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Active shooter....Las Vegas

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  • #46
    Don't investigate me! Focus on NRA instead!

    Hillary Clinton took heat Monday for issuing what critics called an “ignorant” and “irrelevant” statement going after the NRA and silencers in the hours after the Las Vegas mass shooting.

    Though details are still emerging about Sunday’s massacre, Clinton, the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee, took to Twitter to hammer the NRA over a push to ease federal rules for silencers.
    Originally posted by Taya Kyle, American Gun
    There comes a time when honest debate, serious diplomatic efforts, and logical arguments have been exhausted and only men and women willing to take up arms against evil will suffice to save the freedom of a nation or continent.


    • #47
      Insane. Sounded fully automatic to me


      • #48
        Originally posted by Danny46 View Post
        Insane. Sounded fully automatic to me
        Sounds like bump fire to me. ROF too inconsistent for auto IMO.


        • #49
          Two minutes of facts and the rest of the day is spent with "contributors" talking out of their assholes. 'Murrica.


          • #50
            Originally posted by Darren M View Post
            Don't investigate me! Focus on NRA instead!

            So were silencers involved?


            • #51
              Originally posted by CJ View Post
              sounds like a gat trigger.
              Makes sense. No breaks in the string like with a bump fire or binary, but changes it rate.


              • #52
                Originally posted by David View Post
                Now that was a machine gun.
                I went listening to videos this morning and sounds like an AK74 to my untrained ears over crappy cell phones. I youtubed M16, AR10, AK47's and 74's and the 74 sounded the closest to rate and report. Doubt we will ever know for sure..only what we will be fed.


                • #53
                  From /pol via arfcom:

                  Originally posted by Notrega

                  200610709100% (1)

                  GA, USA

                  *Posted: Today 12:16:34 PM EDT

                  ROLL UP POST*

                  NEWEST INFO*
                  - 58 Killed*
                  - 515 Injured*
                  - Sheriff confirms that piece of shit brought everything on his on and GF was NOT the one warning people they would die (@zpack)*
                  - Sheriff confirms explosives used to breach room and rounds expended by officers*
                  - FBI states piece of shit was not a member of any international terrorist groups*

                  - 58 Killed*
                  - 515 Injured*
                  - 22k at venue*
                  - Piece of Shit suicided instead of facing cops*
                  - Used FA or faux FA weapon(s)*
                  - Sheriff confirms that piece of shit brought everything on his on and GF was NOT the one warning people they would die (@zpack)*
                  -*Best Overall Article (DailyMail)*
                  -*Trump Speech on Shooting*

                  INFO ON PIECE OF SHIT*
                  - Stephen Paddock (64) W/M*
                  - In Vegas since 9/28*
                  - Previous FL resident*
                  - Going through divorce*
                  -*Heavy - Stephen Paddock: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know*

                  - Little to none at the moment*
                  -*FHRC IS STILL A CUNT*

                  - Many ARFCOMers either believe piece of shit used either a*GAT CRANK*or that it was a legit FA either legal or illegally modified due to the way the sound reverberates around the building*
                  -*Las Vegas shooting: 'YOU'RE ALL GOING TO DIE' – SHOCK WARNING 45 minutes before attack - THIS WAS NOT THE GF*
                  - ISIS has claimed piece of shit was a recent convert to the religion of piece*
                  - 4chan posts claims piece of shit was antifa*
                  - Video in Spoiler of piece of shit allegedly at an anti-trump protest*


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Jose View Post
                    So were silencers involved?
                    As the definitions stated in the link provided, it is called a suppressor. Not a silencer.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by aggie97 View Post
                      I went listening to videos this morning and sounds like an AK74 to my untrained ears over crappy cell phones.


                      • #56
                        58 dead and 515 injured now. This is so tragic.

                        The police said the gunman killed himself after firing on concertgoers outside, leaving more than 500 people injured.
                        Token Split Tail

                        Originally posted by slow99
               favorite female poster strikes again.
                        Originally posted by Pokulski-Blatz
                        You are a moron .... you were fucking with the most powerful vagina on DFW(MU)stangs.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                          As the definitions stated in the link provided, it is called a suppressor. Not a silencer.
                          Thanks for that clarification I was mocking Clinton's statement. I'm guessing she's going to push to ban high capacity "clips" again


                          • #58
                            Originally posted by SS Junk View Post
                            As the definitions stated in the link provided, it is called a suppressor. Not a silencer.
                            Calling a suppressor a silencer is acceptable.


                            • #60
                              so crazy! i've seen some crazy video's

