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Another Pit Bull Attack

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  • #46
    I quite possibly saved a kids life on Sunday....but looking back I am not so sure I should have interfered with natural selection.

    There is a neighborhood kid (doesn't live anywhere close to us) that none of the other kids care for (including mine) anyway, my kids and some of the other neighborhood kids were playing football on the side of the house (the outcast kid wasn't allowed to play) a couple of minutes later I hear my new neighbors dog (moved in about a month ago) going nuts between (its a big ass pit bull, and no, I don't know if its ears are cropped), so I stop working on the car and hurry around to the side of the house where I find this dumb-ass kid (the outcast no one cares for) attempting to let this very pissed off dog out of the its back yard but at some point during his brilliant idea he had realized that in doing so, he would have been attacked so he had wedged the dogs head in between the fence and the gate and was fighting to keep the gate closed after he had opened it. So I run over pull the kid out of harms way and kick the gate closed all in what seemed to be one fluid motion (felt like a fucking super hero). Needless to say, I was pretty livid and told the kid to go home (more yelling than telling) and not to come back and I haven't seen him since. None of the other kids were with him, so what I assumed happened is this kid was pissed cause the other kids wouldn't let him play and decided to get back them by letting this very large, and very aggressive dog out of its back yard.

    The next day, I see the owner pull into his driveway and explained what had happened and asked him to put a lock on the gate so it cant be opened or preferably, leave the dog inside unless he is out back with it. The damn thing has already started chewing a hole at the bottom of the fence. Since he has moved in, I have had to carry either my gun or a bat just to take the damn trash cans out of the back yard to the curb cause that dog goes fucking bananas and tries to get at me.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Rick Modena View Post
      No shit, they are hillarious...
      raped a clerk, 3.1.2, and gunt lover are my faves


      • #48
        Originally posted by Steve View Post
        If there is strangers in my backyard they deserve to get bit. Lol
        This is true. Just be careful when company comes over. They can mistake general playing for someone trying to hurt you or the kids. Other than that, I love sheperds. I have had several. I have to say though, labs make the best pets for kids.


        • #49
          Originally posted by Steve View Post
          There was a Pit loose in our neighborhood yesterday while my daughter was playing outside. The dog was loose with no owner in sight, nor any tags around it's neck. Had the dog gotten anywhere near my little girl I wouldn't have thought twice about ending that dog. I'm not taking any chances with that shit.
          You can't armbar a pit lol, unless you know the dog and how it moves or you have some sort of weapon on you.. They are about 75 lbs of the strongest muscle, extremely high pain tolerance, and a bite like no other. Should one be loose? hell no and thats a bad owner imo!!! That said, i have 2 and they are both 10 years old and have never bitten anyone.. As said before in this thread.. I might be a d-bag yada yada.. but i truely care for dogs and I have basically raised 2 pits that have never shown agression to people inside my house (they dont like people walking around the fence though as most dogs feel the same way). Im not saying pits are as safe as poodles but i am saying if they are brought up in a good home, somewhat trained, and get the attention they want/crave/need... there is no reason not to own one.. EDIT: I'll also add that mine stay inside while my wife and i are away


          • #50
            Originally posted by 03trubluGT
            Your opinion is what sucks.
            You are too stupied and arrogant


            • #51
              I have an Argentino Dogo; everyone swears that she is a pit bull and most do not want to pet her. Sweetest dog on earth, not a full blood pit bull. It is sad that every *mean* looking dog is labeled a viscous pit.
              Detailing by Dylan
              Ask about the Pre-Spring special


              • #52
                Originally posted by 89gt-stanger View Post
                It is sad that every pit is labeled a *mean* looking, viscous dog.



                • #53
                  Originally posted by 89gt-stanger View Post
                  I have an Argentino Dogo; everyone swears that she is a pit bull and most do not want to pet her. Sweetest dog on earth, not a full blood pit bull. It is sad that every *mean* looking dog is labeled a viscous pit.
                  sticky, thick, and adhesive dogs totally suck!


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Cooter View Post

                    I just think that the pit-bull is the current go-to trash dog.

                    It's unfortunate for the breed, but if you have a neck tattoo and are a dog owner, 10:1 it's a pit bull. THAT's my point.

                    Pit bulls are born and bred killers. It's in their genetic coding. You mix that trait with a bunch of ignorant, trash breeders and/or owners and you get a fucking powder keg that UNFORTUNATELY needs to be eradicated

                    It seems the dumbest people who want a dog get a pit, then can't seem to control what should be a lesser lifeform. Problem is, in the case of a vast number of pit owners, the dog has more intelligence. No matter the breed, this is a recipe for disaster, and they pick the breed that does the most damage. Figures.

