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Fort Worth gypsy travlers? Wth

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Jedi View Post
    Not far off at all.

    You will never get an honest answer from one. Ever. The reason I can't locate a mug shot is because I don't even know her real name. Her whole identity was a detailed alias, but was complete fiction. Hell, she even went as far as to be jewish to keep up the appearance.

    If you ever run across a traveler, just move on. They are a cancer and nothing good comes from being involved with them at all.
    lawlz. chris got herp from a gypsy!

    god bless.
    Last edited by ELVIS; 11-30-2012, 11:07 AM.
    It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken men -Frederick Douglass


    • #32
      Nah, just glitter on his sheets.


      • #33
        Originally posted by talisman View Post
        Nah, just glitter on his sheets.
        for the past 3 years.
        Originally posted by PGreenCobra
        I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
        Originally posted by Trip McNeely
        Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
        dont downshift!!
        Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


        • #34
          Originally posted by turbostang View Post
          Yep, had a lot of problems with them.
          Any good stories?


          • #35
            Sometime in the late winter or early spring, men and boys from Fort Worth and White Settlement fan out across the country in search of work. They’ll be mostly …

            Going Without Notice
            Paul K. Harral

            Sometime in the late winter or early spring, men and boys from Fort Worth and White Settlement fan out across the country in search of work. They’ll be mostly gone until the late fall, when they return for the heart of the winter. Some call them Gypsies — a term they consider derogative and factually incorrect since they bear no relationship to the Romani people. You may know them — if you know of them at all — as Irish Travellers. And the odds are that if you know of them, it is in a negative sense.

            “Irish Travelers linked to home-repair scams,” The Daily Oklahoman; “Peach County residents are advised to be wary of a potential paving scam,” The Macon (Ga.) Telegraph; “Police: Be wary of scam paving contractors,”

            The Travellers are a close-knit people, intermarrying primarily within a small number of families and bound by their own code of conduct that traces to their original Ireland and to a small group of immigrant families that entered the United States beginning in the 1840s, fleeing the Irish potato famine.

            “Ninety percent of them are great people,” says one local businessman who has been dealing with the local group for years. “Ten percent of them are rotten. But I’m sure my family makeup’s worse than that. I may be on the 50-50 part of good to rotten.” A survey of Fort Worth Police Department records for disturbance calls in west Fort Worth from January 2009 through March 2010 show that about 44 percent of the 195 calls in the business district along Clifford Street and White Settlement Road just south of the Legacy subdivision likely are linked to Travellers. Police officers based that on prior history and experience. Travellers own a number of houses in that area.

            The calls mostly involve younger people and relate to disturbances in the stores and harassment of other customers. Often those calling police said they had asked the young people to leave and that they had refused. Some reported that this was an “ongoing problem.” Several reported inappropriate behavior on the part of young girls, including lifting their skirts in front of men. One call reported that several young men were hitting baseballs in a Home Depot parking lot about 8:30 p.m. Feb. 26, 2009, and that the baseballs were hitting vehicles in the lot. Six months later, police were called to break up a fight involving about 30 people in the parking lot.

            Several reported groups of young men and women darting into traffic and then jumping back and yelling and gesturing to the passing drivers. In December 2009, four calls reported disturbances and damage at the Staybridge Suites Hotel on Clifford. Police believe that slightly more than 84 percent of residential disturbance from that subdivision over the same period of time could be linked to Travellers. Residential complaints were highest January through May in 2009, dropped sharply June through October and picked up again in November 2009 through March 2010.
            Last edited by scootro; 11-30-2012, 11:57 AM.


            • #36
              Out in Weatherford, State Trooper John Forrest has been watching itinerant pavers — believed to be from some branch of the Travellers — since 1972 when he first came to the area. Both he and his former partner and his current one, Cpl. David Smith, consider it a cause. The people they see typically provide shoddy work at seemingly incredible prices and leave the area quickly. They’ll offer to lay pavement at a price that’s too good to be true — and usually is.

