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Obama uses executive power to move gun control agenda forward

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  • #31
    keep people on phsych meds away from guns. that in itself will prevent most of these shootings


    • #32
      Originally posted by QIK46 View Post
      keep people on phsych meds away from guns. that in itself will prevent most of these shootings
      No way in hell. The way our society has transformed in the past couple of decades into a nation of psychological issues this is a horrible idea. When I was growing up you never heard of some of the stuff that so many kids are diagnosed with now. ADHD, ADD and the like. So many people are on psych meds now that never should have been in the first place.


      • #33
        You do know the majority of Americans are on one med or another right? I'm on psych meds and haven't killed anyone lately. Why do you want to take my CIVIL RIGHTS away? And what authority does Congress or a President have to alter the Bill of Rights?
        I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


        • #34
          Originally posted by Sean88gt View Post
          You can't be logical with emotional people and expect them to make logic based decisions.
          I have to agree, even though it represents a futile point of view. This is the wall every reasonable argument will run up against. Reason and logic will always fail to move those that refuse to acknowledge either.

