabbed just across the border, and charged with an aggravated felony punishable up to 15 years in prison. While in prison, Hammar has been repeatedly threatened and, according to reports, left chained for days to a steel bed. But it was the call, just two days after their son's arrest, that continues to haunt Hammar's parents. They believe their son's service to his country -- memorialized forever by a "USMC" tattoo on his arm, made him a target behind bars.

    "The reason why he got processed so fast was because he has a USMC tattoo," Jon Hammar Sr., 48, told "You can't mistake who these guys are."

    It was Hammar's mother, Olivia, who took the unnerving call at their Palmetto Bay, Fla., home. As her face turned ashen at the caller's demand, Jon Hammar Sr. grabbed the phone and heard a voice say, "This prison is our house!"

    It wasn't an idle boast. The prison was the scene of the escape of 151 inmates in December 2010 and 59 in July 2011, and dozens of guards were later charged with helping with the breakout. And the prison has an unparalleled reputation for violence: In 2005, two American brothers jailed on homicide charges were found stabbed to death in their cells. The inmate ranks are swollen with members of the Mexican mafia and various cartels, shootouts and escapes are common and guards have confiscated guns and even an AK-47s from cells over the years.

    Hammar could tell his son was under duress. He was fully prepared to pay the ransom, but the caller said he would call back in the morning with a Western Union account number. Hammar found that to be strange.

    "You're about to kill my son and you don't even have an account number and you'll call me back?" Hammar said.

    Hammar also wondered how the caller got his home number and was able to place the nighttime call. He got hold of a U.S. Consulate official who promised to convey the threat to high-ranking Mexican military officials in the region. No call came from the prison in the morning.

    A shaken Hammar knew that he had to get to his son as soon as possible. After negotiating the procedural maze of obtaining consulate approval to go to the prison, Hammar and his son's attorney, Eddie Varon-Levy, made their way to Tamaulipas, the northeastern state where the prison is located just 15 miles from Brownsville, Texas. They were surprised to find that when they arrived, consular officials could not obtain clearance to accompany them behind the walls of the lockup. The men went inside alone.

    On the surface, CEDES officials appeared to go out of their way to make "everything look good," Hammar recalled. His son, who was not expecting the visit, was shocked and worried when he saw them.

    "He wasn't concerned about his safety, but ours," Hammar said. "He was more angry that we put ourselves at risk for coming to the prison."

    His son looked worn out and thin, Hammar recalled. What concerned him most was how "odd" the side of his mouth looked and his son's reluctance to show his father his body.

    "He was wearing his own clothes and when I went to lift his shirt up he knocked my hand away," Hammar said. "He wouldn't take his shirt off because he was concerned about repercussions."

    There are numerous reports and allegations of inmate abuse by other inmates and prison officials in Mexico, some of which have resulted in death.

    Ricardo Alday, a spokesman for the Mexican Consulate in Washington, D.C., told Hammar's safety is guaranteed by the Mexican government.

    "Mr. Hammar is currently detained in Tamaulipas and, as any other detainee facing criminal charges, he has the right to defense counsel and a fair trial," Alday said. "In addition, his life and integrity are protected by national and international laws."

    Alday said Mexican authorities have ensured Hammar's right to help from U.S. diplomatic officials, and said he has been in contact with U.S. Consular officers in Mexico who have regularly visited him.

    A spokesman for the State Department said officials have visited Hammar three times, spoken with him by phone and contacted prison officials to stop them from chaining him to the bed.

    "The safety and well-being of U.S. citizens is something we take very seriously," said Peter Velasco.

    But his father's confidence in the U.S. State Department has waned as his son has languished in prison.

    "We're grateful that they saved his life and are being another set of eyes, but they haven't been much help getting him released," Hammar said.

    Their son's PTSD also concerns the Hammars. After repeat combat tours in Iraq and Afghanistan, the wars took an emotional toll on Hammar.

    His father said that Jon had received treatment through the Veterans Administration, but had a "very bad" reaction to the medication he was given and was reliant on therapy to help him cope.

    "He has not been given any care in prison and, so far, we haven't seen any flare-ups," Hammar said. "We are still concerned."

    Originally posted by Sean88gt
    You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
    Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
    You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.

  • #2
    The consuls in mexico wont visit or do anything because they will be targeted. What a sticky messy situation this is. Damn.
    ./ ____ _ _\.
    (]]]_ o _[[[)

    God closes doors no man can open, God opens doors no man can close. Revelations 3:7-8


    • #3
      Basically, the cartels are now intimidating governments? I think honestly, the officials in Mexico are one with the Cartels, you will never get rid of them because their families will always be raised to despise the police/Military figures and to take the money.

      I say we send someone in to take his ass out of there...we don’t have a problem doing it on the other side of the world. Plus, it would send a message that we will not be intimidated, we will get what we want.

      But then again, I want to win the lottery too....
      Originally posted by Sean88gt
      You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
      Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
      You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


      • #4
        With Obama in office. The guy is fucked. My heart hurts for the guy. BUt this border thing with Mexico is coming to head
        August Landscaping
        Seb's high class.
        He'll mow your grass.
        He'll kick your ass.
        And while his kidney stones pass,
        He'll piss in a glass!