              Fort Worth Police Officer K.D. Jacobs is the NPO — neighborhood police officer — for Neighborhood Police District No. 9, also know as the Mary District, West Division. A number of known Travellers live in his district. He, too, doesn’t think local Travellers are involved in these kinds of scams in the area.

              An example is Travis Modrall, owner of Primetime Valet, which services high-end restaurants in Fort Worth. He’d never heard of the Travellers until he got into the business. To be fair, there were only a handful of incidents each year and none recently, but in half of the cases, his attendants would face some kind of scam — switching a $1 bill for a $10 bill on payment, or driving away without paying or claiming damage to a vehicle that had not occurred. Restaurants report similar experiences.

              Travellers arrive in groups and fill the place, sometimes becoming a disruption for other customers. Managers assign senior waiters because of claims that the meal was not satisfactory and requests for no charge. Jacobs gives an example: They might say, “ ‘This isn’t any good. I want it for free.’ Or they’ll come in and say, ‘The manager said I could have so and so free this time.’ Just doing little scams like that,” he said. “Is the presence more just a severe aggravation? The stores know that they are getting ripped off when some of the adults and kids come through,” Jacobs said.

              “Generally, everybody is afraid of retaliation,” he said. “Some of the businesses, they spend money and so the employees have to take the abuse.” In the past, Fort Worth police confrontations with known Travellers were primarily associated with calls to the city’s bars. Those have dropped off with the rise of a Traveller-owned establishment, The Silver Dollar at 2811 Cherry Lane.

              Law enforcement officers who study them say some within the various Travellers branches are sophisticated at running construction scams, elaborate confidence games, shoplifting and other illegal or questionable activities. The money — from whatever source — is good, and that is shown in the vehicles the Travellers buy and drive both for work and for basic transportation and the restaurants they frequent. In fact, the vehicles are a clue for those who know what to look for.

              “When they would come in, usually we could spot them, because a lot of times they would be in a white vehicle, and the vehicle would be new, and it wouldn’t have tags on it most times,” said Modrall. Temporary tags. Lot of times paper tags on them.” That’s something Jacobs has noticed, too, in traffic stops and other police business.

              “They’ll have the tags sometimes off the old cars sometimes on the new cars,” Jacobs said. “They print their own paper tags or they’ll go buy some temporary paper tags and change the dates on it and use the tag over and over.” Ouzts also noted the vehicles, saying they stand out in what is pretty much a blue-collar town. I can tell you that people who are long-time residents of White Settlement don’t typically drive Mercedes-Benzes or Hummers or haul $100,000 travel trailers,” he said. “That being said, somebody can afford that, then somebody can afford that.” Some Travellers still live as their ancestors in Ireland and their forbearers who came to this country in the mid-1800s did. Then it was in horse- or mule-drawn wagons. Now it is top-of-the-line mobile homes and travel trailers.

              If you catch them – whether it’s a child or an adult – the family wants to buy them out. Pay for damages, pay for whatever. But only if you get caught,” Jacobs said.

              They have a tremendous cell phone network,” he said. “I don’t know whether it’s just by texting or not or how they do it. But something happens, everybody knows it.” In some parts of the country, marriages are still arranged and take place very young and, because women outnumber men among the clans, the families of daughters pay a dowry to the families of eligible bachelors. The two priests who served at St. Peter the Apostle said they’d never heard of dowry payments among the White Settlement group.

              “That’s the first time I ever came across the Travellers,” said Jacobs, the Fort Worth police officer. The driver of the vehicle in the 2000 fatal accident was 14 as was a passenger. One victim was 12 and three were 13, according to various news reports at the time. All carried identifications that listed them as 20 years old.
              Last edited by scootro; 11-30-2012, 11:58 AM.


              • #37
                I live over off Clifford and see them constantly. I honestly don't see how those girls don't get abducted and raped. There way underage and some dress likes whores working a topless bar.


                • #38
                  Originally posted by crooner View Post
                  I live over off Clifford and see them constantly. I honestly don't see how those girls don't get abducted and raped. There way underage and some dress likes whores working a topless bar.

                  You fuck with one gypsy you fuck with all of them. God help you if they catch you. My parents have some pretty interesting stories from living in Germany in the 60s in an apartment building run by them.


