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  • bcoop
    You know what I've always loved about this board? When one dumbass leaves, another enters and just can't wait to fill the retardation void. It is like they try to outdo each other, just to be the board's newest token retard.

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  • Nate
    People I would argue physics/thermodynamics with
    1) People not named Matt/Strychnine
    2) AnthonyS

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  • Strychnine
    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
    What part of "less than" is so confusing to you stupid mofos? And the "less than" of the first law means the first law isn't true.

    Less than just what the fuck does that mean to you idiots? What fucking universe does less than equal conserved?
    You're still blowing my mind with this shit.

    Do you really think you understand the laws of thermodynamics more than the brightest minds in the world who work with this stuff every day? Are you REALLY telling us that the second law of thermodynamics negates the first law, but rather than calling the entropy rules "first law, rev.1" they left the incorrect one there as #1 and just made a #2 for fun?


    no accurately and properly conducted experiment has ever detected a violation of the [first] law. Consequently, within its scope of applicability, the law is so reliably established, that, nowadays, rather than experiment being considered as testing the accuracy of the law, it is far more practical and realistic to think of the law as testing the accuracy of experiment. An experimental result that seems to violate the law may be assumed to be inaccurate or wrongly conceived, for example due to failure to consider an important physical factor.

    Or are you trying to get at the fact that we do not work with ideal systems and the second law came into being because of that? Because if so, your communication skills seriously blow.

    We can imagine thermodynamic processes which conserve energy but which never occur in nature. For example, if we bring a hot object into contact with a cold object, we observe that the hot object cools down and the cold object heats up until an equilibrium is reached. The transfer of heat goes from the hot object to the cold object. We can imagine a system, however, in which the heat is instead transferred from the cold object to the hot object, and such a system does not violate the first law of thermodynamics. The cold object gets colder and the hot object gets hotter, but energy is conserved. Obviously we don't encounter such a system in nature and to explain this and similar observations, thermodynamicists proposed a second law of thermodynamics. Clasius, Kelvin, and Carnot proposed various forms of the second law to describe the particular physics problem that each was studying.

    Because if that's what you're trying to say, you should know that it still does not make the first law untrue. The energy still exists satisfying the first law - that does not mean it can be used to do anything useful, but it still exists.
    Last edited by Strychnine; 04-22-2015, 07:41 AM.

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  • The King
    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
    What part of "less than" is so confusing to you stupid mofos? And the "less than" of the first law means the first law isn't true. It's also why no one has ever built a Carnot engine or perpetual motion machine because it's fucking impossible. The Carnot engine fits the first law perfectly but nothing in nature or real or tangible does.

    You guys must still believe in Santa too.

    Less than just what the fuck does that mean to you idiots? What fucking universe does less than equal conserved?
    Originally posted by Mongoose View Post
    Never went to college and had live in the dorm with nerds and deal their all nighter debates about insignificant tangibles have you?
    My nerd brethren in college dorms were mainly mathematics/computer science types, and I don't recall them resorting to the f-bomb as a substitute for substance in their debates amongst themselves.

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  • Gasser64
    So any christians taken a swing at you lately with their sabre? Maybe kidnapped you, forced you to wear an orange jumpsuit? I'd avoid the churches if I were you.

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  • Mongoose
    Originally posted by The King View Post

    You'd think this was a thread about baseball the way this guy is throwing a hissy fit
    Never went to college and had live in the dorm with nerds and deal their all nighter debates about insignificant tangibles have you?

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  • Maddhattter
    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
    What part of "less than" is so confusing to you stupid mofos?
    No part of it. Less potential energy != less energy.

    Originally posted by AnthonyS
    And the "less than" of the first law means the first law isn't true.
    No, it doesn't. The energy is converted from potential energy to a different type of energy.

    Originally posted by AnthonyS
    It's also why no one has ever built a Carnot engine or perpetual motion machine because it's fucking impossible. The Carnot engine fits the first law perfectly but nothing in nature or real or tangible does.
    It's only impossible right now. Even when Carnot stated it was impossible, he said it with the caveat that "impossible" meant "impossible with our current understanding".

