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Rogue Cop fans?

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  • #46
    Originally posted by SEB View Post
    It just sucks that the LAPD drove a good solid American to feel like he had to go to these limits to make his point.
    Good solid American? This guy was a giant piece of shit. And because he wrote a piece of shit murderer's manifesto looking for sympathy, he managed to get it from the weak-minded. No offense intended, but you gotta be stupid and/or lacking in moral fortitude to get behind this guy.

    For the record, LAPD is obviously full of pieces of shit, too. That doesn't justify this dude's actions in any way. And really, it's not like he broke the news.

    This guy doesn't even deserve credit for standing up for something. He was a pussy that went after easy, innocent targets and then hid.

    Don't get caught up in the sensationalist bullshit.


    • #47
      Originally posted by naynay View Post
      ...modern day smokey (and the bandit)?
      He got pretty smokey there toward the end. But now he's just another a Krispy Kreme. Adios, asshole. Enjoy Hell.


      • #48
        Fuck em.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
          What about the two ladies delivering the paper that these moron cops riddled their truck with bullets, they didn't die but they were trying to kill the occupants, how about a fuck you to your fellow boys in blue. Was that not attempted murder?
          LAPD will sweep that under the carpet! They don't want any bad press. Cops are all saints and saviors!! LMAO


          • #50
            if you bend a man till he breaks, he has nothing to lose. clearly his situation with the lapd was shit. he shouldn't have killed that guys daughter but it seems he decided to take something from him that mattered.

            i have to say, just following the actions of the lapd over the past few days... shooting up two trucks, authorizing the use of drones, $2M dead or alive, a shootout at the cabin, setting it on fire. apparently this guy has a point about the LAPD
            ᶘ ᵒᴥᵒᶅ


            • #51
              Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
              They should be punished accordingly for it. Obviously their stress was at a max but they let training go out the window...
              Ohhh, you mean the usual cop "punishment" of several months of paid vacation while other cops "investigate" what happened?

              Or do you mean they should have each been ARRESTED on the spot for attempted murder?

              Originally posted by SSMAN
              ...Welcome to the land of "Fuck it". No body cares, and if they do, no body cares.


              • #52
                Happiness is a choice. His actions should be blamed on no one else but himself. Yes deserved to die and I hope he burns in hell.


                • #53
                  If he was wrongly terminated, which wouldn't surprise me at all, I feel bad for the guy, but killing innocent civilians is wrong, period! The dude snapped and needed to be stopped. Oh, yea. Fuck the LAPD! Nobody wins in a situation like this. I believe dorner about being wrongly terminated, but he went about it the wrong way.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Forever_frost View Post
                    You mean pissing on insurgents after a gun fight and they were already dead? Yes. They aren't covered by the Constitution. This man was. And setting fire to burn him alive? Beyond reprehensible. You cannot possibly think that pissing on a dead body is the same as burning someone alive and cheering.

                    Oh, and every one of those guys were punished with loss of rank, pay and I think one got jail time and discharged. What are these cops going to get?
                    So you seem to be pretty certain that the police set the fire. Post some substantive evidence of this (keep in mind that rumors propagated by Alex Jones don't meet the criteria for evidence), because I haven't seen any.

                    And how should the fire department be expected risk their lives to run in and put out the fire while being shot at by a deranged homicidal lunatic? They can't.

                    The fact of the matter is this: That man was a rabid animal and deserved the same consideration a rabid animal would get. Nobody forced him to do anything. People get screwed over at their jobs daily. Making a hero out of this sociopath will only encourage others to follow in his footsteps.


                    • #55
                      Just like other situations (i.e. Plane into IRS building in Austin...etc...etc), their message is lost in the mess they create.

                      I understand him losing it. I understand his message and point. I can not get behind and support someone who kills an innocent. It's no different than killing the family of a murderer who is going to be executed legally - even though they are innocent.

                      I'm not losing any sleep over him being killed - but I am sad that the OTHER core problem is going to be glossed over. (government corruption)
                      Originally posted by MR EDD
                      U defend him who use's racial slurs like hes drinking water.


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                        So you seem to be pretty certain that the police set the fire. Post some substantive evidence of this (keep in mind that rumors propagated by Alex Jones don't meet the criteria for evidence), because I haven't seen any.
                        Around 1 minute it gets interesting


                        • #57
                          Not sure how to feel, i understand making a stand, but killing people over racism..silly. What about the innocents that died too!

                          would be interesting if body in cabin is another one off his list though....then it gets a movie


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by jewozzy View Post
                            Oh no loss of rank! None of them deserved jail time but loss of rank or discharge should have happened to each of them. Discharge probably should have been reserved for the one that was dumb enough to load the picture on the internet...
                            Loss of rank means loss of money and position. It also hurts them next time they're up for promotion and a discharge can fuck you for life. Again, what is going to happen to these cops who opened fire on innocents and, instead of trying to arrest Dorner, set a cabin on fire?
                            I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by JP135 View Post
                              So you seem to be pretty certain that the police set the fire. Post some substantive evidence of this (keep in mind that rumors propagated by Alex Jones don't meet the criteria for evidence), because I haven't seen any.

                              And how should the fire department be expected risk their lives to run in and put out the fire while being shot at by a deranged homicidal lunatic? They can't.

                              The fact of the matter is this: That man was a rabid animal and deserved the same consideration a rabid animal would get. Nobody forced him to do anything. People get screwed over at their jobs daily. Making a hero out of this sociopath will only encourage others to follow in his footsteps.
                              You mean other than the video of the police yelling "Burn him out" and "Burn motherfucker burn?" Or the fact that the news reported that someone tried to leave the cabin but was pushed back in? Or that they absolutely refused to let the fire department try to put out the fire before it burned itself out?

                              What more would you like? A written confession from teh police?
                              I wear a Fez. Fez-es are cool


                              • #60
                                The first video that was posted in 56 was the recording of the police communications talking about it. They burned it down around him.