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by crooner View Post
                    I live over off Clifford and see them constantly. I honestly don't see how those girls don't get abducted and raped. There way underage and some dress likes whores working a topless bar.
                    Hi, neighbor!

                    Originally posted by scootro View Post
                    Residential complaints generally dealt with late night and noisy gathering in the neighborhood or its streets and loitering at nearby North Elementary School. One complained that youths were turning on exterior water at houses, banging on doors or ringing door bells and running, careless driving, blocking traffic and entering people’s property without permission.

                    Only four complaints dealt with residential thefts in the neighborhood and three of those involved Yellow Cab drivers who reported people refusing to pay. One fare was reported at $175.

                    Another involved “some kids” who “jumped out and ran w/o [without] paying.” One recent business report involved a truck repair when the owner asked to test drive the vehicle before paying and never returned. A warrant has been issued in the case.

                    Out in Weatherford, State Trooper John Forrest has been watching itinerant pavers — believed to be from some branch of the Travellers — since 1972 when he first came to the area. Both he and his former partner and his current one, Cpl. David Smith, consider it a cause. The people they see typically provide shoddy work at seemingly incredible prices and leave the area quickly. They’ll offer to lay pavement at a price that’s too good to be true — and usually is.

                    Fort Worth Police Officer K.D. Jacobs is the NPO — neighborhood police officer — for Neighborhood Police District No. 9, also know as the Mary District, West Division. A number of known Travellers live in his district. He, too, doesn’t think local Travellers are involved in these kinds of scams in the area.

                    An example is Travis Modrall, owner of Primetime Valet, which services high-end restaurants in Fort Worth. He’d never heard of the Travellers until he got into the business. To be fair, there were only a handful of incidents each year and none recently, but in half of the cases, his attendants would face some kind of scam — switching a $1 bill for a $10 bill on payment, or driving away without paying or claiming damage to a vehicle that had not occurred. Restaurants report similar experiences.

                    Travellers arrive in groups and fill the place, sometimes becoming a disruption for other customers. Managers assign senior waiters because of claims that the meal was not satisfactory and requests for no charge. Jacobs gives an example: They might say, “ ‘This isn’t any good. I want it for free.’ Or they’ll come in and say, ‘The manager said I could have so and so free this time.’ Just doing little scams like that,” he said. “Is the presence more just a severe aggravation? The stores know that they are getting ripped off when some of the adults and kids come through,” Jacobs said.

                    “Generally, everybody is afraid of retaliation,” he said. “Some of the businesses, they spend money and so the employees have to take the abuse.” In the past, Fort Worth police confrontations with known Travellers were primarily associated with calls to the city’s bars. Those have dropped off with the rise of a Traveller-owned establishment, The Silver Dollar at 2811 Cherry Lane.

                    “We’ve banned them pretty much,” said the manager of one golf course. “If we can catch them and recognize them, we turn them away.” This manager said that older Traveller men themselves complain about the behavior of the younger ones, saying that it has made it difficult for them to play at area golf courses. “They come in, and they buy a lot of our merchandise,” the manager said. “They have cash and they’ll just keep throwing $100 bills up on the counter.” But at the end of the day, with damage to the course and equipment and with items missing from the pro shop, it simply isn’t worth the aggravation, the manager said.

                    “They’re threatening to our other golfers,” the manager said. “It lost us a lot of business, and there for a while we had a bad reputation as any golf course would that lets them on.” One owner of a high-end restaurant reported similar disruption and said that “I need butts in the seats, but I don’t need them that badly.” It is somewhat of a cultural clash as well.

                    Law enforcement officers who study them say some within the various Travellers branches are sophisticated at running construction scams, elaborate confidence games, shoplifting and other illegal or questionable activities. The money — from whatever source — is good, and that is shown in the vehicles the Travellers buy and drive both for work and for basic transportation and the restaurants they frequent. In fact, the vehicles are a clue for those who know what to look for.

