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Weird XBOX 360 Problem??

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jeremycg777 View Post
    May be a moron but your freedom ain't free civilian
    Thanks for your service first of all. How long have you been in? Just wondering because you're the first service-man I've seen on the board say that.
    "Any dog under 50lbs is a cat and cats are pointless." - Ron Swanson


    • #32
      Originally posted by jdgregory84 View Post
      Can you hear the cooling fan coming on? If it's overheating, it'll most likely freeze up.
      Haha, as of now it has no cover on it. So its got the best possible way or not overheating. And yes the cooling fan is working. But dont the first gens run hotter then the second gens?
      GOPR0198 by larrychance88


      • #33
        Originally posted by lo3oz View Post
        maybe pull it apart and check the 5 GPU chips and heat sinks on bottom. they have a little bandaid thing covering them, but when you pull it off the thermal paste is barely present at all. roll up 2 pennies in electrical tape for each and use thermal paste to attach them to the 5 GPUs you took the bandaids off of.

        that's how we fixed my dad's xbox. we also found the x-clamps completely missing.
        Haha, Ive seen people do that. Never tried it though. Ive got 2 xboxs currently, One is the shitty first gen, and I have an elite which is currently sitting apart in my room. Done the thermal paste compound several times on it. It only works for like a week or so. However, IF you do the towel trick and let it shut its self off cause it over heated. It works, but only for a lil while. Im tired of fucking with the elite. So my friend gave me a first gen he had laying around and its been fine up till now.
        GOPR0198 by larrychance88


        • #34
          Also, it appears not to freeze while playing Midnight Club LA. If i put in something like Black Ops or Forza, itll freeze.. Whys that??
          GOPR0198 by larrychance88


          • #35
            Heres how it sits now. Just so theres no overheating issue.

            ITs got the shitty heat sink and shit. This thing gets hott! lol. Well not with the a/c going but it will heat my room up if i dont have a fan going.
            GOPR0198 by larrychance88