        • #5
          I feel bad for the guy, and the situation is fucked up, but a simple google search brings this up:

          Don’t bring firearms or ammunition across the border into Mexico.

          Don’t carry a knife, even a small pocketknife, on your person in Mexico.

          You may become one of dozens of U.S. Citizens who are arrested each month for unintentionally violating Mexico’s strict weapons laws.

          If you are caught with firearms or ammunition in Mexico...

          •You will go to jail and your vehicle will be seized;
          •You will be separated from your family, friends, and your job, and likely suffer substantial financial hardship;
          •You will pay court costs and other fees ranging into the tens of thousands of dollars defending yourself;
          •You may get up to a 30-year sentence in a Mexican prison if found guilty.
          If you carry a knife on your person in Mexico, even a pocketknife . . .

          •You may be arrested and charged with possession of a deadly weapon;
          •You may spend weeks in jail waiting for trial, and tens of thousands of dollars in attorney’s fees, court costs, and fines;
          •If convicted, you may be sentenced to up to five years in a Mexican prison.
          Claiming not to know about the law will not get you leniency from a police officer or the judicial system. Leave your firearms, ammunition, and knives at home. Don’t bring them into Mexico.
          I can't understand how someone would travel with a firearm without looking in to it first.


          • #6
            Some family friends that own a gun shop in SETX went through this drama back in the 90's. The father and son went into Mexico and when their vehicle was being searched, they found 2 empty shell casings under the seat and that was enough to throw them in jail. I know it took months and lots of $$$$ to get back across.


            • #7
              He traveled over land with a shotgun to Mexico. Stupid move, possibly deadly stupid. If he was going surfing, why take a 12ga?
              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


              • #8
                Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                He traveled over land with a shotgun to Mexico. Stupid move, possibly deadly stupid. If he was going surfing, why take a 12ga?
                I saw this on the news the other morning. They were saying that he was taking the shotgun to Costa Rica or someplace like that. He even filed all of the proper papers to do so too but when he approached the border, they didn't give a shit.

                I hope this doesn't end bad for the soldier. It would be nice if our guys could swoop in and get him out of there but at the end of the day, we have to use our own common sense. It's fucking Mexico, everyone should know you don't attempt to take guns across. Even though he attempted to file all the proper papers, it's still fucking Mexico.


                • #9
                  Mexico is a shithole


                  • #10
                    I see several valid points, I guess I am just feeling for the guy you know.

                    This shit with Mexico is about to come to a head. It seems more and more they are turning their nose to us while we are still providing handouts. But, I am just beating a dead horse.
                    Originally posted by Sean88gt
                    You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                    Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                    You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                    • #11
                      I tell you one fucking thing.....had this man been in my platoon I know a mexican jail that would have been overrun by Marines.
                      May God give us strength and courage in the time of our darkest hours.
                      Semper Fi


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Jester View Post
                        I tell you one fucking thing.....had this man been in my platoon I know a mexican jail that would have been overrun by Marines.

                        Right, wrong, no difference in my eyes as the crime does not deserve the punishment. I also like the fact that this is the second instance in a year where our boarder patrol agents have "okay'd" something when it was not "okay'd" on the other side.

                        If an authoritive figure tells me to do something that does not appear to be "mass murder" or otherwise questionable acts then I would assume it safe to follow. This guy was military, agent tells him okay, I would feel safe as well.

                        None the less, the agents should take responsibility for waiving him through as well. This guy does not deserve to be in a prison for at least 15years while American Citizens (his family) are being threatened by the cartels sitting in a prison 2000 miles away, in another country. Does not make sense how our government is not standing behind its citizens and yet only a few people see this.

                        Fuck politics, this is a mans life which he has put on the line for us to have the freedom to sit here and talk about how shitty our POTUS is and how this countries morals and ethics are circling the drain...

                        Well, I feel better now...sorry I guess I had more to say than I thought
                        Originally posted by Sean88gt
                        You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                        Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                        You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.


                        • #13
                          Oh, I'm not saying we shouldn't send in a team and go get his ass. I'm saying he acted stupidly to quote the douche in chief.
                          I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                          • #14
                            Maybe Obama will trade them some guns for his release. Get Eric Holder on the phone!


                            • #15
                              I hope that we get him out. If not, I sure hope he takes a few of those bastards with him on the way out...fucking cartels deserve to taste their own balls before looking into the eyes of the man about to kill them...

                              But in all honesty, I see that he is trying to play the game, stay alive as long as possible which leaves me to believe that he still has reason for hope.
                              Originally posted by Sean88gt
                              You can take white off the list. White on anything is the best, including vehicles, women, and the Presidency.
                              Originally posted by Baron Von Crowder
                              You can not imagine how difficult it is to hold a half gallon of moo juice and polish the one-eyed gopher when your doin' seventy-five in an eighteen-wheeler.