                    “When they would come in, usually we could spot them, because a lot of times they would be in a white vehicle, and the vehicle would be new, and it wouldn’t have tags on it most times,” said Modrall. Temporary tags. Lot of times paper tags on them.” That’s something Jacobs has noticed, too, in traffic stops and other police business.

                    “They’ll have the tags sometimes off the old cars sometimes on the new cars,” Jacobs said. “They print their own paper tags or they’ll go buy some temporary paper tags and change the dates on it and use the tag over and over.” Ouzts also noted the vehicles, saying they stand out in what is pretty much a blue-collar town. I can tell you that people who are long-time residents of White Settlement don’t typically drive Mercedes-Benzes or Hummers or haul $100,000 travel trailers,” he said. “That being said, somebody can afford that, then somebody can afford that.” Some Travellers still live as their ancestors in Ireland and their forbearers who came to this country in the mid-1800s did. Then it was in horse- or mule-drawn wagons. Now it is top-of-the-line mobile homes and travel trailers.

                    If you catch them – whether it’s a child or an adult – the family wants to buy them out. Pay for damages, pay for whatever. But only if you get caught,” Jacobs said.

                    They have a tremendous cell phone network,” he said. “I don’t know whether it’s just by texting or not or how they do it. But something happens, everybody knows it.” In some parts of the country, marriages are still arranged and take place very young and, because women outnumber men among the clans, the families of daughters pay a dowry to the families of eligible bachelors. The two priests who served at St. Peter the Apostle said they’d never heard of dowry payments among the White Settlement group.

                    “That’s the first time I ever came across the Travellers,” said Jacobs, the Fort Worth police officer. The driver of the vehicle in the 2000 fatal accident was 14 as was a passenger. One victim was 12 and three were 13, according to various news reports at the time. All carried identifications that listed them as 20 years old.
                    It took them forever to identify one of the bodies, because no one would come clean. I've often wondered why the city won't crack down on them, but I'm sure it's small town politics and money at the end of the day being their reasoning.


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by crooner View Post
                      I live over off Clifford and see them constantly. I honestly don't see how those girls don't get abducted and raped. There way underage and some dress likes whores working a topless bar.
                      You don't mess with gypsy girls. They will rape your whole family and your dog. Christian values turn girls into prudes, exact opposite with them. My cousin went to school with several of them and they would suck a dick with a quickness.

                      In some sects they bring in new blood to keep from inbreeding and due to the number of women/men. I've been around a good many and they are definitely different, but they aren't all bad. I've seen areas where when they take off to travel they completely board up the houses and move all valuables off site for storage. The paving thing is just their most common scam, they've got around 100. In some areas they set up permanent business


                      • #41
                        A story from Officer Jacobs?¿ Wow if you ever have a run in with that mofo, just know he is strictly by the book on everything. Tons of parents even a ton on my buddies who all grew up over there know that name all too well. Most the girls do dress up like little skanks, they are all Irish, have the accent, and could really give two sits about anything. That's what happens with their upbringing.


                        There are two safe houses in two separate neighborhoods where they keep all the money, no people live in them, just money.

                        Good day!
                        Don't Mess With Texas.


                        • #42
                          can someone post some pics of these people?
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                          • #43
                            all over west plano and frisco cities as well. lol all the kids look the same and all the brothers and uncles and random dudes in the family all look the fucking same. pricks that try to hustle you outta your pants and scams scams scams. worthless fucks.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by Mach1 View Post
                              can someone post some pics of these people?
                              Originally posted by PGreenCobra
                              I can't get over the fact that you get to go live the rest of your life, knowing that someone made a Halloween costume out of you. LMAO!!
                              Originally posted by Trip McNeely
                              Originally posted by dsrtuckteezy
                              dont downshift!!
                              Go do a whooly in front of a Peterbilt.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by Cooter View Post
                                And they all have the same oddball north east accent.
                                Sounds just like the ones we have out here, I call them the asphalt gypsies. If you have a packed caliche drive they will try and hustle you to let them lay "left over asphalt" from a job for a hell of a deal lol. There is another one that comes buy at least every 3-4 months trying to seal coat our asphalt.