                    Originally posted by BlackSnake View Post
                    Shepards are usually great pets, but they are very protective and territorial. Be careful with them around strangers
                    This is very true as well.

                    My GS is big, black, and scarry. She's a big baby until you start trying to rough her up, or she sees a stranger. If she knows you she'll protect you and be your shadow. If you're a stranger, best of luck to you. Neutral territory is not as much of a concern, but I'm always careful with new encounters in her territory.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by Dave View Post

                      It seems the dumbest people who want a dog get a pit, then can't seem to control what should be a lesser lifeform. Problem is, in the case of a vast number of pit owners, the dog has more intelligence. No matter the breed, this is a recipe for disaster, and they pick the breed that does the most damage. Figures.

                      This is very true as well.

                      My GS is big, black, and scarry. She's a big baby until you start trying to rough her up, or she sees a stranger. If she knows you she'll protect you and be your shadow. If you're a stranger, best of luck to you. Neutral territory is not as much of a concern, but I'm always careful with new encounters in her territory.
                      so your german shepard can be protective and a pit cant? I guess I'm a dumb person for owning one. I had a couple friends (grown adults) who owned abpt's and honestly they are who turned me on to them.. They are terriers so obviously they have a lot of personality and require more attention than most non/terrier breeds.. My dad has one too and his is 13 and also never bitten anyone. Any dog can be a bad dog and bite people and i will agree to the majority that most pits are bred improperly(inbred/linebred) and end up in the wrong hands.. But if you do your research... (over the years) a true pit with good bloodlines for weight pulling were not bred to attack other dogs... I paid a decent amount of money for both of mine, they both have weight pulling champion backgrounds. All of this is certainly my biased point.. Mine are good around people and kids (only under supervision as my wife and i wouldnt even leave a lab unatended around children). I used to even take mine to the dog park til my female got attacked by another dog walking down my alley (2002) ans she really hasnt liked strange dogs since/ the male has no probs with other dogs and plays with my friends great dane and has a good ole time!!!


                      • #56
                        Originally posted by Cooter View Post

                        I just think that the pit-bull is the current go-to trash dog.

                        It's unfortunate for the breed, but if you have a neck tattoo and are a dog owner, 10:1 it's a pit bull. THAT's my point.

                        Pit bulls are born and bred killers. It's in their genetic coding. You mix that trait with a bunch of ignorant, trash breeders and/or owners and you get a fucking powder keg that UNFORTUNATELY needs to be eradicated
                        I can see your point assuming you never owned one or have been around one that has been brought up around a good family. But lets say that dog has seen nothing but love from the owners and kids and has been tought to play/fetch/ swim at the lake and chase sticks down.. what makes that dog worse than any other terrier/or even any dog for that matter? other than its bite capability? Keep in mind during all of these activities the dogs are on one of those really long leashes so they can swim out to the balls/branches


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Stephen View Post
                          I can see your point assuming you never owned one or have been around one that has been brought up around a good family. But lets say that dog has seen nothing but love from the owners and kids and has been tought to play/fetch/ swim at the lake and chase sticks down.. what makes that dog worse than any other terrier/or even any dog for that matter? other than its bite capability? Keep in mind during all of these activities the dogs are on one of those really long leashes so they can swim out to the balls/branches
                          I've been around good ones. I love pit bulls. But the only way to keep them out of the hands of trash is to just get rid of them.

                          Yes, their bite capability. They were bred to kill. They're really good at it


                          • #58
                            Don't care for German Shepherds either, as they are just as bad. Three times now I've seen them attack children, and literally two days ago one tried to attack my nine year old. That happened at a friends house where I was helping to fix her pool pump and throw chemicals in to kill the green. We had literally two minutes before been discussing this topic, I had related that I didn't trust the breed (especially around children) and she had assured me that hers was different. We started walking off and my little guy was about 7-8 steps behind us and heard the dog issue an aggressive bark/snarl and my little guy yelp in fear. I turned and was on it and the dog backed off. He was literally grabbing at my boys leg when I broke for him.

                            Scared the hell out of me.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by mikec View Post
                              Don't care for German Shepherds either, as they are just as bad. Three times now I've seen them attack children, and literally two days ago one tried to attack my nine year old. That happened at a friends house where I was helping to fix her pool pump and throw chemicals in to kill the green. We had literally two minutes before been discussing this topic, I had related that I didn't trust the breed (especially around children) and she had assured me that hers was different. We started walking off and my little guy was about 7-8 steps behind us and heard the dog issue an aggressive bark/snarl and my little guy yelp in fear. I turned and was on it and the dog backed off. He was literally grabbing at my boys leg when I broke for him.

                              Scared the hell out of me.
                              Trash Breed, we need to get rid of them all.


                              • #60
                                Originally posted by roliath View Post
                                Trash Breed, we need to get rid of them all.