    Originally posted by AnthonyS
    You guys must still believe in Santa too.
    Not sure how you're failure to understand the laws of thermodynamics has anything to do with other people believing in Santa. However, this is incorrect as well. But based on your track record here, I doubt it's any surprise to anyone.

    Originally posted by AnthonyS
    Less than just what the fuck does that mean to you idiots? What fucking universe does less than equal conserved?
    Again, the quote states it will have less potential energy. It's no longer potential energy once it's actualized into mechanical, thermal, or other types of energy. No energy goes away, it only stops being potential and becomes another type of energy.

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  • exlude
    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
    What part of "less than" is so confusing to you stupid mofos? And the "less than" of the first law means the first law isn't true. It's also why no one has ever built a Carnot engine or perpetual motion machine because it's fucking impossible. The Carnot engine fits the first law perfectly but nothing in nature or real or tangible does.

    You guys must still believe in Santa too.

    Less than just what the fuck does that mean to you idiots? What fucking universe does less than equal conserved?
    You know potential energy isn't the only energy in a system, right?

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  • The King

    You'd think this was a thread about baseball the way this guy is throwing a hissy fit

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  • AnthonyS
    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
    Whoa there, kemosabe.

    The ENTIRE first law relates to the conservation of energy. The whole thing. That's the point. The sum of mass and energy will ALWAYS be the same.

    0+5 = 5
    1+4 = 5
    2+3 = 5
    3+2 = 5
    4+1 = 5
    5+0 = 5

    The second law, putting entropy in layman's terms, says:

    in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state

    Zeroth law - equlibrium
    First law - statement of conservation
    Second law - direction of conservation
    Third law - absolute zero

    Do we need to get some Bill Nye up in here?

    What part of "less than" is so confusing to you stupid mofos? And the "less than" of the first law means the first law isn't true. It's also why no one has ever built a Carnot engine or perpetual motion machine because it's fucking impossible. The Carnot engine fits the first law perfectly but nothing in nature or real or tangible does.

    You guys must still believe in Santa too.

    Less than just what the fuck does that mean to you idiots? What fucking universe does less than equal conserved?

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  • Nash B.
    In before he claims to know more about thermodynamics because he goes to more games than the rest of us.

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  • Maddhattter
    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
    Whoa there, kemosabe.

    The ENTIRE first law relates to the conservation of energy. The whole thing. That's the point. The sum of mass and energy will ALWAYS be the same.

    0+5 = 5
    1+4 = 5
    2+3 = 5
    3+2 = 5
    4+1 = 5
    5+0 = 5

    The second law, putting entropy in layman's terms, says:

    Zeroth law - equlibrium
    First law - statement of conservation
    Second law - direction of conservation
    Third law - absolute zero

    Do we need to get some Bill Nye up in here?

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  • racrguy
    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
    Do we need to get some Bill Nye up in here?

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  • mstng86
    Originally posted by Strychnine View Post
    thermodynamics shit
    psssh even I knew that

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  • Strychnine
    Originally posted by AnthonyS View Post
    Madhatter, energy isn't conserved via the 1st law of Thermo. That's why the 2nd Law came into being. The 2nd Law disproves the concept of perpetual motion machines.
    Whoa there, kemosabe.

    The ENTIRE first law relates to the conservation of energy. The whole thing. That's the point. The sum of mass and energy will ALWAYS be the same.

    First Law of Thermodynamics:
    Energy can be changed from one form to another, but it cannot be created or destroyed. The total amount of energy and matter in the Universe remains constant, merely changing from one form to another
    0+5 = 5
    1+4 = 5
    2+3 = 5
    3+2 = 5
    4+1 = 5
    5+0 = 5

    The second law, putting entropy in layman's terms, says:
    in all energy exchanges, if no energy enters or leaves the system, the potential energy of the state will always be less than that of the initial state
    Zeroth law - equlibrium
    First law - statement of conservation
    Second law - direction of conservation
    Third law - absolute zero

    Do we need to get some Bill Nye up in here?
    Last edited by Strychnine; 04-21-2015, 09:42 AM.

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